Florida Governor's School Shooting Response - Too Weak


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Florida governor Rick Scott, in response to the Parkland massacre, has proposed the following reforms >>

  • A person must be 21 to buy a gun
  • A ban on bump stocks, which allow a gun to mimic a fully automatic weapon
  • "Enhanced" criminal penalties for people who make threats to schools, including those made on social media
  • Expanding mental health resources for children and young adults
  • Allowing courts to prohibit a mentally ill person from buying or possessing a gun. People found by a court to be at risk to themselves or others, will be stripped of firearms
  • A law enforcement officer in every school and at least one officer for every 1,000 students
  • Mandatory active-shooter training in public schools
The weakness with this is >>

1. Does not contain the Trump idea of arming/training teachers to CCW.

2. Does not suggest enough armed guards for the schools (one officer for every 1,000 students leaves many schools with only one guard - that's not enough)

3. No mention of security technology which can stop mass shooter before the reach the school (cameras, monitors, alarms)
The plan also needs a deep study of what classifies someone as "mentally ill", in terms of being denied their 2nd amendment rights. Many people have a wide variety of mental illnesses which have nothing to do with violence, and they are not dangerous. (ex. having fear of heights, overeating, etc)
Florida governor Rick Scott, in response to the Parkland massacre, has proposed the following reforms >>

  • A person must be 21 to buy a gun
  • A ban on bump stocks, which allow a gun to mimic a fully automatic weapon
  • "Enhanced" criminal penalties for people who make threats to schools, including those made on social media
  • Expanding mental health resources for children and young adults
  • Allowing courts to prohibit a mentally ill person from buying or possessing a gun. People found by a court to be at risk to themselves or others, will be stripped of firearms
  • A law enforcement officer in every school and at least one officer for every 1,000 students
  • Mandatory active-shooter training in public schools
The weakness with this is >>

1. Does not contain the Trump idea of arming/training teachers to CCW.

2. Does not suggest enough armed guards for the schools (one officer for every 1,000 students leaves many schools with only one guard - that's not enough)

3. No mention of security technology which can stop mass shooter before the reach the school (cameras, monitors, alarms)
I'd sure as hell take it. The weaknesses, as you see them, can certainly be addressed on the local level. Nothing is telling any school district NOT to do this.
The plan also needs a deep study of what classifies someone as "mentally ill", in terms of being denied their 2nd amendment rights. Many people have a wide variety of mental illnesses which have nothing to do with violence, and they are not dangerous. (ex. having fear of heights, overeating, etc)
That's kind of a given, isn't it? Believe it or not, the mental health community has tools for determining risk of violence. Obviously it's not perfect, but no one who overeats is going to get on the NICS database.
I'd sure as hell take it. The weaknesses, as you see them, can certainly be addressed on the local level. Nothing is telling any school district NOT to do this.
But the amount of state money to be spent, will be correlated to the idea of 1 guard per school. That's not enough.
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Florida governor Rick Scott, in response to the Parkland massacre, has proposed the following reforms >>

  • A person must be 21 to buy a gun
  • A ban on bump stocks, which allow a gun to mimic a fully automatic weapon
  • "Enhanced" criminal penalties for people who make threats to schools, including those made on social media
  • Expanding mental health resources for children and young adults
  • Allowing courts to prohibit a mentally ill person from buying or possessing a gun. People found by a court to be at risk to themselves or others, will be stripped of firearms
  • A law enforcement officer in every school and at least one officer for every 1,000 students
  • Mandatory active-shooter training in public schools
The weakness with this is >>

1. Does not contain the Trump idea of arming/training teachers to CCW.

2. Does not suggest enough armed guards for the schools (one officer for every 1,000 students leaves many schools with only one guard - that's not enough)

3. No mention of security technology which can stop mass shooter before the reach the school (cameras, monitors, alarms)


It will just get people arrested for making innocent and passing spur-of-the-moment remarks on social media harming freedom of speech. It will get perfectly normal people with some small passing ordinary problem in their life stripped of lifetime valuable and irreplaceable gun collections for every little specious excuse. It will just make the LEO at the school the first target to take out so that afterwards, the rest are easy pickings, and it will just foster more classes on how to hide under one's desk.
Florida governor Rick Scott, in response to the Parkland massacre, has proposed the following reforms >>

