Chuck Norris is 76! Holy Toledo.....


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The dude is like immortal or sumpin, and I found this video, lol, illustrating the dudes career in a "Chuck Norris Facts" kind of way.

Today, they evacuated astronaut Buzz Aldrin (age 86) from the South Pole where he was part of an exploratory group. Talk about having the "right stuff" or good genes.

He's fucking 86 and participating in a grueling, physically demanding, dangerous mission to the coldest spot on the planet. Wow.
LOL Chuck Norris is classic Hollywood. Illusion and deception. 73, holding down a job as a millwright in a steel mill. Why the fuck should I think that Norris is special?
This is all about Chuck Norris not being for crooked Hillary and the Democraps. Because people on the left always "go high". LOL
Never ask Chuck Norris the time, He will always answer "Two seconds til". When you reply T"wo seconds until what?" he Roundhouse kicks you in the face while saying "This"
Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him.

Chuck Norris
once kicked a horse in the chin. Its descendants today are known as giraffes.

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