Food Stamps: Just say no to sugary soda

I think that his is a good move. NYC is asking that food stamps no longer cover sugary soda. They are NOT saying that you cannot have sugary soda but that you just cannot buy them with food stamps.

New York City and state officials want the U.S. Department of Agriculture to ban the use of food stamps to buy sugary soft drinks for two years to curb obesity- related diseases among the city’s poor.

Sugar-sweetened beverages are “the largest single contributor to the obesity epidemic,” Governor David Paterson and Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a joint statement in advance of a City Hall news briefing today. Obesity is almost twice as prevalent among the city’s poorest households as in the wealthiest, they said.

The state’s office for disability assistance intends to ask the USDA to exclude the drinks from the list of items that can be purchased with food stamps, a welfare program that started in 1964, the statement said. The ban, requested by both the state and local governments, would affect only the city.

New York Will Ask Obama to Bar Food Stamps in Purchase of Sugary Drinks - Bloomberg

I think it is an over reach of BIG GOVERNMENT....

While I wish that they would not use their food stamps on sugary is an over reach of the government to do anything like this....we should not be dictating our wishes on to others, by making the government over bearing.
I bet it's white trash railing against food stamps.

Get an education Bubba!!!
I think it covers soda/pop period. The sugary part may or may not be part of it.

It is a government program, so you follow the guidelines and regualtions or don't participate. Pretty simple.

Not only are you eliminating a nonfood item from food stamps, you are freeing up money to buy more or better foods. In an effort to use your full allotment, you can buy more cereal or maybe add some fresh fruits and vegetables, instead of processed ones.

It is meant to be a two year experiment. Some real positive results could result.
big government red tape is fine with conservatives, as long as it's used to oppress minorities.
yes lets rant endlessly about millions going to the poor as we piss billions down the military establishment. Nice gramps
yes lets rant endlessly about millions going to the poor as we piss billions down the military establishment. Nice gramps

This thread is about food stamps nipspot. Your the ranter. I suggest a government program could focus on its task: food and increasing the quality and benefit of that food to its program users.
I am sorry, it is not right to remove the rights of others to make a choice as to what they eat regardless of how they get their resources to buy their food

It is government control of an individual, simply not American, well at least is used to be unAmerican

The government is not removing the rights of anyone to purchase anything...they are just limiting what the foodstamps can be used for.
So we do away with food stamps and have all the people who qualify come in once a week and pick up the equivalence in food from a local food bank.

That's another possible way to do it...however, the government overhead would be far more than just paying for the food from a store.
If I had my way, the only LIQUID that food stamps would be able to buy would be milk and orange juice.

Bottled water and ready to serve baby formula would probably be additions on my list.

Definitely the formula...although that should be covered under WIC which is a second program.

I waffled on the bottled water, since it is so exorbitantly overpriced. However if generic gallons are covered, then I'm okay with it. Some people might not have access to drinkable water. But, I don't think that the improverished need to be drinking Aquafina or Perrier.
I know several people who get food stamps. None of them pay income taxes. The logic is simple. You get food stamps for food, you purchase food with them. You know something with a nutritional value. You do not earn food stamps, they are a gift from your friends and neighbors.

Yeah well I know several who get them and do pay taxes, and have paid taxes for YEARS.

So I guess my dick is bigger than yours.

How the fuck do you make enough money that you have to pay income taxes and still get food stamps? Everyone I know who gets food stamps are piss poor. It pisses me off every time i see them with beer and cigarettes. But you can't stop them from spending cash on their vices.

And I really could care less about the size of your wee wee.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Excellent come back.
If I had my way, the only LIQUID that food stamps would be able to buy would be milk and orange juice.

Bottled water and ready to serve baby formula would probably be additions on my list.

I would not limit it to orange juice, but allow juice in general.

What about kool aid?

How about juice which contains a certain percentage of Ocean Spray cranberry juice vs. Juicy Juice juice-flavored juice?

I would also like to see food stamp programs encourage purchase of the user gets some bonus credits for every generic dollar spent compared to brand name.

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