  • A person must be 21 to buy a gun
  • A ban on bump stocks, which allow a gun to mimic a fully automatic weapon
  • "Enhanced" criminal penalties for people who make threats to schools, including those made on social media
  • Expanding mental health resources for children and young adults
  • Allowing courts to prohibit a mentally ill person from buying or possessing a gun. People found by a court to be at risk to themselves or others, will be stripped of firearms
  • A law enforcement officer in every school and at least one officer for every 1,000 students
  • Mandatory active-shooter training in public schools
The weakness with this is >>

1. Does not contain the Trump idea of arming/training teachers to CCW.

2. Does not suggest enough armed guards for the schools (one officer for every 1,000 students leaves many schools with only one guard - that's not enough)

3. No mention of security technology which can stop mass shooter before the reach the school (cameras, monitors, alarms)
It also doesn’t address the underlying issues, just a band aid. Treat the symptom and ignore the real problem.

It will just get people arrested for making innocent and passing spur-of-the-moment remarks on social media harming freedom of speech. It will get perfectly normal people with some small passing ordinary problem in their life stripped of lifetime valuable and irreplaceable gun collections for every little specious excuse. It will just make the LEO at the school the first target to take out so that afterwards, the rest are easy pickings, and it will just foster more classes on how to hide under one's desk.
So you agree then that there needs to be more armed guards per school than just one, right ?
The plan also needs a deep study of what classifies someone as "mentally ill", in terms of being denied their 2nd amendment rights. Many people have a wide variety of mental illnesses which have nothing to do with violence, and they are not dangerous. (ex. having fear of heights, overeating, etc)

You got it, those with mental illness are less likely to commit a violent crime than the general population. We aren’t dealing with bipolar or schizophrenia, we are dealing with people with self esteem issues, with anger issues, with responsibility issues.

We are knee jerking to put a band aid on a severed leg and hope we heal. We have a much bigger issue.
It also doesn’t address the underlying issues, just a band aid. Treat the symptom and ignore the real problem.
I would tend to disagree. These 2 do address the underlying issues >>

1. Expanding mental health resources for children and young adults

2. Allowing courts to prohibit a mentally ill person from buying or possessing a gun. People found by a court to be at risk to themselves or others, will be stripped of firearms
You got it, those with mental illness are less likely to commit a violent crime than the general population. We aren’t dealing with bipolar or schizophrenia, we are dealing with people with self esteem issues, with anger issues, with responsibility issues.

We are knee jerking to put a band aid on a severed leg and hope we heal. We have a much bigger issue.
it needs a lot of study, which may take some time. Lots of sorting out to be done.

It will just get people arrested for making innocent and passing spur-of-the-moment remarks on social media harming freedom of speech. It will get perfectly normal people with some small passing ordinary problem in their life stripped of lifetime valuable and irreplaceable gun collections for every little specious excuse. It will just make the LEO at the school the first target to take out so that afterwards, the rest are easy pickings, and it will just foster more classes on how to hide under one's desk.
So you agree then that there needs to be more armed guards per school than just one, right ?

Yes, one guard is predictable, planned and can be taken out. Worse, "government-supplied protection" is about as effective as the TSA is at airports. You can have too little protection but never too much. The idea is to make a would-be attacker see the situation and realize that it is a no-win situation to attack a school rather than a bunch of sitting ducks and not even try. Chance favors the prepared. This is a private sector problem and needs an individualist, private sector, not one-size-fits-all solutions. Those trained and equipped should be encouraged to participate, parents so skilled can be encouraged to volunteer, and some sort of standards and training needs instituted to ensure agreement and qualification across the board on tools, methods and procedures in how to handle likely situations, so that there isn't mass confusion. Further, I would encourage more gun-training programs for older kids to get familiar with what guns are, how they work, and what to expect to deal with them along with more self-defense in physical ed. The NRA offers a vast variety of educational and training programs. We have become a nation of wieners and wooses and need to get our kids toughened up and prepared to meet the needs of the real world in the 21st Century before more get slaughtered.

