Florida Woman Arrested for Voter Fraud

Trump is a 'straight shooter'?


If you believe that, you're a total dupe!

What's funny is that you actually believe that when you lie about what Trump said, that makes ... Trump ... a liar. No, jackass, it makes YOU a liar. Trump is a straight shooter. You are a nasty little scum ball liar
I'm reminding you what a liar you are. You were behind the vaccine last year and told all the Democrats who were slamming it they were wrong. Sure you did, fucking liar

That's correct and what is untruthful about that? How is that related to voter fraud?
Are you feeling a little off colour today?
Oh, where? Easy. Democrats committed voter fraud particularly in six US cities: Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix. You kept voting until you flipped them and stole the election

Sure we did. Have another valium and lie down. You're nuttier than a fruit cake.
Sure we did. Have another valium and lie down. You're nuttier than a fruit cake.

A joke doesn't make your lying scum cheating and stealing the election any less obvious. In those six corrupt Democrat cities, you just kept voting until you flipped all six States and stole the election
A joke doesn't make your lying scum cheating and stealing the election any less obvious. In those six corrupt Democrat cities, you just kept voting until you flipped all six States and stole the election

Put your evidence to the SC or shut up. You're as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.
That's for the lawyers. Trump's lawyers did file lawsuits only to have liberal judges reject the evidence.

The SC was stacked by trump to get a Republican majority for exactly that reason. Liberal judges my arse. The rubbish they filed was pure hatred and bullshit and that's why they never wasted their time. You know nothing but simply hate the thought of trump being beaten.
What's funny is that you actually believe that when you lie about what Trump said, that makes ... Trump ... a liar. No, jackass, it makes YOU a liar. Trump is a straight shooter. You are a nasty little scum ball liar

LOL, dufus Richard-H comes in and lies and lies and lies about what Trump says, then moron Richard actually believes that his lying about what Trump said is ... Trump lying ... No, it's not, Richard lying makes ... Richard ... the liar. LOL, dufus
Yes, for sure. That isn't nearly enough votes for Democrats to worry about stealing them. They imported votes by the truckload in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix
You could tell by the size of the rallies who was going to win...until the voter fraud happened.
But I was told voter fraud didn’t occur in the last election. Was I lied to?
Who told you that? Even in the most secure election in U.S. history, there are inevitably a few isolated cases that do not impact the outcome.

Nearly 11 million folks cast ballots in Florida in 2020. 20 were charged with fraud, and 1 has been convicted.

Florida officials announced they were charging 20 people with alleged voter fraud. It was the first big set of cases investigated by the state's new election crimes unit, which was created at the urging of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.
The statewide prosecutor recently secured one conviction through a plea deal. But at least three other cases so far have been dismissed on procedural grounds. And attorneys representing those who were charged say Florida's cases face a tough road — even if they make it to trial.
The state's effort has been a controversial one. Many of the individuals charged with voting illegally in 2020 say they thought they were eligible to vote, despite past felony convictions, because the state had given them a voter registration card.
Why is the Dangling Appendage State engaging in enticement?
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