Zone1 For those of the Jewish faith - Exodus Question


Not all who wander are lost
Oct 21, 2014
(Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)

I am trying to understand the timeline and what happened when.

When the Hebrews fled Egypt they left in haste. During that first year they were complaining about having nothing to eat and God sent manna and quail. Isn't this also the year that Moses left them for Sinai and the Ten Commandments? He came back down and found them worshiping a golden calf.

How did slaves in Egypt have that much gold to make the golden calf, and then later that year have enough gold to overlay all that was in the Tabernacle? Finally at the beginning of the next year, when the Tabernacle was dedicated, the tribes, in total, gave twelve silver plates, twelve silver basins each filled with fine flour mixed with oil, twelve gold cups filled with incense, twelve young bulls, twelve rams, twelve yearling lambs, twelve goats, twenty-four oxen, and then twenty-four oxen, sixty more rams, sixty more goats, sixty more yearling lambs.

I am trying to keep the story straight in my own mind, and I haven't been able to find an explanation for all this bounty. Please help me find what I am missing. I'd truly appreciate it.
(Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)

I am trying to understand the timeline and what happened when.

When the Hebrews fled Egypt they left in haste. During that first year they were complaining about having nothing to eat and God sent manna and quail. Isn't this also the year that Moses left them for Sinai and the Ten Commandments? He came back down and found them worshiping a golden calf.

How did slaves in Egypt have that much gold to make the golden calf, and then later that year have enough gold to overlay all that was in the Tabernacle? Finally at the beginning of the next year, when the Tabernacle was dedicated, the tribes, in total, gave twelve silver plates, twelve silver basins each filled with fine flour mixed with oil, twelve gold cups filled with incense, twelve young bulls, twelve rams, twelve yearling lambs, twelve goats, twenty-four oxen, and then twenty-four oxen, sixty more rams, sixty more goats, sixty more yearling lambs.

I am trying to keep the story straight in my own mind, and I haven't been able to find an explanation for all this bounty. Please help me find what I am missing. I'd truly appreciate it.
You're not asking honest questions; you're more interested in mockery of the Zionist's nonsense.

Beware that your Catholic church has left itself wide open to the same mockery.
(Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)

I am trying to understand the timeline and what happened when.

When the Hebrews fled Egypt they left in haste. During that first year they were complaining about having nothing to eat and God sent manna and quail. Isn't this also the year that Moses left them for Sinai and the Ten Commandments? He came back down and found them worshiping a golden calf.

How did slaves in Egypt have that much gold to make the golden calf, and then later that year have enough gold to overlay all that was in the Tabernacle? Finally at the beginning of the next year, when the Tabernacle was dedicated, the tribes, in total, gave twelve silver plates, twelve silver basins each filled with fine flour mixed with oil, twelve gold cups filled with incense, twelve young bulls, twelve rams, twelve yearling lambs, twelve goats, twenty-four oxen, and then twenty-four oxen, sixty more rams, sixty more goats, sixty more yearling lambs.

I am trying to keep the story straight in my own mind, and I haven't been able to find an explanation for all this bounty. Please help me find what I am missing. I'd truly appreciate it.
A must see

You're not asking honest questions; you're more interested in mockery of the Zionist's nonsense.

The questions are sincere. I do not mock the word of God. Ever. Period. If you cannot instruct me, move on.
Beware that your Catholic church has left itself wide open to the same mockery.
False. Enough said.
Exodus 12:36
Do you take this to mean that the Hebrews fled, taking the riches and flocks of the Egyptians? I took it to mean that this was true while they were living among the Egyptians.

Then the question becomes why did the Israelites need manna and quail?
Have lots of fun with your questions!
If I want fun, I'll play with my chinchillas. Bible study is for greater understanding.

I am guessing it is not an easy answer as you cannot supply it. I've spent hours searching the Internet for rabbinical commentary, but unfortunately when it comes to the Jewish faith, the Internet rushes to direct me to Christian commentary. Not interested in that either.

May there be blessings on your own interests/pursuits.
Do you take this to mean that the Hebrews fled, taking the riches and flocks of the Egyptians? I took it to mean that this was true while they were living among the Egyptians.

Then the question becomes why did the Israelites need manna and quail?
I believe after the plagues, the Egyptians wanted the Israelites gone so badly they gave their gold and silver and valuables to them, or simply let them take whatever they wanted.
The second part is answered by the fact that you can't eat gold or silver
Do you take this to mean that the Hebrews fled, taking the riches and flocks of the Egyptians? I took it to mean that this was true while they were living among the Egyptians.

