Florida bans "The Outsider" by Albert Camus as unsuitable for kids

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Its been removed from school libraries by Desantis thought police.

Now I read it about 40 years ago and I found it hard work. So I guess that it wouldnt appeal to too many teens. But there will be some who would read it and appreciate what the author was talking about.

But now they will be denied that opportunity.Florida will not be rearing any philosophers any time soon.

It seems that desantis is intent on cultivating a generation of morons.

This is a book written by one of thee major figures of the last century. Le Monde rated it the book of the century. Its been in print since 1942 and translated into every language.

It isnt teaching tots to give blow jobs. The idea that some partisan hack can just cancel it is Maoist in the extreme.

Some day a novel will be written about the Florida book burnings. Ron would ban that on day one.
I recall back in High School we watched the 1968 version of Romeo and Juliet. The teacher noted we were mature enough to see a brief flash of breast and anyone making stupid remarks would fail the assignment.

It seems that many adults haven't matured to the level we were expected to be at in High School.
"It is ranked #43 on the American Library Association’s Top 100 Most Challenged Books of 1990-2000 and has been banned from some schools and libraries because of its portrayal of gang violence, underage smoking and drinking, strong language, slang usage, and exposé on family dysfunction."

Wasn't just a Desantis thing, this has been going on for years with this particular book.
"It is ranked #43 on the American Library Association’s Top 100 Most Challenged Books of 1990-2000 and has been banned from some schools and libraries because of its portrayal of gang violence, underage smoking and drinking, strong language, slang usage, and exposé on family dysfunction."

Wasn't just a Desantis thing, this has been going on for years with this particular book.
That is a different book. Google, The Stranger It goes by two different names.
I recall back in High School we watched the 1968 version of Romeo and Juliet. The teacher noted we were mature enough to see a brief flash of breast and anyone making stupid remarks would fail the assignment.

It seems that many adults haven't matured to the level we were expected to be at in High School.
I remember seeing tits in a performance of The Tempest. We survived that.
I thought it was “The Outsiders” by SE Hinton. I read that in High or JrHigh, and loved it. Apparently though, it too has been on ban lists.

"It is ranked #43 on the American Library Association’s Top 100 Most Challenged Books of 1990-2000 and has been banned from some schools and libraries because of its portrayal of gang violence, underage smoking and drinking, strong language, slang usage, and exposé on family dysfunction."

Wasn't just a Desantis thing, this has been going on for years with this particular book.
I loved that book!
That is a different book. Google, The Stranger It goes by two different names.

Well don't use the British name for it you retard, we're Americans here.

According to summaries I found online about that book, there was a lot of violence in it that may not have been suitable for certain grade levels.

My question is, why do students have to read these? When I was going through school, I was never assigned any of these books, I was assigned classics by Shakespeare, Doyle, Dickens, Eliot, Orwell... Complicated works made to make the brain work.

Its been removed from school libraries by Desantis thought police.

Now I read it about 40 years ago and I found it hard work. So I guess that it wouldnt appeal to too many teens. But there will be some who would read it and appreciate what the author was talking about.

But now they will be denied that opportunity.Florida will not be rearing any philosophers any time soon.

It seems that desantis is intent on cultivating a generation of morons.

This is a book written by one of thee major figures of the last century. Le Monde rated it the book of the century. Its been in print since 1942 and translated into every language.

It isnt teaching tots to give blow jobs. The idea that some partisan hack can just cancel it is Maoist in the extrem
Some day a novel will be written about the Florida book burnings. Ron would ban that on day one.
Florida book burnings? LOL one book is removed because it's so freaking boring no one would read it's book burning. :abgg2q.jpg:
"It is ranked #43 on the American Library Association’s Top 100 Most Challenged Books of 1990-2000 and has been banned from some schools and libraries because of its portrayal of gang violence, underage smoking and drinking, strong language, slang usage, and exposé on family dysfunction."

Wasn't just a Desantis thing, this has been going on for years with this particular book.

Like other people said it was a different book.

I never read the book but I saw the excellent movie. I remember hearing that the movie was a very good adaptation of the book. It was "American Graffiti" told from a different perspective.
Well don't use the British name for it you retard, we're Americans here.

According to summaries I found online about that book, there was a lot of violence in it that may not have been suitable for certain grade levels.

My question is, why do students have to read these? When I was going through school, I was never assigned any of these books, I was assigned classics by Shakespeare, Doyle, Dickens, Eliot, Orwell... Complicated works made to make the brain work.
Students dont have to read it. But a decent school would make it available to the students who would want to read it.
The clever ones basically.
‘Any form of contempt, if it intervenes in politics, prepares for, or establishes, fascism.’

Albert Camus The Outsider, 1942
The Government schools ban the Holy Bible, why shouldn't this work be banned as well? Some people might find it offensive.

Should schools ban works by Levin or Limbaugh as well?

Schools don't ban the Bible.


Have all books rated like movies, video games, and other things.

If you're not old enough you can't be issued it by the library.

While we're at it let's set the magic age for when a person is mature and with that magic number they will be allowed to drink, smoke, get drafted, marry, vote, play a certain video game, watch a certain movie, and do all the things an adult can do.

But it has to be only one magic number for all: Do I hear 18 years of age? 19 years of age?? 20 years of age??? Do I hear 21???? How bout 25????? Do I hear 30???????


In Jr High my absolute favorite read was Papillion. I doubt I could do a report on it today.

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