For the restitution is necessary to achieve recognition, that Belarus was a colony of the "russian"


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Sep 3, 2017
Great move from Belarusian state , great news ! stolen by Maskali Belarusian cultural values soon return Home to center of Europe from barbarian afro- asia


"For the restitution is necessary to achieve recognition, that Belarus was a colony of the "russian" Empire

Statement by Igor Marzalyuka that it is time to return to the Belarusian cultural values exported to Russia, revived rzamovy of restitution. PhD in Sociology Alex Lastouski offers a look at this task without illusions.

Things may be returned or 1) on the voluntary initiative, or 2) by a court decision, if some things were taken in violation of the law. What is important, the judgment of the return value is a precedent on the basis of which can be carried out other actions. So, naturally, for museums is a very sensitive issue, and until

Restitution is rarely carried out through judicial decisions. But can occur if the export is carried out in clear violation of national or international law.

The simplest example - it stolen items. If the museum is manifested thing, and we can prove that it was stolen, then it must return.

More complex questions - this seizure, carried out in extreme circumstances (for example, during the Second World War). So far, there is a legal consensus that the things seized by the Nazis from Jews, should be returned to the owners (or in our time - to their rightful heirs). Currently, in Western Europe the museum voluntarily check their collections and look for things that may have a similar origin. If you find things are looking children, and offer them compensation or, in extreme cases, return the items. I note that we are talking about Western Europe (Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain, etc.).

This creates a precedent that can be used. The Poles, for example, were able to bring back one of the sculptures in the Łazienki Palace, which was removed by the Nazis and the recently surfaced at an auction.

Ie for Belarusians is the real possibility of restitution - to search for property removed by the Nazis, and with the consent, or through the court to return them. This would be consistent with international law, and subject to the availability of evidence such a thing will be returned.

Let us return to the case of a speech Marzalyuka . He talks about the things that were taken in the beginning of the war to the territory of Belarus to Russia and were not returned after the war. What are we to say it is the lawyers? These things have been taken out without disturbing the existing legislation at the time (of the USSR), and, accordingly, Belarus has no legal right to claim their return. Ie apply to the international court in this case does not make any sense. As it makes no sense to sue regarding the things that were taken to Moscow or St. Petersburg during the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union.

If we can not prove a violation of Russian or Soviet laws in connection with the export of - but in the case of Russia the practical chances of restitution it too does not.

Another aspect of restitution - a voluntary return. In this case we are talking about an act that is not the execution of the judgment and, therefore, does not create a legal precedent.

I mentioned above that the museum voluntarily return confiscated by the Nazis from Jewish things, but this is partly to avoid litigation (and associated reputational losses). But now, a strong wave of restitution went in the world that has a quite different origin - from the guilt complex of colonial exploitation of non-European peoples. The pioneer was France, where the decree Macron began to return property removed from African countries. Further, this process is now Germany, which is now also started to prepare the ground in the process of voluntary restitution. It is obvious that this process will be extended to other countries. But here the case is now going exclusively on voluntary return, which can not be a legal precedent.

Even if we are talking about the head of the fact that Belarus was a colony of the Russian Empire (which is directly contrary to the tenets of historical policy, formulated Kovalenya and Co in the "Belarusian Thought"), it remains only appeal to the conscience of the Russian political elite. As you know - this is also a chance of zero.

Therefore it is necessary to understand that on the issue of restitution of Belarus to be working in two dimensions: the actual and the future.

In the current study need to come to grips with things taken out by the Nazis. This gives a real chance to return values.

For the future - we have to work as historians and intellectuals.

Restitution Commission should have a completely different basis and funding. It should be a research team of historians who receive funding to carry out trips to the museums and archives of other countries. Particularly important is the study of Russian provincial museums, where the funds are hidden and not katalagizavanyya. The next step should be a scientific analysis of these studies, the publication of catalogs and monographs. Yes, this is work for the future decades, but, in fact, it was to begin with the 1990s and has not been done.

Secondly, it should be discussed status of Belarus in the Russian Empire / Soviet Union.

What was the nature of the operation in terms of the distribution of cultural values? While there is no monographs and international conferences on this subject - no serious talk of restitution, which would have international recognition, it is impossible to conduct.

Marzalyuka declaration must be understood as a political gesture, which in reality does not correspond to what you need to do to make the return of the real values. It is clear that it is easier to release invective than to transform the Commission on Restitution at this Institute.

Alex Lastouski,
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