Florida on path to declare pornography a public health crisis

Oh yeah, they're so for the Constitution, except when waving their confederate flag. The Bill of Rights is the most important thing in their life when discussing guns, and it's a waste of time when discussing anything else.

Speak for yourself. Outside of the religious right, there are few on the right that have any issue with porn being on the internet.

Do you complain when leftists beat the shit out of conservatives at public rallies to keep them from expressing their views? I don't recall that you had.

There are plenty of people on forums such as this one who compartmentalize. One minute they're for something, the next they're totally against it.

I've have someone tell me that "choice is freedom" and then doesn't want to change the political system so people have choice, and therefore more freedom, when voting because he loves the fact that the Republicans have a massive unfair advantage.

I could give hundreds of examples of people trying to ignore the constitution when it's inconvenient and then use the constitution as the basis of other things.

You seem like a political partisan rather than an independent thinker. You bitch about Republicans while Democrats are undoubtedly WORSE with regard to corruption and malfeasance.
News at 11. Peoples republic of Floridastans "dear leaders" ban all porn from entering the democratic republic via electronic or physical methods.All titty bars closed.
Rapes up 2000% in 3 days. More prisons being drawn up.
Referendum on banning craigslist begins next week.
Titty bars always have historically have had districts of their own. The problem begins when all the deviants desire to bring their shit into the mainstream and down main street instead of keeping it in the red light districts where it should be.

Hell, there are some communities that are aghast at the idea of a Hooter's restaurant coming to town.
You can take my porn out of my cold dead hands.

That is fact...

We're one of the most imprisoned nations on earth because of the war on drugs and you want to lock people up for more reasons? What happened to that personal responsibility you conservatives bitch about?
News at 11. Peoples republic of Floridastans "dear leaders" ban all porn from entering the democratic republic via electronic or physical methods.All titty bars closed.
Rapes up 2000% in 3 days. More prisons being drawn up.
Referendum on banning craigslist begins next week.

It would be interesting to see what would happen, but we will never know.

I'm reminded of the "war on drugs". They say it just can't work cuz in the US it is not working. However, look at Singapore where they shoot drug dealers on the spot without trial. Drug use declines by about half every year.

It's all a question about political will. The US has none. They will continue to elect men like Franken who have no moral fiber and continually promote sexual deviancy until one day Americans wake up and can't decide what gender they are.

Drugs ? Here ya go ? I try to stay well versed on multiple topics. It comes from shunning TV many many years ago
The EU country where drugs are decriminalised – and hardly anyone dies of an overdose

Here are the numbers The US is third, BTW. It's hard to fathom that there are other countries who have it worse.


The US has the added problem of an unsecure border where drugs come across every day.

In the US, the prison system is a revolving door, so they don't stay in jail. Add to the fact that we just narcan and constantly patch users up with impunity and what you have is a tax payer driven addiction problem.
I'm reminded of the "war on drugs". They say it just can't work cuz in the US it is not working. However, look at Singapore where they shoot drug dealers on the spot without trial.

Well, that's sort of the other extreme and I don't really want to go there either.

If it weren't for the all-powerful, central government, some states could experiment with LEGALIZING any and all drugs in order to see if doing so could actually help users and reduce crime.
You can take my porn out of my cold dead hands.

That is fact...

We're one of the most imprisoned nations on earth because of the war on drugs and you want to lock people up for more reasons? What happened to that personal responsibility you conservatives bitch about?

Did I say that? No, I did not..

What I'm saying is, if you want to have a war, then actually have a war. It's like Vietnam, if you get on the pot use it or get the hell off. Make up your mind if you are actually going to have a war because if you do it will take everything you have.

So I would say, either decide to have an actual war or legalize it. My guess is legalizing it will not bring down the numbers at all. Why would it?

In Colorado they are now having all kinds of issues with minors using pot. Although pot would not be the target drug for ending deaths associated with illegal drugs, it is an indication that legalizing it leads to more drug use.
News at 11. Peoples republic of Floridastans "dear leaders" ban all porn from entering the democratic republic via electronic or physical methods.All titty bars closed.
Rapes up 2000% in 3 days. More prisons being drawn up.
Referendum on banning craigslist begins next week.

It would be interesting to see what would happen, but we will never know.

I'm reminded of the "war on drugs". They say it just can't work cuz in the US it is not working. However, look at Singapore where they shoot drug dealers on the spot without trial. Drug use declines by about half every year.

