Florida Rebels glossing over Civil War war crimes

What a bunch of POS neo-confederates. Lie through their teeth.

Great. Show a lie and proof it is a lie. Shouldn't be hard for geniuses like you guys pretend to be. You're all misplaced hate and little knowledge to my way of thinking. Prove me wrong about something instead of constantly begging the question or attacking straw men.
9thIDdoc resorts to ad homs after his FAIL post. GTFO of the thread if all you're going to do is hurl expletives son. :bye1:

Fail? You haven't refuted anything I've had to say nor have I been "hurling expletives". You are as delusional as usual.

Run along little boy. Your Mama's calling

your FAIL link got spanked. Read the thread before posting son.


That cropped phot of yours was exposed as a fake by paperview way back on page #2 :rofl:

Read the post before discussing it. I made no claims about the picture. I quoted text and presented a camp where innumerable war crimes were committed. But you apparently aren't actually interested in any that were committed by your union because you ignored it.
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But they won. We all know the winners don't commit war crimes. :D

The South shouldn't have started shit they couldn't finish. Rhett Butler was right.

The winners write the history books but it wasn't about winning. The South just wanted to leave the Union and crazy Union generals ordered the murder of civilians for it. Who in the world could justify the burning of Atlanta? Nobody can so the history books just gloss over it.

The south got off very easy.

It should have all been burned to the ground. Every Confederate soldier's corpses should have been staked and lined the roads. Jefferson Davis and Robert E Lee should have been hung, their bodies destroyed and their heads put up on poles until they were flyblown. The Stars and Bars should have been made illegal to fly on pain of death.

The very mention of the war should have caused every Southern Confederate traitor to shudder in horror.

Oh well.

Why do you think the confederates fought so hard, that was what they were expecting.

And the punishment that the radical did inflict caused an insurgency that lasted about ten years. It is hard to crush a free people, but I reckon it can be done if you want to spend enough money. However the NAZI were not able to do it and they used similar methods.
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