Then the question becomes why did the Israelites need manna and quail?
you can't eat a gold earring
I believe after the plagues, the Egyptians wanted the Israelites gone so badly they gave their gold and silver and valuables to them, or simply let them take whatever they wanted.
The second part is answered by the fact that you can't eat gold or silver
The tabernacle offering included oxen, cows, sheep, goats, and fine flour.
You're not asking honest questions; you're more interested in mockery of the Zionist's nonsense.

Beware that your Catholic church has left itself wide open to the same mockery.
^^^ example of an antisemite, who uses the word Zionist for Jew, and then calls it nonsense.

Merriweather has always been respectful of Judaism, and her questions are honest.
The tabernacle offering included oxen, cows, sheep, goats, and fine flour.
True, but wandering through a desert takes its toll on livestock, especially if it lasts 40 years.
The story also demonstrates that the Israelites were not exactly a frugal people, nor particularly wise. After all, a portion them built a false idol..
Remember…..there were 600,000 Jews who escaped, and that’s a LOT of gold jewelry to melt down.
True, but wandering through a desert takes its toll on livestock, especially if it lasts 40 years.
The story also demonstrates that the Israelites were not exactly a frugal people, nor particularly wise. After all, a portion them built a false idol..
It is the timeline that caught my attention. I understand the dedication of the Tabernacle took place a year after the Israelites escaped into the desert and needed manna and quail to survive. Yet they were able to present gifts of so many animals at the Tabernacle dedication. I was wondering when/how they came into possession of these.
(Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)

I am trying to understand the timeline and what happened when.

When the Hebrews fled Egypt they left in haste. During that first year they were complaining about having nothing to eat and God sent manna and quail. Isn't this also the year that Moses left them for Sinai and the Ten Commandments? He came back down and found them worshiping a golden calf.

How did slaves in Egypt have that much gold to make the golden calf, and then later that year have enough gold to overlay all that was in the Tabernacle? Finally at the beginning of the next year, when the Tabernacle was dedicated, the tribes, in total, gave twelve silver plates, twelve silver basins each filled with fine flour mixed with oil, twelve gold cups filled with incense, twelve young bulls, twelve rams, twelve yearling lambs, twelve goats, twenty-four oxen, and then twenty-four oxen, sixty more rams, sixty more goats, sixty more yearling lambs.

I am trying to keep the story straight in my own mind, and I haven't been able to find an explanation for all this bounty. Please help me find what I am missing. I'd truly appreciate it.
Exodus 12:36: ". . .36 The Lord had made the Egyptians favorably disposed toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians. . ." In other verses in that chapter they also took with them their flocks of sheep and goats etc.
It is the timeline that caught my attention. I understand the dedication of the Tabernacle took place a year after the Israelites escaped into the desert and needed manna and quail to survive. Yet they were able to present gifts of so many animals at the Tabernacle dedication. I was wondering when/how they came into possession of these.
Some of these stories, like this one, are meant as lessons and may have either missing details or may have been changed by later tellers. But this detail may (just guessing) be explained some of the people catching roaming animals.
Just a thought.
Remember…..there were 600,000 Jews who escaped, and that’s a LOT of gold jewelry to melt down.
And what I find interesting about that is that not all the Jews contributed to (or probably worshiped) that golden calf. Moses ground all that gold into dust and made the people drink it. There was still plenty of gold left for the Tabernacle and its contents. I like to think there were plenty of Jews who did remain faithful despite what happened with the golden calf. But if there were...I can't figure out Aaron in that case.
Some of these stories, like this one, are meant as lessons and may have either missing details or may have been changed by later tellers. But this detail may (just guessing) be explained some of the people catching roaming animals.
Just a thought.
I was wondering if that might the case as well. Considering they did have gold and silver, perhaps they bought some from tribes they may have met along the way? I know little about deserts,, and absolutely nothing about the Sinai desert of either this time or at that time.
As an aside to this, I was told a story by a family member who served in the IDF at the time.
In 1998 when Netanyahu met with Arafat, the security detail cleared Arafat, and the meeting time passed. Arafat be ame annoyed, and about 45 minutes after the appointed time , Netanyahu came strolling in.
He greeted Arafat and immediately started in telling a story he called a midrasha. He spoke about when Mosha and the Israelites crossed the parted sea, and found themselves on the other side safely. Miriam convinced Mosha that the people should pause and give thanks for their safe passage. After the prayers of thanks, some sang , some danced. Soon many of the people stripped off their clothes and went swimming. After a nice swim, the people emerged from the water to find their clothes missing. They looked everywhere, but found nothing. Someone in the crowd yelled, "the Palestinians must have taken them"

Right then, Arafat jumped up and yelled, "that is a damnable lie, there were no Palestinians there then and they couldn't have stolen their clothes! Damnable lie!"
At this point Netanyahu smiled and said, "you are correct, now let us start our meeting."
I don't know if this actually happened, my cousin told me this at the time, and Also said it was a popular story going around Israel at the time....

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