Flier for "White Student Union" Kicks Up Controversy at West Chester University


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
But others say the students’ backlash over a proposed White Student Union when the school has a Black Student Union is hypocritical.
"So there is a 'double-standard' at WCU, a state university which receives funding from the taxpayers,” a Daily Local reader wrote on the website’s comments page. “Blacks can have their 'own' group who can sit around and discuss the bad old days of 'slavery' but whites, a majority on campus, cannot have their own organization to discuss the merits of Western European Culture which is the 'backbone' of modern civilization. Are you kidding me?”

Flier for "White Student Union" Kicks Up Controversy at West Chester University - FoxNews.com
The group claims to be anti-bigotry and they distributed a provocative flyer which generated publicity for their group. I'd say these kids have a bright future in advertising.
The group claims to be anti-bigotry and they distributed a provocative flyer which generated publicity for their group. I'd say these kids have a bright future in advertising.

What's so provocative about the flyer? They're simply advertising for a white student uninon. Nothing wrong with that, is there? I mean if the school can host a black student union then why can't the white students?
The group claims to be anti-bigotry and they distributed a provocative flyer which generated publicity for their group. I'd say these kids have a bright future in advertising.

What's so provocative about the flyer? They're simply advertising for a white student uninon. Nothing wrong with that, is there? I mean if the school can host a black student union then why can't the white students?

What? you know you can't allow evil white folk the same right to assemble as the poor down trodden under privileged black folk.

That would be racist.
Whites are the only group taught Not to be proud of their race, history, or accomplishments.

For a white person to say that that are proud to be white is totally taboo in todays PC society.

Any white who shows admiration for their race and people.

Is automatically branded a racist and put in the same category with the Aryan Nation or the KKK.
Whites are the only group taught Not to be proud of their race, history, or accomplishments.

For a white person to say that that are proud to be white is totally taboo in todays PC society.

Any white who shows admiration for their race and people.

Is automatically branded a racist and put in the same category with the Aryan Nation or the KKK.

Kind of like saying "Blow me, Mohammed, you faggot," is considered evil and intolerant, but burning a church in the name of Mohammed is not intolerance, just justifiable retribution for an insult to the faggot prophet.
But others say the students’ backlash over a proposed White Student Union when the school has a Black Student Union is hypocritical.
"So there is a 'double-standard' at WCU, a state university which receives funding from the taxpayers,” a Daily Local reader wrote on the website’s comments page. “Blacks can have their 'own' group who can sit around and discuss the bad old days of 'slavery' but whites, a majority on campus, cannot have their own organization to discuss the merits of Western European Culture which is the 'backbone' of modern civilization. Are you kidding me?”

Flier for "White Student Union" Kicks Up Controversy at West Chester University - FoxNews.com

White people like to be with other white people.

That's why whites keep moving away from areas inhabited by other races.

But blacks, hispanics, and asians, don't like to live with each other.

They would rather be around whites.

So they keep following whites into any new area the whites move.
White people like to be with other white people.

That's why whites keep moving away from areas inhabited by other races.

But blacks, hispanics, and asians, don't like to live with each other.

They would rather be around whites.

So they keep following whites into any new area the whites move.

Kind of like Muslims moving to the west?
Kind of like Muslims moving to the west?
Ozmar, would you please quit trying to derail the thread?

It is about whites wanting their own organization at a university.

And has zero to do with muslims or Islam.

There are plenty of other threads for you to vent your hatred of muslims. :cool:
But others say the students’ backlash over a proposed White Student Union when the school has a Black Student Union is hypocritical.
"So there is a 'double-standard' at WCU, a state university which receives funding from the taxpayers,” a Daily Local reader wrote on the website’s comments page. “Blacks can have their 'own' group who can sit around and discuss the bad old days of 'slavery' but whites, a majority on campus, cannot have their own organization to discuss the merits of Western European Culture which is the 'backbone' of modern civilization. Are you kidding me?”

Flier for "White Student Union" Kicks Up Controversy at West Chester University - FoxNews.com

Ah Hypocricy from the Government down.'

Seems uncle sam just can't help but treat groups differently based on race.

The biggest kicker here is all the people defending this racist mistreatment of the application for a white student union. Hypocrites indeed.
about ten years ago a student made a speech by reading the constitution of the black student union except for replacing 'white' for 'black'. obviously he suffered great consequences and only escaped expulsion because he had outside legal support that made it clear that the university would be dragged through a public legal battle. typical of PC double standards. what is OK for blacks is forbidden for whites.
Kind of like Muslims moving to the west?
Ozmar, would you please quit trying to derail the thread?

It is about whites wanting their own organization at a university.

And has zero to do with muslims or Islam.

There are plenty of other threads for you to vent your hatred of muslims. :cool:
Says the biggest fucking race-baiter on this board. I guess it's okay for you to spew your trolling hatred, because you think your shit doesn't stink. Go wipe with your left hand and wash it with some water.
My analogy is just as valid as your racially charged comments, Allah fucktard.
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There are plenty of white organizations, they just usually subdivide by origin of ethnicity. Irish-american, Italian-American, etc.

I don't see a need for a "White Student Union", or whatever.
There are plenty of white organizations, they just usually subdivide by origin of ethnicity. Irish-american, Italian-American, etc.

I don't see a need for a "White Student Union", or whatever.

I thought we were all "Americans." Why the need for divisive labels like "white?"
I'm going to start my own TV network.....WET. White Entertainment Television. Just like BET !:afro:

WET sound like porn station! I rather start the WMLKW channel. What Martin Luther King Wanted station! For one thing he didn't want to be judged by the color of his skin rather the content of his character. He wanted to end segregation, which INCLUDES the 21st century segregation made exclusively by MINORITIES.

BET, Black Caucus, Black Student Union, Black Frats, Black Labor Unions, Black Small Business Owner Groups, The New Black Panthers, Black Only Churches etc. Its becoming ridiculous!
There are plenty of white organizations, they just usually subdivide by origin of ethnicity. Irish-american, Italian-American, etc.

I don't see a need for a "White Student Union", or whatever.

But you see a need for a 'black student union'?

Why not just have a 'student union' that is inclusive?

If it's a-ok to have a 'black student union' someone care to explain to me why having a 'white student union' isn't ok?

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