For argument's sake, let's say BLM is EVIL.

As some are fond of noting, there are a large number of unarmed white folks killed by the police as well.

They are too militarized.

Their budgets are excessive, and everyone pays for them, despite them only protecting the property of about the wealthiest 10%

They break into homes unnanounced-shoot people in their beds, then charge the survivors with resisting arrest.

They shoot motorists who are licenced concealed carry holders, excercising their second amendment rights

They brutilized members of the press throughout the protests, in spite of the fact that they SWORE AN OATH to uphold a Constitution that expressly forbids any such thing.

The corruption is too deeply ingrained. It is time to start over from scratch. Policing must be done completely differently, And police unions and departments as we know them need to cease to exist.

Cherry picked instances. The vast majority of Americans have interactions with cops that end fairly and without violence.
This organization has been the topic of about a zillion threads over the last few days, and this massive deflection from our race issues isn't going to solve a thing. Nor will the efforts of Trumpsters to play the same game the hardcore Left has done for so long, calling everything the other tribe does "racist". You ends of the spectrum sure like to behave like each other.

So, just for the sake of argument, let's stipulate that the BLM is organization is a net negative. Please attach whatever hyperbolic noun or status or adjective to them that you would like.

Great! So... NOW what? How do we go forward with the overall race issue in this country? We have accusations of police brutality and accusations of blatant white racism. How do we move forward? There are many millions of Americans who have or want nothing to do with BLM the organization, but agree with the basic premise that white racism still exists, particularly from the Right.

Evil? Well, they're a champion of thugs.
You're trying too hard. Calm down.

You guys only see the stuff I say that freaks you out. Not everyone is a binary winger. True story.

Showing your complete flip flop on the subject isn't at all difficult for me, Mac, and I am not agitated. I just find myself wondering what has happened to you to account for your change from a rational individual to a mouthpiece for politically correct woke culture.
The GOP has run against brown people, or the Other - in one form or another - in every election since 1968. This one is no different.

"brown people" is not a race, political entity, or ethnic entity. In fact, the term itself is new to american english------it is very BRITISH. British is a mindset.
since 1968?

Backlash against the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, and the birth of the Southern Strategy.
As some are fond of noting, there are a large number of unarmed white folks killed by the police as well.

They are too militarized.

Their budgets are excessive, and everyone pays for them, despite them only protecting the property of about the wealthiest 10%

They break into homes unnanounced-shoot people in their beds, then charge the survivors with resisting arrest.

They shoot motorists who are licenced concealed carry holders, excercising their second amendment rights

They brutilized members of the press throughout the protests, in spite of the fact that they SWORE AN OATH to uphold a Constitution that expressly forbids any such thing.

The corruption is too deeply ingrained. It is time to start over from scratch. Policing must be done completely differently, And police unions and departments as we know them need to cease to exist.

Cherry picked instances. The vast majority of Americans have interactions with cops that end fairly and without violence.

Fairly is subjective.
Whenever you see a report on a Floyd type person, they've ALWAYS resisted.
By “Floyd type person,” you mean a tortured and murdered for no reason black man by a white cop?
No, I mean a Black guy who is resisting the cops on everything. They all want to be the next Rodney King and get their $10 million.
As some are fond of noting, there are a large number of unarmed white folks killed by the police as well.

They are too militarized.

Their budgets are excessive, and everyone pays for them, despite them only protecting the property of about the wealthiest 10%

They break into homes unnanounced-shoot people in their beds, then charge the survivors with resisting arrest.

They shoot motorists who are licenced concealed carry holders, excercising their second amendment rights

They brutilized members of the press throughout the protests, in spite of the fact that they SWORE AN OATH to uphold a Constitution that expressly forbids any such thing.

The corruption is too deeply ingrained. It is time to start over from scratch. Policing must be done completely differently, And police unions and departments as we know them need to cease to exist.
However ther is the protests for only one group. And say any other group and its fighting time. When the reforms happen, I am telling you that the people in the last few decades that have issues with the empowered, need to make their issue shown to them. The guilty need to be made to pay. Retired or active. I guarantee you. The empowered are laughing a bit ;less at the citizens today. And yet they have learned nothing.
This organization has been the topic of about a zillion threads over the last few days, and this massive deflection from our race issues isn't going to solve a thing. Nor will the efforts of Trumpsters to play the same game the hardcore Left has done for so long, calling everything the other tribe does "racist". You ends of the spectrum sure like to behave like each other.

So, just for the sake of argument, let's stipulate that the BLM is organization is a net negative. Please attach whatever hyperbolic noun or status or adjective to them that you would like.

Great! So... NOW what? How do we go forward with the overall race issue in this country? We have accusations of police brutality and accusations of blatant white racism. How do we move forward? There are many millions of Americans who have or want nothing to do with BLM the organization, but agree with the basic premise that white racism still exists, particularly from the Right.

If you want less police brutality you need better quality and better trained police officers. Cities tend to go on these huge hiring sprees. When 30 cops retire or quit, they don't replace them. Big cities never hire 30 cops. They hire hundreds at a time. That's not a good way to get the best quality people. They need to constantly be recruiting.
Black Lives Matter - evil organization should be dismissed out of hand.

Black Lives Mattering - different story

All lives don't matter unless black lives matter. Say it with me.

its a stupid thing to say ------It is a tautology.
say it ^^^^^ with me
Whenever you see a report on a Floyd type person, they've ALWAYS resisted.
By “Floyd type person,” you mean a tortured and murdered for no reason black man by a white cop?
No, I mean a Black guy who is resisting the cops on everything. They all want to be the next Rodney King and get their $10 million.
George Floyd never resisted.
Ya, he ended up on the ground with a cop on top of him because he was so nice and peaceful. :lmao:

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