Follow this linked thread for the current Israeli Conflict

Urban renewal, IDF-style. Talking doesn't help. Concessions don't help. I'd bomb every known weapons storage area - including mosques - then surround that enclave and starve them out.

This would be the very LAST time I had to deal with these demons. The world could go EFF themselves if they didn't agree. Over 200 murdered, many in their homes or cars. Totally unarmed civilians at daybreak on a High Holiday. ENOUGH! I'd kill those bastards until they screamed for mercy then I kill for awhile longer. It is the ONLY language they understand so I'd communicate with them high, low, hard, and continuously.

Israel is determined to drag the US and everyone else into this. .
all to prevent any 2 state solution.
RE: Follow this linked thread for the current Israeli Conflict
SUBTOPIC: Two-State Solution
※→. surada,
et al,

Whether or not the "Two-State solution is still viable is unknown. There are multiple partied in Israels coalition government and the are two principles factions and minor influences in the General Population of the Palestinians. So, no... At this point in time, there is no specific proposal that the overwhelming number of voices is clearly pointing out a a possible solution.
Israel is determined to drag the US and everyone else into this. .
all to prevent any 2 state solution.

“ The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again,
but expecting different results”
.....................................................................................Attributed to
Albert Einstein

  • No matter how hard the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) ties to tackle its anti-Israeli agenda, it is very hard for it to raise a possible solution that is viable.
  • No matter how hard the cowardly General Gazian Population whines about Israeli protection, security, and other countermeasures, the fact of the matter is there is no movement by the passive sheep in Gaza to do other than what the provide support to the Jihadist, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters within that population that is skimming the various donor contributions to maintain control of the general population and re-stock and rearm anti-Israeli, pro--Palestinian agendas.

On the matter of the Gazians complaining about the current developing hardships, the Gaza's are at fault. The Gazians are the ones that follow the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS). That means that the Gaza's are supporting the Gazian agenda.


Most Respectfully,
Hamas is up to their horror theater at Israel's expense again? :(
Yup, and I’m sure the antisemites throughout the world will find a way to blame the Jews for this as well.

When the Arabs bomb Israel, ”well they’re oppressed.” When the Israelis try to get rid of the savage beasts, it’s “genocide.”

Always double standards when Jews are involved.
Well, they are carving their own headstones and may have no future. It's a sorry day for humanity. I have no words for their suicidal approach.
Their hatred for Jews supersedes any common sense. That’s why they turned down Israel’s offers before: they were required to support the right for Israel to exist, and they couldn’t.

As Golda Meir said, “there will be peace when the Arabs love their children more than they hate Jews.”

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