Florida Rebels glossing over Civil War war crimes


Care to answer thumb boi?

:popcorn: [MENTION=25186]Two Thumbs[/MENTION]

I think the link, that you failed to notice, that proved there were black csa troops, put it at 1500.

since neither of you bothered to read, I'm not double checking.

Grant your 1500, which must include the propaganda creole troops from Louisiana, were far out number by more than a 100 to 1 by black Union troops.
:popcorn: [MENTION=25186]Two Thumbs[/MENTION]

I think the link, that you failed to notice, that proved there were black csa troops, put it at 1500.

since neither of you bothered to read, I'm not double checking.

Grant your 1500, which must include the propaganda creole troops from Louisiana, were far out number by more than a 100 to 1 by black Union troops.

So I'm right.

But you lack the manhood to admit it.

quell surprise.
But they won. We all know the winners don't commit war crimes. :D

The South shouldn't have started shit they couldn't finish. Rhett Butler was right.

The winners write the history books but it wasn't about winning. The South just wanted to leave the Union and crazy Union generals ordered the murder of civilians for it. Who in the world could justify the burning of Atlanta? Nobody can so the history books just gloss over it.

ummm..... because it was a major resupply depot for the rebels? :eusa_whistle:

BTW- "all out war" has been justified even AFTER the War of Southern Rebellion. google it.
The freaking South was defeated. Crazy general Sherman punished civilians because Atlanta ...HAD...been a major resupply for the rebels.
If this was all about slavery, why did 4 slave holding states remain with the north? Why were their slaves not freed at the beginning of the war instead of well after the war? The Emancipation Proclamation exempted all slaves in Northern territory and all slaves in southern territory already under northern control. .

It didn't "exempt" them, it simply had no authority to include them as they were not areas in open rebellion against the Union and therefore subject to the President's power as Commander-in-Chief in such a manner.
The south got off very easy.

It should have all been burned to the ground. Every Confederate soldier's corpses should have been staked and lined the roads. Jefferson Davis and Robert E Lee should have been hung, their bodies destroyed and their heads put up on poles until they were flyblown. The Stars and Bars should have been made illegal to fly on pain of death.

The very mention of the war should have caused every Southern Confederate traitor to shudder in horror.

Oh well.

Take it easy, Swallow. You're getting all worked up and making a fool of yourself again.
I think the link, that you failed to notice, that proved there were black csa troops, put it at 1500.

since neither of you bothered to read, I'm not double checking.

Grant your 1500, which must include the propaganda creole troops from Louisiana, were far out number by more than a 100 to 1 by black Union troops.

So I'm right.

But you lack the manhood to admit it.

quell surprise.
No, you're not.

You apparently missed this post: http://www.usmessageboard.com/8712874-post21.html

Here, I'll repost. Take note of what I highlighted in red.

And to fully correct the record,

There actually was a Confederate Louisiana Guard, but they never saw service, and it was part of the Confederate PR campaign.

What these unreconstructed rebs won't tell you was they were disbanded because the confeds had no use for them outside of the PR campaign, AND the Louisiana State Legislature passed a law in Jan. 1862 reorganizing the militia into only “...free white males capable of bearing arms… ”

You can see the law here: Official copy of the militia law of Louisiana, adopted by the state legislature, Jan. 23, 1862

The thing that started this off was you wanting to back up this:

Quote: Originally Posted by 9thIDdoc
Damnyankee troops were also known to kill Black CSA troops.

So -- the "troops" in question were never used in service -
Parade is the most service they provided.
Grant your 1500, which must include the propaganda creole troops from Louisiana, were far out number by more than a 100 to 1 by black Union troops.

So I'm right.

But you lack the manhood to admit it.

quell surprise.
No, you're not.

You apparently missed this post: http://www.usmessageboard.com/8712874-post21.html

Here, I'll repost. Take note of what I highlighted in red.

And to fully correct the record,

There actually was a Confederate Louisiana Guard, but they never saw service, and it was part of the Confederate PR campaign.

