Footage of horrific abuse of gays in Russia

Yes there is nothing positive about homosexuality

So. Let's be clear are stating that homosexuals...all homosexuals (including those on these boards) molest children? And...if that is NOT what you are saying, what IS it you are trying to say?

Yes, anyone who tells children that homosexuality is OK, is molesting children's minds

bodecea calls the slime buckets on their lies and they back down. Slime buckets lie. Its what they do.
Acutally I do agree with thier non same-sex marriage points. Voting is voting, getting a sandwich is getting a sandwich.
The words voting or eating in a restaurant weren't changed but it's meaning in society has. The difference with the gay argument is that not all people were being treated equally with voting or segregation.

With marriage all men were treated the same. All women were treated the same and both needed to be eligible for one another. Pairing up same genders dismisses the time honored special relationship between men and women as irrelevant. For most people it will never be irrelevent and gay marriage will be seen as an imitation for the sake of political correctness.

The good news is that you're wrong.

You're a dinosaur who is becoming extinct.

Good riddance.
Acutally I do agree with thier non same-sex marriage points. Voting is voting, getting a sandwich is getting a sandwich.
The words voting or eating in a restaurant weren't changed but it's meaning in society has. The difference with the gay argument is that not all people were being treated equally with voting or segregation.

With marriage all men were treated the same. All women were treated the same and both needed to be eligible for one another. Pairing up same genders dismisses the time honored special relationship between men and women as irrelevant. For most people it will never be irrelevent and gay marriage will be seen as an imitation for the sake of political correctness.

Would you want your daughter or sister to marry a gay man?

Would you want your son or brother to marry a lesbian?

Do you think you can have a happy marriage to someone who will never love you and possibly finds you repulsive?

If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, then for sure, you are a "nitwit".
Its not just the Constitution the right hates ...

The words voting or eating in a restaurant weren't changed but it's meaning in society has. The difference with the gay argument is that not all people were being treated equally with voting or segregation.

With marriage all men were treated the same. All women were treated the same and both needed to be eligible for one another. Pairing up same genders dismisses the time honored special relationship between men and women as irrelevant. For most people it will never be irrelevent and gay marriage will be seen as an imitation for the sake of political correctness.

Yes and especially when you see two gay people together acting as a couple. One of them inevitably assumes the "male" role, while the other assumes the "female" role. Oddly, always one person in that duo is suspect, therefore, of being a closeted hetero.

People shouldn't beat up gays. They do so because they don't understand these people are mentally ill. You should no more beat up a gay person than a person who compulsively washes their hands 100 times a day or someone who is a vicadin addict.

Gays have mental issues. They seem obsessed with sex. The many gays I've known [I lived around the Bay Area San Francisco CA for a time] ALL, each and every single one of them down to the rank, were obsessed with sex. They weave the topic into every conversation. You could be talking about playing frisbee or about charting navigational maps for a mining expedition, and no matter what, they will steer the conversation to giving a blow job or how they'd like to get into so and so's pants. A frequent topic, very frequent also is how they want "to turn" a straight person they fantasize about gay. In fact, the obession with sexual innuendo or outright expression is holding a close tie for first for the topic of wanting to turn so and so the straight person gay.

Those are their two favorite topics. Obsession indicates a problem. If they were on a psychiatrist's couch [no, not to have sex...see, I had to include that because for them that would be their first thought], their obsession would immediately indicate a need for therapy.

Many have accused me of being obsessed with the topic of their obsession. My obsession is apparent and has an explanation: A family friend, a dear friend was repeatedly molested by a man when he was just on the threshold of adolescence himself. He was imprinted, "turned" thusly to "be oriented" towards gay sex. However, he was deeply conflicted because he kept falling in love with women, only to be incapable of expressing himself with them sexually. So he went to a very dark place. He became very promiscuous, got HIV, and instead of doing something about it, he went out and tried to infect as many unsuspecting "gay" partners as he could. I put the word "gay" in this way because after all, most of those men he murdered were also child victims themselves.

He died a slow horrible death predictably a few years later, taking 100s, perhaps 1000s with him eventually. This is a big problem for society. Like I said, he was not alone. If you wonder where the seed of the spread of AIDS comes from, wonder no more:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

My friend's solution was to kill as many fellow-victims as he could. He didn't beat them up, he murdered them. And there's a lot of that going on today. Every gay man, untreated child rape victim with a vendetta, who goes out and has promiscuous sex with as many other gay men as he can without telling them, is murdering them too.

This is an enormous mental-health issue that will never be treated. Why? Because the American Psychological Association was overtaken by a gay cabal in the 1970s. These people took themselves off the DSM, summarily dispensed with the association's ruling scientific principle, and pronounced deviant sexuality "normal, fine, healthy". They made this pronouncement in complete defiance of the HIV/AIDs problem and the ties that researchers have clearly made to child sexual abuse and its prevalence in the gay population. This problem is especially pernicious and far-reaching because nearly every medical, child psychology and health organization in the country looks up to APA "standards" [I use the term quite loosely] to make policy decisions in their own outfit. This is snowballing a false premise at its worst! They made a political decision to completely ignore a festering malignancy in mental health and tried to sanitize it for the public with lots of rainbow colors and programs for the kiddies to "celebrate" it.

Beating up gays isn't the solution. Pulling the wool off your eyes and taking a cold and honest look at the situation is the solution. It's just that the thugs in Russia have a visceral knowledge that something is wrong. If it was explained to them how gays become the way they are, that they need counseling and are mentally ill, those gangs would be far far less of a problem. Society hiding the truth is really to blame for gays getting beat up by the ignorant. Teach the ignorant about the problem and you will see a shift toward compassion and healing programs for these child sex victims...

Not around gay couples that much, are you? The only roles most of us like are hot buttered rolls or cinnamon rolls.

Might want to read the part in bold red above big guy, before you are certain of your premise...
Same here. We need to do as the Russians have done...this is great.

And when you've finished with the gays, who next?
Older/old men?
"They are too old and must be driven out, they're costing us too much in pensions and taxes" etc.

Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Socialists..."

First They Came

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

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