For the cost of an Obama vacation, Trump saved 1000 Carrier jobs.

Don't forget to tell us how great obamacare is, also. Who's going to pay for those tens of thousands of muzzies obie brought to us from the middle east? And they breed lots of little muzzies too. And we taxpayers are stuck with them for life, too. I'm glad we have Sheriff Trump coming to town to put a stop to this insanity.
Meet the new boss, NOT the same as the old boss.
Trump has stock in Carrier....gave 10 billion in tax incentives, and save a mere 1500 jobs...big fuckin deal. I'd waste 10 billion in the Obama's any day, at least I get a smile on my face...gonna miss them so much and so will you dick heads when Trump gets done wit ya

You think my post is funny. Explain.
Only if you thank Obama for the bailout

Why would I do that?

You can elaborate why you think my post is funny instead of setting conditions.
First it was actually about 800 jobs. Second Indiana made a deal to save those jobs in 2011. Carrier backed out of that deal and that's why this situation was brought up. No reason to think it won't happen again sans the 1200 jobs that will be sent to Mexico anyways as per this deal.

You say the people who's jobs were saved shouldn't care about how or why and just be grateful for the scraps the government allowed them to get. I expect you to admit that you are now a fiscal liberal then.

Your ignorance is astounding - and your inability to get the facts right is legendary.

1) 1100 jobs saved (out of 1400)

2) A commitment by Carrier to invest $16 million in the Indiana facility.ensures their commitment to stay.

3) The remaining jobs are still under negotiation with United Technologies.

4) $7 million in tax breaks for Carrier for one year.

5) $7 million in state income tax recovered in a single year on the salaries of the 1100 jobs that would have been lost.

Now, try it again ....

Let's see .... 1000 jobs at $54K/year = $54,000,000 = about $6.5 million tax revenue + $3 million in government aid averted

16 million jobs at $17K/year = $202 M = $19 million in tax revenue MINUS $14 million in government aid, etc.
(That's what happens when you create part-time and low income service jobs)

Sounds like Trump is well on his way to catching Obama already.

Let's see .... 1000 jobs at $54K/year = $54,000,000 = about $6.5 million tax revenue + $3 million in government aid averted

16 million jobs at $17K/year = $202 M = $19 million in tax revenue MINUS $14 million in government aid, etc.
(That's what happens when you create part-time and low income service jobs)

Sounds like Trump is well on his way to catching Obama already.
Sounds like you`re making up your own drivel and spewing it here.

Let's see .... 1000 jobs at $54K/year = $54,000,000 = about $6.5 million tax revenue + $3 million in government aid averted

16 million jobs at $17K/year = $202 M = $19 million in tax revenue MINUS $14 million in government aid, etc.
(That's what happens when you create part-time and low income service jobs)

Sounds like Trump is well on his way to catching Obama already.
Sounds like you`re making up your own drivel and spewing it here.

All the figures are verifiable.

Feel free to prove me wrong.

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