What these unreconstructed rebs won't tell you was they were disbanded because the confeds had no use for them outside of the PR campaign, AND the Louisiana State Legislature passed a law in Jan. 1862 reorganizing the militia into only “...free white males capable of bearing arms… ”

You can see the law here: Official copy of the militia law of Louisiana, adopted by the state legislature, Jan. 23, 1862

The thing that started this off was you wanting to back up this:

Quote: Originally Posted by 9thIDdoc
Damnyankee troops were also known to kill Black CSA troops.

So -- the "troops" in question were never used in service -
Parade is the most service they provided.

Please note that posting on these threads in no way commits me to spoon feeding history or any other form of education to those too lazy to research questions of interest on their own.

Black Confederate Soldiers

The 1860 census counted 240,747 "free Negroes" in the slave states, 15,000 more than lived in the free states to the north. Almost half a century earlier, free black Southerners had fought under Andrew Jackson to help defeat British invaders at the Battle of New Orleans. Not surprisingly, many also volunteered to defend their homes against the new threat from the North. No accurate record has been kept of black units that served the South, since most of them were state militia and never mustered into the Confederate Army. However, contemporary newspapers mention black units as being present at Charleston, Mobile, Nashville, New Orleans, Bowling Green, Ky., and Lynchburg, VA. Not one of these militia units appears to have been actively engaged in combat, though many did perform service on the front lines. Quite often this was as laborers in the construction of fortifications, a task also performed by slaves.

Anyone with an interest in Civil War "war crimes" should check the history of Camp Douglas Ill.
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It's a pile of Lost Cause garbage.

A few, a very few black Confederates fought for the South. Something on the order of a few hundred, maybe 3 to 500. No where near the tens of thousands the Lost Causers like to push.
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Grant your 1500, which must include the propaganda creole troops from Louisiana, were far out number by more than a 100 to 1 by black Union troops.

So I'm right.

But you lack the manhood to admit it.

quell surprise.
No, you're not.

You apparently missed this post: http://www.usmessageboard.com/8712874-post21.html

Here, I'll repost. Take note of what I highlighted in red.

And to fully correct the record,

There actually was a Confederate Louisiana Guard, but they never saw service, and it was part of the Confederate PR campaign.

What these unreconstructed rebs won't tell you was they were disbanded because the confeds had no use for them outside of the PR campaign, AND the Louisiana State Legislature passed a law in Jan. 1862 reorganizing the militia into only “...free white males capable of bearing arms… ”

You can see the law here: Official copy of the militia law of Louisiana, adopted by the state legislature, Jan. 23, 1862

The thing that started this off was you wanting to back up this:

Quote: Originally Posted by 9thIDdoc
Damnyankee troops were also known to kill Black CSA troops.

So -- the "troops" in question were never used in service -
Parade is the most service they provided.

someone claimed that there were black csa troops

another demanded a link

I provided the link that proved there were black members of the csa

Again, I'm right, and you have to go off on a tangent and pretend I'm not.

but you're yet another liberal, that's been proven wrong but can't admit it.

quell surprise.
lol. The neo-confederate here linking to a neo-confed Lost Causer site thinks he's going to school me on history.



Obviously you need someone to "school" you but I doubt you are worth my time and trouble.
So I'm right.

But you lack the manhood to admit it.

quell surprise.
No, you're not.

You apparently missed this post: http://www.usmessageboard.com/8712874-post21.html

Here, I'll repost. Take note of what I highlighted in red.

And to fully correct the record,

There actually was a Confederate Louisiana Guard, but they never saw service, and it was part of the Confederate PR campaign.

What these unreconstructed rebs won't tell you was they were disbanded because the confeds had no use for them outside of the PR campaign, AND the Louisiana State Legislature passed a law in Jan. 1862 reorganizing the militia into only “...free white males capable of bearing arms… ”

You can see the law here: Official copy of the militia law of Louisiana, adopted by the state legislature, Jan. 23, 1862

The thing that started this off was you wanting to back up this:

Quote: Originally Posted by 9thIDdoc
Damnyankee troops were also known to kill Black CSA troops.

So -- the "troops" in question were never used in service -
Parade is the most service they provided.

someone claimed that there were black csa troops

another demanded a link

I provided the link that proved there were black members of the csa

Again, I'm right, and you have to go off on a tangent and pretend I'm not.

but you're yet another liberal, that's been proven wrong but can't admit it.

quell surprise.
Yes, gawd forbid we were talking about troops that served.

