Fool Kaepernick Won't Stop kneeling


Let me explain "freedom" to you since you clearly don't comprehend. Kaepernick hasn't spent one day in jail because he's free to kneel for the flag if he wants to. But he's not free from the opinions of fans and possible employers. Fans are free to voice their displeasure (1st amendment rights) and employers are free to not hire him if he hurts their brand.

See how that works?
Frankly, let that guy do whatever.
Like just before his knee hits the ground throw a pile of crap right there (surrounded by fire ants).

Don't get me wrong, I don't agree.. but if his employer is OK... it's free speech anyway.
Try giving the finger to the next cop you see and see how far the free speech excuse gets you.

I would never do so... my point is, we're giving this fool way too much attention.
Frankly, let that guy do whatever.
Like just before his knee hits the ground throw a pile of crap right there (surrounded by fire ants).

Don't get me wrong, I don't agree.. but if his employer is OK... it's free speech anyway.
Try giving the finger to the next cop you see and see how far the free speech excuse gets you.

I would never do so... my point is, we're giving this fool way too much attention.
Am I now.

Link?? What are you, hallucinating?

Or shall I repost all those references to how he would do that on the basis that he "owns the pageant so can get away with that kind of thing"?


Your new jacket >>

Don't you get it? If you want to be a good little "american" do what they tell you to do.
Or if you want to be a REAL PATRIOT, use your freedoms in the way you wish to use them.

It got that way from these guys >>




Not these spoiled brats

Whether or not you feel inclined to whine and stomp your feet about it is actually irrelevant.

Nothing forces anybody anywhere to stand up to worship a fetish. That's just how the world works and there ain't nothing you can do about it.

If that's the authoritarian bootlicker world you want, book a flight to Pyonyang. They have lots of boots that never get enough lickin'. You'll love it

On the contrary.

He is seeking employment with a private firm and is subject to their rules
and regulations, if he wants their money for his income.

Sure. But some dinkwad sitting three thousand miles away whining on a message board in no way constitutes that employer's "rules". All that constitutes is the bodacious butthurtia of a fascist who's never satisfied unless he's trying to force his bullshit on people he has zero to do with. Matter of fact this OP has already declared himself disassociated from the NFL entirely. So he needs to quit whining and quit trying to coerce people that are already self-declared to be irrelevant to him anyway.

The company (franchise) is not going to allow any employee to upset
their paying customers. (That's common sense and is found in any and
all business).

Once AGAIN, a whiner on a message board in Florida pissing his pants over what somebody's doing in his practice camp in Seattle has absolute zero to do with anybody's "paying customers". All it tells us is what a pissant little whiner he is.

Even the Liberal States side with the employer on these types of issues.

Whatever that means. :dunno:
By kneeling he is disrespecting the nation and it's citizens.

THe sport's fan base is almost exclusively citizens. The sport has realized, after taking a beating last season, that it's customers don't like to be insulted.

He has a right to speech. He does not have a right to a job, if his actions are costing his employers lots of money.

And his "speech" doesn't have to be on a football field where the US flag is being displayed by military people, and the national anthem is being played. He's obviously not just speaking. He's attacking the USA, because he dementedly thinks blacks are oppressed (when they've been getting affirmative action for 50 years)
By kneeling he is disrespecting the nation and it's [sic] citizens.

Yeah? HOW? And what was the Pentagon doing by pimping fake patriotism displays from pro sports teams because they could reach a captive audience? Having it both ways --- Priceless.
How ? By kneeling. Duh!

Is there a doctor in the house ?

And so what if there are patriotism displays ? You got something against patriotism ? Sure you do. You're a leftist. You hate America, and want to destroy it, and turn it into a leftist cesspool of God knows what.
Poll finds 84% Support Players' Right to Protest

--- which is still sidestepping the point that we don't even *SEE* the fucking national anthem.

However, 49 percent of respondents think players should find a different way to express political opinions

Majority of Americans think athletes should stand for anthem

POLL: Majority of Americans disagree with Colin Kaepernick's protest

Doesn't matter if the NA is seen or heard. Refusing to stand is disrespecting it, and America.

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