For Reagan to be as Great as FDR

he also would have started soviet internment camps.

[FDR's 4 terms were something the country and Congress, did not want to see again for possible dictator propensities and that is why we have the 22nd Amendment.] Not surprisingly Obama said in 2009 that he wants to repeal that decision :lol: :salute: I am sure we will be hearing much more of that, in the next two years.

Relative to the extreme socialist president FDR:


His "New Deal" was put into action with the intent of saving the country from the Great Depression and possible revolution. Whether it had any effect, and whether this effect was positive, is still hotly debated. Even some in his own administration disagreed on it being effective.

Probably the worst thing he did in office was the Japanese Internment Act during WWII, under which thousands of American citizens were rounded up and put in prison camps solely for being of Japanese descent (some German and Italian Americans were also interned, though not as many).

Franklin D Roosevelt - Television Tropes & Idioms
It was just happenstance that bringing down the USSR was the Number 1 item on Reagan's "To Do" List. Uh huh.

The US boycott of the 1980 Olympics had about as much to do with the collapse of the Soviet Union as anything Reagan did.
Soviet Union didn't collapse for a few years after Reagan had left office.
Cold War Museum

By your reasoning FDR did not win WWII either since Truman was president when the Germans and Japanese both surrendered!

He didn't win it, the fans of FDR have put him on too high a perch also, I personally think that FDR was one of the worse things that ever happened to America.
Silly comment from you, JohnRocks. No one else had the ability to inspire America as did FDR. In that comparison, the GOP has no one to inspire America today.
Silly comment from you, JohnRocks. No one else had the ability to inspire America as did FDR. In that comparison, the GOP has no one to inspire America today.

Silliness depends on a person's perspective of how people should govern, statists and authoritarians may inspire most but not me, a lot of our problems today can be traced back to people like him and Woodrow Wilson,imho.
Ah the old cannard that "Readan defeated the Soviet Union".

How exactly was this suppossedly accomplished? By spending more money on arms that the Soviets could, so the theory goes.

The problem with that is that the USSR was already spending every dime (or is that rubel) they could on their military, almot 25% of their GDP. There is no evidence that they ever increased spending as result of Reagan's military build-up, they were already spending all they could.

In other words we could have saved billions of dollars by keeping military spending at the level of the Carter Administration and the USSR would still have failed. Oh well, so our taxes have to stay high just so some arms makers could get some government pork!
You have no idea what a "statist" or an "authoritarian" is, JohnRocks. Put Tom DeLay's face next to the names and you have a good start.

Of course silliness is perspective: a foolish one.
He would have had unemployment like this:

1981: 24.9, 1982: 21.7%, 1983: 20.1%, 1984: 16.9%, 1985: 14.3%, 1986: 19.0%, 1987: 17.2%

and he would have let blacks get ebola and have it go untreated for 20 years, just to see what happens.

That's how Progressives measure Greatness

Instead, he let gays get aids and never mentioned the word aids for 5 years, while it spread widely throughout the world.

Instead, he said America is not a manufacturing society, it's a service society, and then proceeded to make it true.

Oh but he can't be as good as FDR actually - Reagan TRIPLED the national debt. No other President has done that. Reagan's one of a kind.
You have no idea what a "statist" or an "authoritarian" is, JohnRocks. Put Tom DeLay's face next to the names and you have a good start.

Of course silliness is perspective: a foolish one.

I have a good idea of what they are, I certainly don't need you to teach me as I've seen your posts. Republicans fit that statist/authoritarian mold too.
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For Reagan to be as great as FDR he would have to

- Lead the nation out of the countries worst Depression
- Establish Social Security
- Lead the largest military buildup in world history
- Lead the nation in a world war on multiple fronts
- Lead the development of an Atomic Bomb
- Turn the US from one of the most powerful to a Super Power
- Turn the US from isolationist to a World Power

WWII should get credit for just about everything on this list. I will give him Social Security as well as Welfare and many other programs. I will also give him credit on allowing his generals to fight the war. The rest where a direct result of WWII.

Was Social Security, and welfare a great thing? Those two programs have made more and more Americans dependent on the government. I understand people need help from time to time. but when able people become victims of the of the government entitlement web they will never want to help them self.

