Food Stamps: Just say no to sugary soda

Food stamps are not a right but a privilege. You do not earn Food stamps they are given to you. If my taxes are paying for your food then it damned well should be food.

Shut the fuck up..

A lot of people who receive food stamps also PAY TAXES.

They deserve a say in their taxes in that case even more so than you do, especially when it's going in their body and not yours.

Why do you mother fuckers ignore this fact? Why do you think only YOU get to have a say in tax dollars, just because you're not collecting benefits? Many of those people bust their asses for very little money, and then get their paychecks cut down with taxes as well, but only YOU get to have a say in it?

Where the fuck do you come up with this logic?

I know several people who get food stamps. None of them pay income taxes. The logic is simple. You get food stamps for food, you purchase food with them. You know something with a nutritional value. You do not earn food stamps, they are a gift from your friends and neighbors.

Yeah well I know several who get them and do pay taxes, and have paid taxes for YEARS.

So I guess my dick is bigger than yours.
Oh my god syrenn, we've been over this a fucking million times. I know you are saying you don't care if it's with their own money, i FUCKING GET IT.

Tell me why you are the only one who gets to have a say in how tax dollars are spent.

Why does someone who pays taxes themselves not get to have a say in what they do with their food stamp benefits they receive from taxes THEY'VE PAID INTO?

It would seem as if i am not the only one who thinks that this is a good idea. We went over it before as something that was MY opinion. It would seem as if the idea of putting holds on junk food, soda in this case, is not just MY opinion any more.

I don't care what they do with THEIR OWN MONEY. They can buy gallons of sugary soda and drown in it as far as i am concerned. Food stamps are not "their own money" so to speak.

It will be interesting to see where this goes issue goes.

Then why stop at pop? Snack food in general is high calorie/low nutrition. Meat isn't all that good for people, so why not limit food stamps to no red meat and x number of oz. per person, per week? Of course could have the stamps coded to make sure there are enough servings of vegs/fruits to fit the new food pyramid. Only skim milk allowed. White flour isn't as good for people as whole wheat, so limit the ration perhaps at 5:1? Coffee? No way, even decaffeinated isn't nutritional. Oh the fun we could have making people eat, drink what the government thinks is good for them.

Ask any nutritionist, and they will all tell you the same thing. Don't drink your calories. Banning soda is a good start. I am not opposed that his idea expands to snack foods to include candy, chips, packaged cakes and cookies and ice cream.
While I probably would have left out the f word, you said this well. I was trying to think of how to respond, considering that pop is wasted calories. On the other hand, seems to me that people should be able to choose what food they want.

I'm quite surprised that the mayor doesn't say that the city's nutritionists will prepare quality meals for anyone on stamps. Heck, these folks probably eat too much mac n' cheese too. Perhaps the city can just buy soy products, veggies, and cheese from warehouses for these people, why stop at pop?

Ask STARVING folks if they'd turn their noses up at FREE FOOD,


and then get back to us, eh?

'Cuz THAT's the thing ~ if you're THAT hard up, that you can't even buy food for yourself and/or your family, and you're provided with a choice of NUTRITIOUS foods?

Pump off if that ain't Good Enough.
Shut the fuck up..

A lot of people who receive food stamps also PAY TAXES.

They deserve a say in their taxes in that case even more so than you do, especially when it's going in their body and not yours.

Why do you mother fuckers ignore this fact? Why do you think only YOU get to have a say in tax dollars, just because you're not collecting benefits? Many of those people bust their asses for very little money, and then get their paychecks cut down with taxes as well, but only YOU get to have a say in it?

Where the fuck do you come up with this logic?

I know several people who get food stamps. None of them pay income taxes. The logic is simple. You get food stamps for food, you purchase food with them. You know something with a nutritional value. You do not earn food stamps, they are a gift from your friends and neighbors.

Yeah well I know several who get them and do pay taxes, and have paid taxes for YEARS.

So I guess my dick is bigger than yours.

How the fuck do you make enough money that you have to pay income taxes and still get food stamps? Everyone I know who gets food stamps are piss poor. It pisses me off every time i see them with beer and cigarettes. But you can't stop them from spending cash on their vices.

And I really could care less about the size of your wee wee.
How the fuck do you make enough money that you have to pay income taxes and still get food stamps? Everyone I know who gets food stamps are piss poor. It pisses me off every time i see them with beer and cigarettes. But you can't stop them from spending cash on their vices.

And I really could care less about the size of your wee wee.

that pisses me off too! If they have enough money for beer and cigarettes....Then they should also have enough money for soda.

Again no one is suggesting that you can not have just cant buy it with food stamps.
If I ever have the unfortunate circumstance in my life where I have to rely on food stamp benefits, I'm fucking eating what the fuck I want.

No one is going to tell me what I can and can't do with food stamp benefits that my OWN tax dollars have paid into.

You can come pry a can of "surgary soda" out of my cold dead hands.

Typical entitlement mentality ~

"I'm not giving out of the kindness of my heart,


I'm giving so that when and if I need,

I"LL BE OWED, and not feel ANY compunction to actually THANK anyone."

I know several people who get food stamps. None of them pay income taxes. The logic is simple. You get food stamps for food, you purchase food with them. You know something with a nutritional value. You do not earn food stamps, they are a gift from your friends and neighbors.

Yeah well I know several who get them and do pay taxes, and have paid taxes for YEARS.

So I guess my dick is bigger than yours.

