Flying bug found at Walmart turns out to be rare Jurassic-era insect


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
A 2012 trip to a Fayetteville, Arkansas, Walmart to pick up some milk turned out to be one for the history books. A giant bug that stopped a scientist in his tracks as he walked into the store and he ended up taking home turned out to be a rare Jurassic-era flying insect.

Michael Skvarla, director of Penn State University's Insect Identification Lab, found the mysterious bug – an experience that he says he remembers "vividly."

"I was walking into Walmart to get milk and I saw this huge insect on the side of the building," he said in a press release from Penn State. "I thought it looked interesting, so I put it in my hand and did the rest of my shopping with it between my fingers. I got home, mounted it, and promptly forgot about it for almost a decade."


Giant Flying Bug Found at Walmart Store Is Really 'Super-Rare' Insect
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Click bait crap. Most insects predate vertebrates by many millions of years,
OK, so fuck-off then.

BTW ass-wipe, given the number of insect species that go extinct every year this one looks to have defied the odds.
Can you have a discussion about insects without being a fucking prick? I wasn't trying to insult you with my comments but your fragile little ego apparently sees any disagreement as an insult.
Meh, if you want to continue to let folks know how much of a no fun stick in the mud you are then by all means go ahead.
You're not having fun? I totally enjoy puncturing internet stupidity.
It's a Giant Lacewing, I'm not sure it surviving benefits anyone. You ever see these Mayflies near a river when they are mating? Covers your car in guts.

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