What happens when the government cannot provide for those who are on those programs? What will happen to them? Will they be able to once again provide for them self? I hope they can but if they are use to the timely check handouts like most Farm animals are when it feed time I doubt they will survive.
Now go ahead and bash away. What I just posted is the truth. and if you doubt me try and put a family from the city that recives it's government checks in the country with no assiants from the government.
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You have no idea what a "statist" or an "authoritarian" is, JohnRocks. Put Tom DeLay's face next to the names and you have a good start.

Of course silliness is perspective: a foolish one.

I have a good idea of what they are, I certainly don't need you to teach me as I've seen your posts. Republicans fit that statist/authoritarian mold too.

Based on your comments, you certainly do need someone to guide you. Yes, certain Republicans are authoritarians as well as Democrats. Keep dealing in broad brush perspectives and you keep revealing you lack nuance to understand the terms. Whether you like this matters not:it is what it is based on what you write.
You have no idea what a "statist" or an "authoritarian" is, JohnRocks. Put Tom DeLay's face next to the names and you have a good start.

Of course silliness is perspective: a foolish one.

I have a good idea of what they are, I certainly don't need you to teach me as I've seen your posts. Republicans fit that statist/authoritarian mold too.

Based on your comments, you certainly do need someone to guide you. Yes, certain Republicans are authoritarians as well as Democrats. Keep dealing in broad brush perspectives and you keep revealing you lack nuance to understand the terms. Whether you like this matters not:it is what it is based on what you write.

You seem to think that your opinions are factual and mine are misguided or somehow uneducated, that seems to be a rather pompous perceptive, I'll give my opinions, others are free to agree or disagree, doesn't make me right or wrong, it's just an opinion on an opinion board, we're not changing the world here Jake, no need for anyone to be on a "high horse".
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For Reagan to be as great as FDR he would have to

- Lead the nation out of the countries worst Depression
- Establish Social Security
- Lead the largest military buildup in world history
- Lead the nation in a world war on multiple fronts
- Lead the development of an Atomic Bomb
- Turn the US from one of the most powerful to a Super Power
- Turn the US from isolationist to a World Power

WWII should get credit for just about everything on this list. I will give him Social Security as well as Welfare and many other programs. I will also give him credit on allowing his generals to fight the war. The rest where a direct result of WWII.

Was Social Security, and welfare a great thing? Those two programs have made more and more Americans dependent on the government. I understand people need help from time to time. but when able people become victims of the of the government entitlement web they will never want to help them self.

What happens when the government cannot provide for those who are on those programs? What will happen to them? Will they be able to once again provide for them self? I hope they can but if they are use to the timely check handouts like most Farm animals are when it feed time I doubt they will survive.
Now go ahead and bash away. What I just posted is the truth. and if you doubt me try and put a family from the city that receives it's government checks in the country with no assistants from the government.

I did not state they were good things. I just gave him credit for them. I personally think the Welfare system needs a serious makeover. As for the Social Security program, I feel it has been corrupted to the point that it no longer is an effective retirement program. It too needs a makeover.
WWII should get credit for just about everything on this list. I will give him Social Security as well as Welfare and many other programs. I will also give him credit on allowing his generals to fight the war. The rest where a direct result of WWII.

Was Social Security, and welfare a great thing? Those two programs have made more and more Americans dependent on the government. I understand people need help from time to time. but when able people become victims of the of the government entitlement web they will never want to help them self.

What happens when the government cannot provide for those who are on those programs? What will happen to them? Will they be able to once again provide for them self? I hope they can but if they are use to the timely check handouts like most Farm animals are when it feed time I doubt they will survive.
Now go ahead and bash away. What I just posted is the truth. and if you doubt me try and put a family from the city that receives it's government checks in the country with no assistants from the government.

I did not state they were good things. I just gave him credit for them. I personally think the Welfare system needs a serious makeover. As for the Social Security program, I feel it has been corrupted to the point that it no longer is an effective retirement program. It too needs a makeover.