How the fuck do you make enough money that you have to pay income taxes and still get food stamps? Everyone I know who gets food stamps are piss poor. It pisses me off every time i see them with beer and cigarettes. But you can't stop them from spending cash on their vices.

And I really could care less about the size of your wee wee.

Every state and county is different in their eligibility criteria. Some offer benefits, while probably small amounts, to people who are still above the poverty level and pay taxes.

And then there's the situation where someone may have made good money for a long time, paid plenty of taxes in their lifetime, and then lost a job and now has NOTHING.

So they qualify for food stamps now, but they don't get to have any say in how those tax dollars they've paid for all those years are used?

Are you fucking serious?
I think Food stamps should just be for mostly healthy food. They should not pay for non sugary soda either.
If I ever have the unfortunate circumstance in my life where I have to rely on food stamp benefits, I'm fucking eating what the fuck I want.

No one is going to tell me what I can and can't do with food stamp benefits that my OWN tax dollars have paid into.

You can come pry a can of "surgary soda" out of my cold dead hands.

Typical entitlement mentality ~

"I'm not giving out of the kindness of my heart,


I'm giving so that when and if I need,

I"LL BE OWED, and not feel ANY compunction to actually THANK anyone."


Giving out of the kindness of my heart?? They're fucking TAXES, dummy. I don't have a choice. So fuck yeah, when it's my turn to enjoy some of those dollars I've involuntarily been paying all these years, you're DAMN RIGHT I'm going to get my money's worth.

I don't even agree with MOST of what my tax dollars go to, so I'm at least going to eat what I want.
Food stamps should be for food, plain and simple. That being said we must be careful in regulating things like this so that they do not get away from us; like paulie already thinks it has....
Yes i am very serious, I have seen way too much abuse of the systems.

Sorry pal, but if I've paid taxes, then I'm going to have a say in my benefits as well.

At the very least, we would have an equal say, considering that we've both paid taxes and are both entitled to what's being handed out.

So that being said, like I said earlier, you're welcome to come pry that can of soda out of my cold dead hands.
Most people on food stamps are buying what they need. Many don't receive enough money to buy all their food for the month. If they want to buy some pop, let them.
Food stamps have a very good return on the dollar. I can't get the link right now, but I have read for every $1.00 spent, 1.16 is put back into the economy.
Yes i am very serious, I have seen way too much abuse of the systems.

I know many people who get food stamps. They are not abusing the system, they are feeding their family. Many shouldn't punished for what a few do.

Don't tell Ollie about abuse at the Fire and Police Depts. He may advocate getting rid of them.
Yes i am very serious, I have seen way too much abuse of the systems.

Sorry pal, but if I've paid taxes, then I'm going to have a say in my benefits as well.

At the very least, we would have an equal say, considering that we've both paid taxes and are both entitled to what's being handed out.

So that being said, like I said earlier, you're welcome to come pry that can of soda out of my cold dead hands.


Most people on food stamps are buying what they need. Many don't receive enough money to buy all their food for the month. If they want to buy some pop, let them.
Food stamps have a very good return on the dollar. I can't get the link right now, but I have read for every $1.00 spent, 1.16 is put back into the economy.

I agree. Those that care about themselves and most of all, their children, use the program to make their money go as far as they can. I wish there wasn't a food stamp program or the need. I seriously think many of the issues that these programs were instituted to 'help' have created a dependent class. This proposal and the responses, seem to indicate just that.

If instead people that really were 'hungry' could go to either private or public food pantries, then the 'restrictions' on nutrition would be met-no choice. Let's really just say that if you 'need help' outside of family/friends, you go HERE and take THIS. Don't like it? Find a way to get in the stores with the rest of us.
I think that his is a good move. NYC is asking that food stamps no longer cover sugary soda. They are NOT saying that you cannot have sugary soda but that you just cannot buy them with food stamps.

New York City and state officials want the U.S. Department of Agriculture to ban the use of food stamps to buy sugary soft drinks for two years to curb obesity- related diseases among the city’s poor.

Sugar-sweetened beverages are “the largest single contributor to the obesity epidemic,” Governor David Paterson and Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a joint statement in advance of a City Hall news briefing today. Obesity is almost twice as prevalent among the city’s poorest households as in the wealthiest, they said.

The state’s office for disability assistance intends to ask the USDA to exclude the drinks from the list of items that can be purchased with food stamps, a welfare program that started in 1964, the statement said. The ban, requested by both the state and local governments, would affect only the city.

New York Will Ask Obama to Bar Food Stamps in Purchase of Sugary Drinks - Bloomberg

What about diet soda?
Most people on food stamps are buying what they need. Many don't receive enough money to buy all their food for the month. If they want to buy some pop, let them.
Food stamps have a very good return on the dollar. I can't get the link right now, but I have read for every $1.00 spent, 1.16 is put back into the economy.

I agree. Those that care about themselves and most of all, their children, use the program to make their money go as far as they can. I wish there wasn't a food stamp program or the need. I seriously think many of the issues that these programs were instituted to 'help' have created a dependent class. This proposal and the responses, seem to indicate just that.

If instead people that really were 'hungry' could go to either private or public food pantries, then the 'restrictions' on nutrition would be met-no choice. Let's really just say that if you 'need help' outside of family/friends, you go HERE and take THIS. Don't like it? Find a way to get in the stores with the rest of us.

That is what they are saying. Get what you want. Food stamps is just no longer providing soda. Don't like it? Find a way to get it but not with food stamps.

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