Florida on path to declare pornography a public health crisis

You can have your porn. Just keep it in a red light district. You do not get to put it in places where children frequent or go to. Pretty simple really. The whole world isn't yours to pollute.

I think it's pornographic for women to expose their legs and arms in public. We need to pass laws banning such pornographic behavior! Don't you agree?!
You can choose to be ridiculous if you like. Most intelligent people know what porn is.

Yea, and you undoubtedly want to legislate what supposedly free people can view on their computer. No thanks. If a woman wants to expose herself on the computer to another consenting adult, it's their business, not yours and not the government's. Guys like you make life more difficult for other conservatives like me.
Gals like me know that it is not staying between you and whomever you are sharing it with on your computers. Get a way to keep it out of the hands of children or it will get regulated.
People need to watch their kids... Its really that simple. Fail to do so; and you get what you should...

Which is why you can't let your kid go play on the local playground by themselves any more.

Who is able to watch their kids 24/7, especially when they become teens?
News at 11. Peoples republic of Floridastans "dear leaders" ban all porn from entering the democratic republic via electronic or physical methods.All titty bars closed.
Rapes up 2000% in 3 days. More prisons being drawn up.
Referendum on banning craigslist begins next week.
Titty bars always have historically have had districts of their own. The problem begins when all the deviants desire to bring their shit into the mainstream and down main street instead of keeping it in the red light districts where it should be.

Hell, there are some communities that are aghast at the idea of a Hooter's restaurant coming to town.
Locals do get to make ordinances for things like that.

Sure. Perhaps they could propose banning cleavage, navels and thighs from public view.
I'm reminded of the "war on drugs". They say it just can't work cuz in the US it is not working. However, look at Singapore where they shoot drug dealers on the spot without trial.

Well, that's sort of the other extreme and I don't really want to go there either.

If it weren't for the all-powerful, central government, some states could experiment with LEGALIZING any and all drugs in order to see if doing so could actually help users and reduce crime.
Legalize heroin and fentanyl hot shots. See if it helps users.

Legalize it and then give out information sheets that explain how these drugs do great damage to you as well as how they can get help getting off those drugs.
News at 11. Peoples republic of Floridastans "dear leaders" ban all porn from entering the democratic republic via electronic or physical methods.All titty bars closed.
Rapes up 2000% in 3 days. More prisons being drawn up.
Referendum on banning craigslist begins next week.
Titty bars always have historically have had districts of their own. The problem begins when all the deviants desire to bring their shit into the mainstream and down main street instead of keeping it in the red light districts where it should be.

Hell, there are some communities that are aghast at the idea of a Hooter's restaurant coming to town.
Locals do get to make ordinances for things like that.

Sure. Perhaps they could propose banning cleavage, navels and thighs from public view.
Nah but some communities do have permitting restrictions and feel like some things like promoting corporatized sexism with feeding trough franchises are not worth selling out for.
Seig heil.

Yep, lets turn our entire society into a goddamn religious fascist shit hole and shield every tiny little thing away from people. To hell with freedom! Conservatives really should stop saying they give two shits about freedom or the constitutions as they do not.
You really are upset about this.... Porn addict much?
Florida is proposing a resolution to declare pornography a public health crisis given its ties to human trafficking and domestic violence. The resolution, which is being proposed in both houses of the Florida state legislature, says pornography is “creating a public health crisis” that is contributing to the hypersexualization of children and teenagers. The resolution warns of porn’s addictive nature, outlines the physical and psychological risks and dangers in porn consumption,
Florida on Path to Declare Pornography a ‘Public Health Crisis’

Like they will ever stop porn, or they will dream up some law bs where you are considered some mental case because of it or dream up some bs that will be used against you but yet claim it's to help you bs.

Too many Republicans want smaller government but want government to control what people read and watch. This is a personal decision. The only health crisis is the one Republicans are causing.
I think it is stupid to limit freedom of speech and I like porn. It is great stuff!

How can you be for small government and dictate my life all at once?
You can have your porn. Just keep it in a red light district. You do not get to put it in places where children frequent or go to. Pretty simple really. The whole world isn't yours to pollute.

I think it's pornographic for women to expose their legs and arms in public. We need to pass laws banning such pornographic behavior! Don't you agree?!

You are good little Nazi. Move to Iran, you won't have to see that.
Florida is proposing a resolution to declare pornography a public health crisis given its ties to human trafficking and domestic violence. The resolution, which is being proposed in both houses of the Florida state legislature, says pornography is “creating a public health crisis” that is contributing to the hypersexualization of children and teenagers. The resolution warns of porn’s addictive nature, outlines the physical and psychological risks and dangers in porn consumption,
Florida on Path to Declare Pornography a ‘Public Health Crisis’

Like they will ever stop porn, or they will dream up some law bs where you are considered some mental case because of it or dream up some bs that will be used against you but yet claim it's to help you bs.

Too many Republicans want smaller government but want government to control what people read and watch. This is a personal decision. The only health crisis is the one Republicans are causing.

They only want smaller government when it stops the rich from polluting, abusing their workers or helping the poor eat.

Otherwise, they're big massive government when it comes to what you can do in your own life.
Florida is proposing a resolution to declare pornography a public health crisis given its ties to human trafficking and domestic violence. The resolution, which is being proposed in both houses of the Florida state legislature, says pornography is “creating a public health crisis” that is contributing to the hypersexualization of children and teenagers. The resolution warns of porn’s addictive nature, outlines the physical and psychological risks and dangers in porn consumption,
Florida on Path to Declare Pornography a ‘Public Health Crisis’

Like they will ever stop porn, or they will dream up some law bs where you are considered some mental case because of it or dream up some bs that will be used against you but yet claim it's to help you bs.
Is there sticky tissue paper lying about on city streets?

Porn consumption, they are eating porn?

The kids are hypersexualized, are dogs safe?

Porn is addictive, it's rather boring..

Did porn make the southern states the leaders in the demographics of unwed pregnant teens for 75 years?
What happened to small government and personal responability? Weird how you only oppose government when it helps people but are for massive government when restricting people.

Fuck you. I hope you break you dick for being a hypocrite.
Florida is proposing a resolution to declare pornography a public health crisis given its ties to human trafficking and domestic violence. The resolution, which is being proposed in both houses of the Florida state legislature, says pornography is “creating a public health crisis” that is contributing to the hypersexualization of children and teenagers. The resolution warns of porn’s addictive nature, outlines the physical and psychological risks and dangers in porn consumption,
Florida on Path to Declare Pornography a ‘Public Health Crisis’

Like they will ever stop porn, or they will dream up some law bs where you are considered some mental case because of it or dream up some bs that will be used against you but yet claim it's to help you bs.
Porn can't possibly lead to new weird addictive sexuality because Obergefell taught us that sexuality is inborn and can't be changed. So sexual attraction to sexualized children and teens is an inborn "orientation", and protected Constitutionally....

Right? :popcorn:

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