Then again, you were the idiot who threw up that stoopid cropped Louisiana photo of the Union soldiers thinking they were CSA troops.

lol. The neo-confederate here linking to a neo-confed Lost Causer site thinks he's going to school me on history.



Obviously you need someone to "school" you but I doubt you are worth my time and trouble.
Concession note.

Not a single neo-confederate or even con at all who has ever taken me on in my long history of Civil War debates here has ever schooled me -- and they usually get their knocker slobbered all the way down the stairs on their way out.

So, smart move.

Too bad though. You could have learned some.
The south got off very easy.

It should have all been burned to the ground. Every Confederate soldier's corpses should have been staked and lined the roads. Jefferson Davis and Robert E Lee should have been hung, their bodies destroyed and their heads put up on poles until they were flyblown. The Stars and Bars should have been made illegal to fly on pain of death.

The very mention of the war should have caused every Southern Confederate traitor to shudder in horror.

Oh well.

Take it easy, Swallow. You're getting all worked up and making a fool of yourself again.


So I'm right.

But you lack the manhood to admit it.

quell surprise.
No, you're not.

You apparently missed this post: http://www.usmessageboard.com/8712874-post21.html

Here, I'll repost. Take note of what I highlighted in red.

And to fully correct the record,

There actually was a Confederate Louisiana Guard, but they never saw service, and it was part of the Confederate PR campaign.

What these unreconstructed rebs won't tell you was they were disbanded because the confeds had no use for them outside of the PR campaign, AND the Louisiana State Legislature passed a law in Jan. 1862 reorganizing the militia into only &#8220;...free white males capable of bearing arms&#8230; &#8221;

You can see the law here: Official copy of the militia law of Louisiana, adopted by the state legislature, Jan. 23, 1862

The thing that started this off was you wanting to back up this:

Quote: Originally Posted by 9thIDdoc
Damnyankee troops were also known to kill Black CSA troops.

So -- the "troops" in question were never used in service -
Parade is the most service they provided.

Please note that posting on these threads in no way commits me to spoon feeding history or any other form of education to those too lazy to research questions of interest on their own.

Black Confederate Soldiers

The 1860 census counted 240,747 "free Negroes" in the slave states, 15,000 more than lived in the free states to the north. Almost half a century earlier, free black Southerners had fought under Andrew Jackson to help defeat British invaders at the Battle of New Orleans. Not surprisingly, many also volunteered to defend their homes against the new threat from the North. No accurate record has been kept of black units that served the South, since most of them were state militia and never mustered into the Confederate Army. However, contemporary newspapers mention black units as being present at Charleston, Mobile, Nashville, New Orleans, Bowling Green, Ky., and Lynchburg, VA. Not one of these militia units appears to have been actively engaged in combat, though many did perform service on the front lines. Quite often this was as laborers in the construction of fortifications, a task also performed by slaves.

Anyone with an interest in Civil War "war crimes" should check the history of Camp Douglas Ill.

your subjective source/link has the same rebel doctored photo that has already beren discounted hack :eusa_eh: :eusa_hand: You're not very good at debating. :( :rofl:
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lol. The neo-confederate here linking to a neo-confed Lost Causer site thinks he's going to school me on history.



Obviously you need someone to "school" you but I doubt you are worth my time and trouble.
Concession note.

Not a single neo-confederate or even con at all who has ever taken me on in my long history of Civil War debates here has ever schooled me -- and they usually get their knocker slobbered all the way down the stairs on their way out.

So, smart move.

Too bad though. You could have learned some.

Right. I just really really don't want you to try to slobber on my knocker. I am kind of picky about who slobbers on it.
9thIDdoc resorts to ad homs after his FAIL post. GTFO of the thread if all you're going to do is hurl expletives son. :bye1:
"Again, I'm right, and you have to go off on a tangent and pretend I'm not."

What a moron. The OP said "gloss", which you have done from the beginning and have been on a tangent ever since.

The CSA had an infinitesimal number of black troops compared to the 185,000 Union black troops (some of whom are misidentified in the picture on the first page as CSA troops) of whom 33,000 died in the cause of liberty.

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