Food Stamps: Just say no to sugary soda

dawg, I think they should drop trow and leave a dump in your basket.

No cart or basket on earth is large enough to hold a dump from the hogs I see at the trough plundering at the checkout aisle.
But you may be different.
Is that your style?

I agree with you wingnuts, except the part about ignoring trillions in the military shithole to rave about millions in poor assistance.:lol:

You ADD your own sugar to kool aid.

And as it stands now soda is the only thing on the table. As someone who takes care of a diabetic, ALL juice has as much sugar as soda and that makes them not good. If you are asking my opinion if juice should be on the "bad" list, then yes. However i would not disallow it out right.

Addicts change the hit to satisfy the need. People on no salt diets will gain a taste for soy sauce. Someone addicted to soda MAY transfer that liquid sugar hit to juice.

As for generics, if someone is trying to stretch their food stamp budget by choosing generics...more power to them.

At least juice has nutritional value.
But wait!

According to the AAP, drinking too much juice can contribute to obesity, the development of cavities (dental caries), diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal problems, such as excessive gas, bloating and abdominal pain.

Fruit Juice - How Much Is Too Much?

Interesting, I start every day with 6 ounces of Grape juice. good for the ole ticker and all that.
If I had my way, the only LIQUID that food stamps would be able to buy would be milk and orange juice.

Bottled water and ready to serve baby formula would probably be additions on my list.

Definitely the formula...although that should be covered under WIC which is a second program.

I waffled on the bottled water, since it is so exorbitantly overpriced. However if generic gallons are covered, then I'm okay with it. Some people might not have access to drinkable water. But, I don't think that the improverished need to be drinking Aquafina or Perrier.

"Let them eat cake!"
dawg, I think they should drop trow and leave a dump in your basket.

No cart or basket on earth is large enough to hold a dump from the hogs I see at the trough plundering at the checkout aisle.
But you may be different.
Is that your style?

I agree with you wingnuts, except the part about ignoring trillions in the military shithole to rave about millions in poor assistance.:lol:

Sorry about getting off topic here folks.

Topspin, I agree there is a huge military financial drain on the US. Further, I think we need to leave Iraq and Afghanistan now, today. No leaving a base behind either. We ahve proven that we can establish one with little trouble when needed. How is that?
No cart or basket on earth is large enough to hold a dump from the hogs I see at the trough plundering at the checkout aisle.
But you may be different.
Is that your style?

I agree with you wingnuts, except the part about ignoring trillions in the military shithole to rave about millions in poor assistance.:lol:

Sorry about getting off topic here folks.

Topspin, I agree there is a huge military financial drain on the US. Further, I think we need to leave Iraq and Afghanistan now, today. No leaving a base behind either. We ahve proven that we can establish one with little trouble when needed. How is that?

The socialist states of Europe have no standing militaries to speak of and still have social spending they can't pay for.
Wait a minute...kool aid has sugar in it.

And if you are comparing 100% juice to artificially sweetened juice, there is less sugar in real juice while supplying more nutrients.

Not all kool aid has sugar in it. You have to make it and add the sugar yourself.

I was not comparing juices, but juice to soda, and only commenting on the sugar levels of both in terms of diabetes.

From a diabetic stand point both are bad choices and to loaded in sugar.
Will you allow them to purchase sugar to put in their unsweetened koolaid?

Yes. But only a certain allotment oer year. Any sugar beyond that amount can be purchased with their cigarette money.
a family with children, making up to $46k a year, I believe I've read, can qualify for food stamps, while a married couple of 2, without children, can only qualify for food stamp help, if they make less than a combined income of $14k a year unless you are a senior citizen.

I believe this tells you that foodstamps are meant to feed the CHILDREN and SENIORS, not necessarily all of the "poor".
Mom and kids run into rough times. Dad's a deadbeat and mom tries to keep the kids entertained. No junk food for kiddos on the weekend huh? Their trapped in their house with shit else to do. That's big gubmint at its worst
Mom and kids run into rough times. Dad's a deadbeat and mom tries to keep the kids entertained. No junk food for kiddos on the weekend huh? Their trapped in their house with shit else to do. That's big gubmint at its worst

Now I could be wrong, but I bet they have one of three things, if not all three.

!. Cellular Phone

2. Internet access

3. Cable TV.
If I had my way, the only LIQUID that food stamps would be able to buy would be milk and orange juice.
Skim, lowfat or whole? Organic or non-organic? Florida orange juice or California orange juice?

How about chocolate milk? Milk in plastic containers or only wax cartons?

Eggnog? Soy Milk? Rice Milk? Almond Milk? Hemp Milk?

Non-dairy creamer?
Can we bring the British back please? We have more basic freedoms as British colonists than we do now

unless you were female or black. :)

i'm not sure what the big deal is about government not paying for garbage that has no nutritional value. if we're going to provide food, which i have no problem doing for people in need, then don't you think it should actually have a value?

Everyone has already heard of my "Great Epiphany" regarding foodstamps.

I think it would be a wise move to change them to allow the purchase of only "real" foods. I think it would go a long way towards helping people towards becoming self-sufficient, as they would have to learn to plan their shopping, menus, and actually cook. And it is absolutely a privilege, not a right, and charity besides. There's no rule that says when you get something free it has to be exactly what you WANT. When you get charity, you get what you are given, like it or lump it. That's something we've sort of lost sight of in this age of entitlement.
What about people that get earned income tax credits? Should we tell them how to spend that money as well?
Wait a minute...kool aid has sugar in it.

And if you are comparing 100% juice to artificially sweetened juice, there is less sugar in real juice while supplying more nutrients.

Not all kool aid has sugar in it. You have to make it and add the sugar yourself.

I was not comparing juices, but juice to soda, and only commenting on the sugar levels of both in terms of diabetes.

From a diabetic stand point both are bad choices and to loaded in sugar.
Will you allow them to purchase sugar to put in their unsweetened koolaid?

Yes, sugar is a staple food.

The point is "I" would not be "allowing" them to do anything. The choices are theirs from the products available. Soda would no longer be available.

At least juice has nutritional value.
But wait!

According to the AAP, drinking too much juice can contribute to obesity, the development of cavities (dental caries), diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal problems, such as excessive gas, bloating and abdominal pain.

Fruit Juice - How Much Is Too Much?

Interesting, I start every day with 6 ounces of Grape juice. good for the ole ticker and all that.

But VERY VERY bad if you are diabetic. How is your A1C Ollie?

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