It's all a question about political will. The US has none. They will continue to elect men like Franken who have no moral fiber and continually promote sexual deviancy until one day Americans wake up and can't decide what gender they are.

Drugs ? Here ya go ? I try to stay well versed on multiple topics. It comes from shunning TV many many years ago
The EU country where drugs are decriminalised – and hardly anyone dies of an overdose

Here are the numbers The US is third, BTW. It's hard to fathom that there are other countries who have it worse.


The US has the added problem of an unsecure border where drugs come across every day.

In the US, the prison system is a revolving door, so they don't stay in jail. Add to the fact that we just narcan and constantly patch users up with impunity and what you have is a tax payer driven addiction problem.

If we raised our kids right, we wouldn't have to worry about drugs. Welcome to the liberal utopia!
I'm reminded of the "war on drugs". They say it just can't work cuz in the US it is not working. However, look at Singapore where they shoot drug dealers on the spot without trial.

Well, that's sort of the other extreme and I don't really want to go there either.

If it weren't for the all-powerful, central government, some states could experiment with LEGALIZING any and all drugs in order to see if doing so could actually help users and reduce crime.

120 American die every day from drug over doses. That is unacceptable.
News at 11. Peoples republic of Floridastans "dear leaders" ban all porn from entering the democratic republic via electronic or physical methods.All titty bars closed.
Rapes up 2000% in 3 days. More prisons being drawn up.
Referendum on banning craigslist begins next week.

It would be interesting to see what would happen, but we will never know.

I'm reminded of the "war on drugs". They say it just can't work cuz in the US it is not working. However, look at Singapore where they shoot drug dealers on the spot without trial. Drug use declines by about half every year.

It's all a question about political will. The US has none. They will continue to elect men like Franken who have no moral fiber and continually promote sexual deviancy until one day Americans wake up and can't decide what gender they are.

Drugs ? Here ya go ? I try to stay well versed on multiple topics. It comes from shunning TV many many years ago
The EU country where drugs are decriminalised – and hardly anyone dies of an overdose

Here are the numbers The US is third, BTW. It's hard to fathom that there are other countries who have it worse.


The US has the added problem of an unsecure border where drugs come across every day.

In the US, the prison system is a revolving door, so they don't stay in jail. Add to the fact that we just narcan and constantly patch users up with impunity and what you have is a tax payer driven addiction problem.

If we raised our kids right, we wouldn't have to worry about drugs. Welcome to the liberal utopia!

Yes, kids who are constantly targeted by drug dealers who usually contribute to the gun violence in the US.

You remember gun violence, something that we simply MUST stop, right? Trouble is, deaths due to guns are about half to that of drug use.
I'm reminded of the "war on drugs". They say it just can't work cuz in the US it is not working. However, look at Singapore where they shoot drug dealers on the spot without trial.

Well, that's sort of the other extreme and I don't really want to go there either.

If it weren't for the all-powerful, central government, some states could experiment with LEGALIZING any and all drugs in order to see if doing so could actually help users and reduce crime.

120 American die every day from drug over doses. That is unacceptable.

That's insane. The question is, what's the best and most morally acceptable way to fight it?

There's a lot of things we could do but, I agree with you, our nation lacks the will. Hell, look at Obama. He was potus for 8 years and what did he do for his own native south Chicago community? The answer is - nothing whatsoever.

I think we need some innovative thinking and some willpower to get ahead of this. Unfortunately, I see neither happening in the short term.
News at 11. Peoples republic of Floridastans "dear leaders" ban all porn from entering the democratic republic via electronic or physical methods.All titty bars closed.
Rapes up 2000% in 3 days. More prisons being drawn up.
Referendum on banning craigslist begins next week.

It would be interesting to see what would happen, but we will never know.

I'm reminded of the "war on drugs". They say it just can't work cuz in the US it is not working. However, look at Singapore where they shoot drug dealers on the spot without trial. Drug use declines by about half every year.

It's all a question about political will. The US has none. They will continue to elect men like Franken who have no moral fiber and continually promote sexual deviancy until one day Americans wake up and can't decide what gender they are.

Drugs ? Here ya go ? I try to stay well versed on multiple topics. It comes from shunning TV many many years ago
The EU country where drugs are decriminalised – and hardly anyone dies of an overdose

Here are the numbers The US is third, BTW. It's hard to fathom that there are other countries who have it worse.


The US has the added problem of an unsecure border where drugs come across every day.

