Flynn lawyer wants prosecutors to turn over Mifsud cellphones.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
The plot thickens.

The lawyer representing Michael Flynn in the case against the former national security adviser demanded federal prosecutors turn over two cellphones used by a shadowy professor whose role in the Trump-Russia investigation has long been shrouded in mystery.

Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, filed a motion on Tuesday seeking the devices that belonged to Maltese Professor Joseph Mifsud, claiming that they contained imperative information to the defense of her client.

Flynn lawyer wants prosecutors to turn over cellphones from mysterious professor linked to Russia probe
This mysterious "Joeseph Mifsud" keeps popping up in everything involved with the "russian collusion" coup attempt.

He's like the democrat forest gump...I'm surprised the democrats haven't suicided him by now.
Mifsud’s Cellphones Mean Barr Investigation Heating Up.

While Democrats and their media friends prattle on about impeachment and quid pro quos, trying to deflect from the the obvious corruption of Biden & Son and the imminent appearance of the IG report on FISA and the Steele Dossier — the real action is elsewhere.


Two cellphones belonging to Joseph Mifsud — the mysterious Maltese professor at the heart of Spygate have suddenly materialized. The Epoch Times reports:

The DOJ has obtained two phones of Joseph Mifsud, the central figure of the 2016 Russia investigation, and the lawyer of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has requested them, saying they likely contain exculpatory evidence.

The phones, two BlackBerry models, “only recently” came into the government’s possession, said Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell, a former prosecutor, in an Oct. 15 court filing (pdf).​

Mifsud — for those who may have been on a long vacation on Alpha Centauri – is the man who supposedly told George Papadopoulos the Russians had Hillary's missing emails to share with the Trump campaign and therewith launched a thousand Russia probe ships. The Mueller report implies Mifsud was a Russian agent, but other indications are that he was one of ours, in which case the whole Russia probe was the most outrageous, indeed evil, misuse of U.S. intelligence in our history.

Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham were in Italy recently, one of Mifsud's favorite bailiwicks — Link Campus University in Rome — and his last known whereabouts before he vanished. It's unclear why these phones, unlike Hillary's were not hammered. These particular BlackBerrys appear to be intact, their data ready for inspection or already being inspected.

The appearance of what seems like genuine evidence is a strong indication that Barr is for real. And this evidence wouldn't even have to have been leaked covertly to Ms. Powell because, given what it is, there's reason to view the phones as "Brady material" (i. e. exculpatory evidence indicating possible prosecutorial misconduct).

FBI director Christopher Wray "Wants 26 months to turn over 13,000 Strzok-Page Docs. And was trying to hide Clinton spy Steele docs in order to protect Steele's 'privacy.' ... Is Comey still running the FBI?"

What is the director hiding here? We've already seen enough of Strzok-Page to know who they are — a pair of Deep State, immoral nitwits not smart enough to know that text messages are indelible. As for Steele, enough has been said about this bad fiction writer. (The dossier was so absurd only a reporter for Mother Jones or BuzzFeed would believe it, not that the truth would matter to them if the propaganda value were there — and it was.)

Who gave Joseph Mifsud his marching orders and just how much did he or she tell the Maltese? And who gave the marching orders to that person, Stefan Halper or whoever it was? And so on up the line...? Perhaps, some day, Messrs. Durham and Barr will tell us.
Hat tip to @DanBongino and his podcast for this.

Sure that everyone is familiar with Gen. Flynn being steamrolled by the DOJ/Special Counsel with threats to destroy not only him but his family to get a guilty plea(same defeat by attrition that CavArms suffered
). Seems that the new counsel has both cajones & a spinal cord to take the fight to the DOJ. I'll put this in order for your perusal and convenience:

  1. First pix shows the heading of a motion to get Brady evidence that was originally withheld from the defense.

  2. Second pix shows that there were two BlackBerry phones that held info on the case that were not made available to the defense(¿remember Obama grousing about having to have a BlackBerry vs. an iPhone since .gov BlackBerry phones were secure & his beloved iPhone wasn't?).

  3. Third pix(hold onto your hats ladies) shows who used these two phones. ??YEAH! OMG! Joseph Mifsud!! To refresh your memory of why this name is important:

  4. Fourth pix shows where it first appears in the Mueller Report. OH!! The "Russian agent".

Now, Inquiring Minds want to know is how does a "Russian agent" end up with a DOJ secure BlackBerry phone?
Anyone want to take a stab at answering that one?



Mueller Report - goto bottom of page 5 for the snipped text.
SO Andrew Wiesman and crew were withholding exculpatory evidence... AGAIN!

Looks like Flynn is going to throw those Mueller and company bastards under the legal bus again. Just like ENRON, this whole Mueller lie is falling apart.. Due to prosecutor misconduct..
This mysterious "Joeseph Mifsud" keeps popping up in everything involved with the "russian collusion" coup attempt.

He's like the democrat forest gump...I'm surprised the democrats haven't suicided him by now.
He's still missing last I heard, so....
Apparently he recorded a tape and then disappeared on election night 2016. Barr and Durham were recently in Italy, some say to review the tape, and at some point apparently secured his Blackberry phones, which, unlike Hillary, he didn't smash with hammers.

We'll know more when their finding are released. These phones are hard evidence and certainly gives me confidence that Barr and Durham are really digging rather just performing yet another dog and pony show where one set of Insiders exonerates another Insider.
This mysterious "Joeseph Mifsud" keeps popping up in everything involved with the "russian collusion" coup attempt.

He's like the democrat forest gump...I'm surprised the democrats haven't suicided him by now.
He's still missing last I heard, so....
Apparently he recorded a tape and then disappeared on election night 2016. Barr and Durham were recently in Italy, some say to review the tape, and at some point apparently secured his Blackberry phones, which, unlike Hillary, he didn't smash with hammers.

We'll know more when their finding are released. These phones are hard evidence and certainly gives me confidence that Barr and Durham are really digging rather just performing yet another dog and pony show where one set of Insiders exonerates another Insider.
The name Seth Rich comes to mind for some reason.
SO Andrew Wiesman and crew were withholding exculpatory evidence... AGAIN!

Looks like Flynn is going to throw those Mueller and company bastards under the legal bus again. Just like ENRON, this whole Mueller lie is falling apart.. Due to prosecutor misconduct..
Are you aware of the missing evidence from all of the Enron scandal that was stored at Ground Zero on 9/11. ? One of many interesting facts about that day.
This mysterious "Joeseph Mifsud" keeps popping up in everything involved with the "russian collusion" coup attempt.

He's like the democrat forest gump...I'm surprised the democrats haven't suicided him by now.
He's still missing last I heard, so....
Apparently he recorded a tape and then disappeared on election night 2016. Barr and Durham were recently in Italy, some say to review the tape, and at some point apparently secured his Blackberry phones, which, unlike Hillary, he didn't smash with hammers.

We'll know more when their finding are released. These phones are hard evidence and certainly gives me confidence that Barr and Durham are really digging rather just performing yet another dog and pony show where one set of Insiders exonerates another Insider.
The name Seth Rich comes to mind for some reason.
I think it make to Mifsud's too. As soon as he saw that Hillary didn't get the outcome she expected, it looks like he made a tape, left his blackberries as corroboration and headed for the hills.

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