It will just get people arrested for making innocent and passing spur-of-the-moment remarks on social media harming freedom of speech. It will get perfectly normal people with some small passing ordinary problem in their life stripped of lifetime valuable and irreplaceable gun collections for every little specious excuse. It will just make the LEO at the school the first target to take out so that afterwards, the rest are easy pickings, and it will just foster more classes on how to hide under one's desk.
So you agree then that there needs to be more armed guards per school than just one, right ?

Yes, one guard is predictable, planned and can be taken out. Worse, "government-supplied protection" is about as effective as the TSA is at airports. You can have too little protection but never too much. The idea is to make a would-be attacker see the situation and realize that it is a no-win situation to attack a school rather than a bunch of sitting ducks and not even try. Chance favors the prepared. This is a private sector problem and needs an individualist, private sector, not one-size-fits-all solutions. Those trained and equipped should be encouraged to participate, parents so skilled can be encouraged to volunteer, and some sort of standards and training needs instituted to ensure agreement and qualification across the board on tools, methods and procedures in how to handle likely situations, so that there isn't mass confusion. Further, I would encourage more gun-training programs for older kids to get familiar with what guns are, how they work, and what to expect to deal with them along with more self-defense in physical ed. The NRA offers a vast variety of educational and training programs. We have become a nation of wieners and wooses and need to get our kids toughened up and prepared to meet the needs of the real world in the 21st Century before more get slaughtered.
I think in time, Scott will come around to favor arming the school employees + CCW volunteers.
Yes, one guard is predictable, planned and can be taken out. Worse, "government-supplied protection" is about as effective as the TSA is at airports. You can have too little protection but never too much. The idea is to make a would-be attacker see the situation and realize that it is a no-win situation to attack a school rather than a bunch of sitting ducks and not even try. Chance favors the prepared. This is a private sector problem and needs an individualist, private sector, not one-size-fits-all solutions. Those trained and equipped should be encouraged to participate, parents so skilled can be encouraged to volunteer, and some sort of standards and training needs instituted to ensure agreement and qualification across the board on tools, methods and procedures in how to handle likely situations, so that there isn't mass confusion. Further, I would encourage more gun-training programs for older kids to get familiar with what guns are, how they work, and what to expect to deal with them along with more self-defense in physical ed. The NRA offers a vast variety of educational and training programs. We have become a nation of wieners and wooses and need to get our kids toughened up and prepared to meet the needs of the real world in the 21st Century before more get slaughtered.
I think in time, Scott will come around to favor arming the school employees + CCW volunteers.
Teachers are spending their own money for school supplies. In some poor school districts, buildings have no heat, peeling paint, asbestos containing building materials yet to be abated, leaking plumbing and failing roofs. Text books are woefully out of date and some are mere photocopies of old textbooks. Teachers and staff have been required to reduce salaries and benefits.

But let's find the money to arm them, to harden the schools and drill the students to respond to an active shooter.

It makes more sense, from a fiscal point of view to simply take the weapons that put the 'mass' in 'mass shooting' off the streets.
Well i was going to post this separate but figured it fit into this post so here it is.

If Deputy Didn’t Have the Heart to Go In, That’s Not My Responsibility, Says Broward County Sheriff

Florida governor Rick Scott, in response to the Parkland massacre, has proposed the following reforms >>

  • A person must be 21 to buy a gun
  • A ban on bump stocks, which allow a gun to mimic a fully automatic weapon
  • "Enhanced" criminal penalties for people who make threats to schools, including those made on social media
  • Expanding mental health resources for children and young adults
  • Allowing courts to prohibit a mentally ill person from buying or possessing a gun. People found by a court to be at risk to themselves or others, will be stripped of firearms
  • A law enforcement officer in every school and at least one officer for every 1,000 students
  • Mandatory active-shooter training in public schools
The weakness with this is >>

1. Does not contain the Trump idea of arming/training teachers to CCW.

2. Does not suggest enough armed guards for the schools (one officer for every 1,000 students leaves many schools with only one guard - that's not enough)

3. No mention of security technology which can stop mass shooter before the reach the school (cameras, monitors, alarms)

And that stupid ass making a law of 21 to buy a gun..
Then the stupid sob better not allow kids to join the military until 21
Vote until 21
get a job until 21

no guns for ROTC practice . what a nation of big ass pussies man honest to god.

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