In the US, the prison system is a revolving door, so they don't stay in jail. Add to the fact that we just narcan and constantly patch users up with impunity and what you have is a tax payer driven addiction problem.

Cute stats but they need to remove MaryJane from the equation.
That will maybe give Los Estados Unidos yet another #1 for its lapel.
News at 11. Peoples republic of Floridastans "dear leaders" ban all porn from entering the democratic republic via electronic or physical methods.All titty bars closed.
Rapes up 2000% in 3 days. More prisons being drawn up.
Referendum on banning craigslist begins next week.

It would be interesting to see what would happen, but we will never know.

I'm reminded of the "war on drugs". They say it just can't work cuz in the US it is not working. However, look at Singapore where they shoot drug dealers on the spot without trial. Drug use declines by about half every year.

It's all a question about political will. The US has none. They will continue to elect men like Franken who have no moral fiber and continually promote sexual deviancy until one day Americans wake up and can't decide what gender they are.

Drugs ? Here ya go ? I try to stay well versed on multiple topics. It comes from shunning TV many many years ago
The EU country where drugs are decriminalised – and hardly anyone dies of an overdose

Here are the numbers The US is third, BTW. It's hard to fathom that there are other countries who have it worse.


The US has the added problem of an unsecure border where drugs come across every day.

In the US, the prison system is a revolving door, so they don't stay in jail. Add to the fact that we just narcan and constantly patch users up with impunity and what you have is a tax payer driven addiction problem.

If we raised our kids right, we wouldn't have to worry about drugs. Welcome to the liberal utopia!

Yes, kids who are constantly targeted by drug dealers who usually contribute to the gun violence in the US.

You remember gun violence, something that we simply MUST stop, right? Trouble is, deaths due to guns are about half to that of drug use.

Yes, I'm aware of violence, as well as violence with guns. It sickens me. I presume a significant portion of those who die from "gun violence" are suicides.

I'm inclined to believe that, if we legalized drugs, we could put the gangs out of business and many shootings would stop. I can also tell you that the mass carnage occurring in Mexico would almost certainly be drastically reduced.
Oh yeah, they're so for the Constitution, except when waving their confederate flag. The Bill of Rights is the most important thing in their life when discussing guns, and it's a waste of time when discussing anything else.

Speak for yourself. Outside of the religious right, there are few on the right that have any issue with porn being on the internet.

Do you complain when leftists beat the shit out of conservatives at public rallies to keep them from expressing their views? I don't recall that you had.

There are plenty of people on forums such as this one who compartmentalize. One minute they're for something, the next they're totally against it.

I've have someone tell me that "choice is freedom" and then doesn't want to change the political system so people have choice, and therefore more freedom, when voting because he loves the fact that the Republicans have a massive unfair advantage.

I could give hundreds of examples of people trying to ignore the constitution when it's inconvenient and then use the constitution as the basis of other things.

You seem like a political partisan rather than an independent thinker. You bitch about Republicans while Democrats are undoubtedly WORSE with regard to corruption and malfeasance.

I'm making the assumption that you don't read that much of what I say then.

I'm not a Democrat, I want Proportional Representation so the main two parties will not have total control over the country and people will have a choice of who to vote for outside of the two main parties.

I bitch about the Republicans because most of the people I talk to on here are right wingers. That doesn't mean I like the Democratic Party.
I'm reminded of the "war on drugs". They say it just can't work cuz in the US it is not working. However, look at Singapore where they shoot drug dealers on the spot without trial.

Well, that's sort of the other extreme and I don't really want to go there either.

If it weren't for the all-powerful, central government, some states could experiment with LEGALIZING any and all drugs in order to see if doing so could actually help users and reduce crime.

120 American die every day from drug over doses. That is unacceptable.

That's insane. The question is, what's the best and most morally acceptable way to fight it?

There's a lot of things we could do but, I agree with you, our nation lacks the will. Hell, look at Obama. He was potus for 8 years and what did he do for his own native south Chicago community? The answer is - nothing whatsoever.

I think we need some innovative thinking and some willpower to get ahead of this. Unfortunately, I see neither happening in the short term.

Liberals are a lost cause. They probably think that drug use is caused by global warming or Israel or Donald Trump etc. Their solution to everything is pour money into social programs, clean needles and a free rubber room to live in would improve things no doubt.

The US prison system is a joke. There is no rehabilitation. All it is, is a place where people go to spend some time exposed to violence and crime, making them worse when they come out, and believe me, they all come out cuz there is no room for them.

