Footage of horrific abuse of gays in Russia

Russia has seen what homosexuals have done to children in America, Russia is just protecting their children from homosexuals, something America is failing to do
Russia has seen what homosexuals have done to children in America, Russia is just protecting their children from homosexuals, something America is failing to do

[ame=]???????? ????? ?????? ??????? ? ?????! Putin kisses boy - YouTube[/ame]
Its coming...we all know its coming...

Like it was coming when women got (mostly) equal rights. Like when blacks got more civil rights. We know how it will end if it does come. :D

Well in all fairness they did get affirmative action. Kinda like giving the fat guy a head start in a foot race.or maybe women a break in physical requirements.
And yet they still fail in huge numbers
You are welcome to come try. :D

Wait a minute.....we're supposed to be afraid of a sixty five year old lesbian?
You just keep pretending to be a man and someone is going to call you on it one day.

Damn this will be a good thread to point to whenever republicans claim that it's Democrats who are intolerant :laugh:

She asked for it...literally.
And no,I am not tolerant towards women that act like men and when they get bitch slapped they cry foul.
Women only got "mostly" rights? What don't they have according to you...oh fags will be allowed to "marry" but I am talking long 10-20 years...the US is headed towards civil war.

If it ends the same way the last civil war did... sucks for you.
Homosexuality has nothing positive to offer society.
Same here. We need to do as the Russians have done...this is great.

You are welcome to come try. :D

No they're not.

In spite of the radical religious right, this is still the United States. We are not Russia and we do still have our Constitution.

If they hate the rights accorded to ALL US citizens, they can get the hell out. They won't be missed.

[MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] - I didn't mean to be so brusque to you with this post. I know you understand what I am saying but don't want you to think I was jumping on you.

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You are welcome to come try. :D

Wait a minute.....we're supposed to be afraid of a sixty five year old lesbian?
You just keep pretending to be a man and someone is going to call you on it one day.

Damn this will be a good thread to point to whenever republicans claim that it's Democrats who are intolerant :laugh:

That's a lot like how they pretend to support our Constitution while feverishly working to undermine it. They're the ultimate passive-aggressive hypocritical cowards - terrified of real women, terrified they're gay and dependent on guns to show what big he-men they are.

And what scares them the most that know it.

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You are welcome to come try. :D

No they're not.

In spite of the radical religious right, this is still the United States. We are not Russia and we do still have our Constitution.

If they hate the rights accorded to ALL US citizens, they can get the hell out. They won't be missed.

[MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] - I didn't mean to be so brusque to you with this post. I know you understand what I am saying but don't want you to think I was jumping on you.

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I took your meaning, no problems.
I don't see how you can call it homophobia, it doesn't look like those Russian citizens were afraid of those gays.

Hilarious that in your signature line you have:

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

Such a stupid fuck. Doesn't even know tyrants when he sees them.

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