True, you did not say that they were good or great programs. But you were giving FDR credit, and the title did mention the so called greatness of FDR. My appolgies if you thought I meant you were saying they were good programs.
He would have had unemployment like this:

1981: 24.9, 1982: 21.7%, 1983: 20.1%, 1984: 16.9%, 1985: 14.3%, 1986: 19.0%, 1987: 17.2%

and he would have let blacks get ebola and have it go untreated for 20 years, just to see what happens.

That's how Progressives measure Greatness
Just to keep the record straight --The Civil Rights Act was passed by a Democratic Congress under LBJ in 1964.

A lessor know bill, the Civil Rights Voter Protection act also know as the Civil Rights act of 1957 was passed by a Democratic Congress in 1957 under Ike.

How come you left out the part where the Dem Congress lead by LBJ tried to kill, then finally realized they HAD to pass a watered down version of the bill?
Nope. LBJ lead the fight to get the bill passed. Without his experience and leadership, the bill would have never made it though the Senate. After a 54-day filibuster by southern Democrat segregationist, a bipartisan compromise was introduced which brought an end to the filibuster. The passage of the bill was the final straw that broke the Democrat’s hold on the Solid South. Johnson said to Bill Moyers on the passing of the civil rights act, "Bill, I've just handed the South to the Republicans for fifty years, certainly for the rest of our life times." LBJ’s prediction was correct. In the presidential elections that followed, Republicans carried the South in every election except for Carter and Clinton.

The southern Democrats who deserted the party brought a hatred for the federal government, support for states rights, and the beliefs of a white Christian male dominated society to the Republican Party. We can still see these ideals in the party today.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
he also would have started soviet internment camps.

[FDR's 4 terms were something the country and Congress, did not want to see again for possible dictator propensities and that is why we have the 22nd Amendment.] Not surprisingly Obama said in 2009 that he wants to repeal that decision :lol: :salute: I am sure we will be hearing much more of that, in the next two years.

Relative to the extreme socialist president FDR:


His "New Deal" was put into action with the intent of saving the country from the Great Depression and possible revolution. Whether it had any effect, and whether this effect was positive, is still hotly debated. Even some in his own administration disagreed on it being effective.

Probably the worst thing he did in office was the Japanese Internment Act during WWII, under which thousands of American citizens were rounded up and put in prison camps solely for being of Japanese descent (some German and Italian Americans were also interned, though not as many).

Franklin D Roosevelt - Television Tropes & Idioms

[ame=]YouTube - Obama wants to repeal the 22nd amendment[/ame]
Reagan, Bush the Younger, and Clinton all voiced a desire to repeal the amendment. If Obama did that, then he is in presidential company. I hope it never happens. We could have had a truly impaired (instead of a becoming impaired) Alzheimer's patient in his third term. We could have had overall the most popular president in the last twenty years terrifying every intern in Washington DC and the two surrounding states. Personally, I think the two-term limit is best for the country. FDR's terms under the conditions of the time were best for the country and its future. Such conditions and needs have never existed before or since.
You know what you need for Reagan to be seen as as Great as FDR.

A complete over haul of our Public Education system that has perpetuated Myths about the effectiveness of FDRs polices for Generations.

FDR was not our Greatest President. his policies were much like Obama's in that they did not solve the economic problem of the time they simply made it worse in the long run while giving some people some relief.

He also showed little respect for the US constitution when he was behind the single worst case of Human Rights abuse the US government was responsible save for Slavery when he interned 125,000 American Citizens of Japanese Decent against their will.

He was also guilty of attempting to Pack the supreme court. Pushing to add I think it was 5 more justices all to be appointed by him.

yeah what a wonder president he was. Not to mention he was our president for the entire time Hitler was rising to power in Europe and being appeased by us and Europe. Nobody ever faults him for his part in the appeasement of Hitler either, or his failure to recognize that even as we were winning WWII it was clear the Soviets were going to be our Enemy as soon as it was over.

Seems he was rather clueless to me.

his so called greatest achievements are crippling us as we speak. SS is a massive money pit that will collapse under it's own weight at some point. It can not be sustained. Period. Not unless we continue to import MILLIONS of uneducated entry level workers to pay for everyone else. Which comes with it's own bag of Problems.

What the hell was so great about him again?
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