For those of you who think Biden is in control of the price of oil, well..

You fucking idiot..

ITS CALLED LICENSING POLICIES and LAWS... The Department of Energy is the one who licenses these entities. You can't be this stupid, Can you?

You can stir the tea leaves and split hairs in an attempt to blur the picture

But it wont work

Biden told is plainly that he was going to kill the oil industry and the result has been the high gas prices when we fill ip our tanks
I love the way you folks cape up for those "corporate oligarchs and globalists" that yall claim to be so against......

Why do you folks leave out the role, big oil themselves FREELY ADMIT they play in all of this??

"Oil companies are generating record profits and cash flow. According to one executive, "no one wants to see that shareholder return program put at risk with volume growth. Publically, they blame President Biden for stunted production and high gas prices. In private, executives are quietly reassuring investors that production growth will stay flat to protect share buybacks and dividends."

Translation: We prioritizing our corporate greed and profits over the needs of working families having affordable gas prices....

Now if you want government to actually step in and do what you are complaining about -- feel will have lots of support.....but you have to plainly state that you believe government is obligated to both control gas production and gas would make you sound like a socialist, but at least you would be owning the libs
So how does "Government" close oil refineries?

Can you link me to the oil refineries that were closed by Democrats??

Do you folks really think government owns oil refineries??

I bet your dumb ass was claiming Obama was closing banks back during the previous economic crisis -- as if big banks had ZERO to do with it...

Why do you Trumpers always rush in to lie for oligarchs??
For this one, due to the financial burden of upgrading its infrastructure and to advance its decarbonization goals pushed by the Biden administration. How the hell can you ass-wipes remain so ignorant is beyond understanding.

Another U.S. Refinery Slated to Close's down about $20 from the recent peak so I have no doubt you folks will be singing Joe's praises (wink) for bringing the price down. In reality, the drop is based on the belief, by the market, an anticipated global recession will result in demand destruction. Meaning the price of oil is set globally based on expectations for supply/demand dynamics largely out of Biden's control.

I think most Repubs know that but couldn't resist the opportunity to pin the blame for gas prices on the guy in the Oval Office with the midterms coming up. And it worked!

Not the price of oil, the price of gas. Learn the difference.
Another filthy liar. 2 dollars a gallon when your senile scumbag took over.
Wasn't that the result of oil trading for negative dollar because there was such a glut of oil after the worlds economy shut down over the pandemic? You're pretending that price range was the norm for the 4 years Trumpyberra was in office.

But that's why the Neo-GOP lies.

It's all they have.
You don't shut down pipelines and cancel drilling leases, putting a serious crimp on the supply end, then get to claim that you didn't have any effect on the price.....That's a concept so simple that even a double-digit I.Q. hack like you should be able to understand.

But newp.....Fucking hacks gonna hack.
That drone isn't interested in logic. It's another apparatchik just posting inane agitprop. These parasites are nothing more than NPC's and we all know it. I'm not sure why we bother acknowledging them.

The Xiden regime gets away with pretending to just be a gaggle of stupid, incompetent fuck sticks with a potato leading the party, because the media will promote a collectivist narrative and all these assholes in the WH and the DNC have to do is rinse, recycle, and repeat.

Not the price of oil, the price of gas. Learn the difference.

"Crude oil prices accounted for 61% of the price tag at the pump in February 2022. Another 14% of the total price of a regular gallon of gasoline went to refining, while the rest went to distribution, marketing, and taxes."

Why are you trying to dumb people down?'s down about $20 from the recent peak so I have no doubt you folks will be singing Joe's praises (wink) for bringing the price down. In reality, the drop is based on the belief, by the market, an anticipated global recession will result in demand destruction. Meaning the price of oil is set globally based on expectations for supply/demand dynamics largely out of Biden's control.

I think most Repubs know that but couldn't resist the opportunity to pin the blame for gas prices on the guy in the Oval Office with the midterms coming up. And it worked!

Biden told you before the election he was going to eliminate fossil fuel use.

Biden told you before the election he was going to outlaw the internal combustion engine, which he has hm'guaranteed' by signing a document / EO calling for this by 2030.

Biden told oil companies before the election he would destroy them...and now has said he is 'surprised they took that personally'

Biden told you before the election he intended to drive the cost of gas so high it would force Americans to embrace theDemocrats' European Green-scam-influenced disastrous energy policies / agenda

Transportation Secretary Buttigieg has told you the goal of Biden's energy policies that have resulted in gas prices more than doubling is to makexfas unaffordable.
- "If you can't afford the price of gas, buy a $60,000 electric car."

Biden has told you as President several times that his plan has been to raise gas prices to unaffordable levels IOT force a transition from fossil fuel / gas use to electric cars...

and you're still trying to convince people none of this is Biden's doing or fault.

I love the way you folks cape up for those "corporate oligarchs and globalists" that yall claim to be so against......

Why do you folks leave out the role, big oil themselves FREELY ADMIT they play in all of this??

"Oil companies are generating record profits and cash flow. According to one executive, "no one wants to see that shareholder return program put at risk with volume growth. Publically, they blame President Biden for stunted production and high gas prices. In private, executives are quietly reassuring investors that production growth will stay flat to protect share buybacks and dividends."

Translation: We prioritizing our corporate greed and profits over the needs of working families having affordable gas prices....

Now if you want government to actually step in and do what you are complaining about -- feel will have lots of support.....but you have to plainly state that you believe government is obligated to both control gas production and gas would make you sound like a socialist, but at least you would be owning the libs

Corporate oligarchs and politicians have been in bed together since the invention of the BIG OIL companies.
Of course CORPORATIONS are going to look after their own first and foremost. They don't want to have to payout more than they have to. This includes paying out politicians to artificially stimulate oil production in their favor when they need it, or creating new laws and amendments to create higher rates for consumers and lower production prices for the oil companies.

This means politicians ARE in charge at some point. They can regulate the MEANS by which gas prices are set.
Because they are politicians, they can overrule the oil companies if serves a better purpose for them to do so.

When you cut off resources, prices for products manufactured from those resources will get price hikes.
When resources are free flowing, said products manufactured from those resources can have lower prices.
This all comes from political regulation of said resources. In other words, the politicians are creating a price coercion by manipulating resources.

Oil companies can set their own prices if they want, but they choose to do it the unethical way, not the honest business way. This way, if the prices go up, they have the politicians to blame, even though 99% of the time it IS their fault. If the prices go down, the oil companies take all the credit.

Did you never take economics and politics in school???
Just think, the more democrats can get the world economy to collapse the cheaper oil will become

At least they have a plan

Well done.
Economics 101. Fear of a global recession is due to central banks around the world raising interest rates to combat inflation. Many Trumpleton's have tried, but none of you have made a compelling argument that Biden is responsible for global inflation.
Another filthy liar. 2 dollars a gallon when your senile scumbag took over.
That was pre the Trump price rise...

We have explained to you... Trump over saw a 10.2% decrease in OPEC out put just before left and about a 20% in US production in the year before he left...

So your problem is that Biden can't fix the big brown shit Trump left on the President's desk which Biden is trying to clean up... US suffers but you don't give a fuck, go team Red..
Biden isn't in control of anything and every time he does try to control something, he just makes it worse.
I appreciate the acknowledgement Biden is not in control of the price of oil despite endless bullshit accusations from Repubs.

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