Florida to teach the positive aspects of slavery in Black history

That black people learned skills as slaves that they used to benefit themselves in Freedom. Not taught since these kinds of trueisms aren't taught.
Actually, this is taught, and the skills benefited the slaves both after and before emancipation.
Slaves did not learn anything new in America that they had not learned at home. The were agriculturalists, metallurgists, livestock peoples, blacksmiths, teachers, students, etc. in Africa.
Correct in many instances.

The skills in question were refined, applied and/or acquired in the New World.
You are rather twisting the truth.
They learned skills to make them more valuable to the slave owner.
No; the skills benefitted both slave and "master."
You types are vile.

What's vile is twisting the intentions of the two Black PhDs who wrote this curriculum to fit an anti-truth, pro-racist agenda which denies Black people agency and dignity even while they were experiencing the horrors of slavery.
Benefits? Like picking cotton? What crazy, convoluted BS. The students will laugh at such idiocy.

The two Black PhDs who wrote and stand by this curriculum sought to speak the full truth about Black experience in America, including the building of agency via refining and acquiring various skills which improved their standing.
Benefits? Like picking cotton? What crazy, convoluted BS. The students will laugh at such idiocy.
You typed picking cotton. However Prog Socialist agendas promote that people from Africa built America. Designed and made the blueprints for all of the D.C. buildings and did all of the strategic work to get it all done. So, it was not just picking cotton. It was the top of human intellectual technological achievements that really went on in that era. This from men and women who came from a continent that was not advanced in anything. I do not type that as insult. Humans can live good lives in many conditions. Propaganda is an infection elites can control all of us with.
Why is the truth so objectionable?
Conservatives have clearly become more bold and aggressive in their racism – advancing the lie that enslaved Americans somehow ‘benefited’ from being in bondage.

This racist revisionism embraced by conservatives is clearly intended to justify Republicans’ efforts today to disadvantage and discriminate against Americans of color.
Conservatives have clearly become more bold and aggressive in their racism – advancing the lie that enslaved Americans somehow ‘benefited’ from being in bondage.
The creators of the curriculum were two Black PhDs, and no such lie was advanced.

Read the entire thread before responding, and perhaps you won't appear quite so foolish.
This racist revisionism embraced by conservatives is clearly intended to justify Republicans’ efforts today to disadvantage and discriminate against Americans of color.
Are you of the insane opinion that the two Black PhDs whose ACTUAL, non-racist curriculum has been discussed upthread are White supremacists?

Newly approved academic standards from Florida’s Board of Education will require middle schools to teach that enslaved people "developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit" — a line that has ignited significant controversy among teachers' groups.

The standards, which were approved Wednesday, come in response to the state's 2022 "Stop WOKE Act," which stated that race must be taught in "an objective manner" that does not "indoctrinate or persuade students to a particular point of view." The measure pushed far-right lawmakers' rhetoric that teaching Black history makes White people feel ashamed, instructing that no student should be made to feel "guilt" or "responsibility" for actions previously committed by members of the same race.

In a state where the citizens describe mask mandates as "slavery" they take a very charitable view of actual slavery. It seems that chains and whips and rapings were misunderstood. They were actually programmes that helped black people become more useful slaves.

Its a novel approach to history but I suspect that the usual suspects will sieze on this and interpret it as Gov DeSantis being some sort of fascist.

People can be unkind in that regard.

And the democrat party says jump, and even you, a British leftists no longer yells...."How High," you simply start hopping........

You do understand that mask mandates were stupid? Right?

And the curriculum in Florida is a detailed look at slavery.........but since Desantis is beating the democrats at every turn, they are simply using this to attack him...
That thread's in the Badlands now.

The only obscenity here is that neither you nor SBB (the other thread starter) looked at who wrote the curriculum, and why this element was included in it, preferring to jump on the hysterical & irrational,"There's a racist under every bed!" bandwagon.

It isn't hysterical or irrational....the democrat party knows that screaming "racism," is the only way they can keep black Americans voting for them, since everything the democrats actually do is destroying the lives of black Americans.......and killing them as well.....so they can't have black Americans stopping for even a moment and asking the question...."weren't the democrats the ones who owned the slaves, started the Civil War to keep the slaves, started jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests and the klan?" So....racism has been and will always be the tool, the weapon and the shield of the democrat party.
the conservative GOP in FL says they are not racists, then put forth a law like that.

I remember one of their Sunday School teachers in Davenport, FL, saying how benefited the Hebrew slaves were in Egypt to learn how to make bricks without straw.
You can't produce.
The irony here is that the very curriculum you ignorantly attack as racist would provide you the answers you seek.

As would, of course, common sense.

The difference between the more overt iterations of conservative racism and the condescending/patronizing racism of liberals like yourself is that the former is more obvious and thus less dangerous and destructive.

But if you're too invested in trolling & playing imaginary games of gotcha to answer your own ridiculous question, I might rub your nose in one of the most blatantly obvious answers at some point.


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