I'm more in favor of corporal and capital punishment. Again, liberals think this is inhumane. They think that keeping Charles Manson alive on life support till he is 80 in solitary confinement is more humane than the death penalty. Why California did not parole him on good behavior is beyond me cuz that's just how the role in looney land.

I'm reminded of the US citizen caught in Taiwan who splattered graffiti illegally on state property. They apprehended him and beat him, then let him go. In the US, the press coverage went ballistic calling them barbarians. At the end of the day though, he was only apprehended a few days and let go with a few bruises and never again did it again. In contrast, the US legal system probably would have put him in jail for a month or two at taxpayer expense and for what?

All I know is that when pedophiles are let back into society they are marked. Everyone know where they live and who they are. Conversely, those who sell drugs to children are anonymous, even though they do far worse to children. These drug dealers are murdering children and doing far worse to their families. They deserve the death penalty, far more than someone like crazy Charles Manson who we see coming a mile away.

The whole system needs to be blow to hell and start over.
News at 11. Peoples republic of Floridastans "dear leaders" ban all porn from entering the democratic republic via electronic or physical methods.All titty bars closed.
Rapes up 2000% in 3 days. More prisons being drawn up.
Referendum on banning craigslist begins next week.
Titty bars always have historically have had districts of their own. The problem begins when all the deviants desire to bring their shit into the mainstream and down main street instead of keeping it in the red light districts where it should be.

Hell, there are some communities that are aghast at the idea of a Hooter's restaurant coming to town.
Locals do get to make ordinances for things like that.
Florida is proposing a resolution to declare pornography a public health crisis given its ties to human trafficking and domestic violence. The resolution, which is being proposed in both houses of the Florida state legislature, says pornography is “creating a public health crisis” that is contributing to the hypersexualization of children and teenagers. The resolution warns of porn’s addictive nature, outlines the physical and psychological risks and dangers in porn consumption,
Florida on Path to Declare Pornography a ‘Public Health Crisis’

Like they will ever stop porn, or they will dream up some law bs where you are considered some mental case because of it or dream up some bs that will be used against you but yet claim it's to help you bs.

This is an issue where the evangelical Christians on the far right and the feminists on the far left come together to oppose pornography and probably call for it to be banned.

Not really feminist will sell their souls to have some cock, they will sell themselves to have either a vagina or penis .Feminist will strut down the street nude and then accuse men of raping her cause he oogled her ..Feminist are fkn sexual nut jobs themselves.
This my friends is against the first amendment of our constitutions. Funny how the republican party is always trying to outlaw shit but then when it comes to helping people they're all anti-government. Two faced bastards.

Oh yeah, they're so for the Constitution, except when waving their confederate flag.

The Bill of Rights is the most important thing in their life when discussing guns, and it's a waste of time when discussing anything else.

Yeah while yours are stripping down nude, standing in a park then accuisng men of raping you , oh and killing innocent babies who can't defend themselves..................

Oh but those guns just go around killing people all by themselves,, at least they aren't sold for body parts that idiots actually eat and deny that's a fact because most lower intelligence can't look it up.
I think it is stupid to limit freedom of speech and I like porn. It is great stuff!

How can you be for small government and dictate my life all at once?
You can have your porn. Just keep it in a red light district. You do not get to put it in places where children frequent or go to. Pretty simple really. The whole world isn't yours to pollute.

I think it's pornographic for women to expose their legs and arms in public. We need to pass laws banning such pornographic behavior! Don't you agree?!
You can choose to be ridiculous if you like. Most intelligent people know what porn is.

Yea, and you undoubtedly want to legislate what supposedly free people can view on their computer. No thanks. If a woman wants to expose herself on the computer to another consenting adult, it's their business, not yours and not the government's. Guys like you make life more difficult for other conservatives like me.
Gals like me know that it is not staying between you and whomever you are sharing it with on your computers. Get a way to keep it out of the hands of children or it will get regulated.
People need to watch their kids... Its really that simple. Fail to do so; and you get what you should...
I'm reminded of the "war on drugs". They say it just can't work cuz in the US it is not working. However, look at Singapore where they shoot drug dealers on the spot without trial.

Well, that's sort of the other extreme and I don't really want to go there either.

If it weren't for the all-powerful, central government, some states could experiment with LEGALIZING any and all drugs in order to see if doing so could actually help users and reduce crime.
Legalize heroin and fentanyl hot shots. See if it helps users.

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