“Flee immediately if you want to live,” warn muslim migrants to French Jews


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Stupid Jews imported Muslim savages to Europe, now they become themselves victims of their darlings.How insane shall be their policy from the beginning.

What is happening is an ethnic cleansing that dare not speak its name. In a few decades, or less, there will be no more Jews in France. They will have been replaced by millions of Muslims. Anti-Semitism today in France rarely comes from alleged far right extremists, but almost exclusively from Muslims. Jewish districts that once were thriving are now on the verge of extinction.
Graffiti on Jewish-owned homes warn the owners to “flee immediately” if they want to live. Anonymous letters with live bullets are dropped into mailboxes of Jews. “

The French Jewish community may still be the largest in Europe, but it is shrinking rapidly. In 2000, it was estimated at 500,000, but the number now is less than 400,000, and sinking. Jewish districts that once were thriving are now on the verge of extinction. “What is happening is an ethnic cleansing that dare not speak its name. In few decades, there will be no Jews in France.”

“FLEE IMMEDIATELY IF YOU WANT TO LIVE,” warn Muslim migrants to French Jews


Jews don't have the numbers to do the importing. These are just dumb liberal whites.

These Arabs need to be arrested and deported every time they make these threats.
The Jewish industrial leaders do not give a flying fig about regular street Jews.

They probably make jokes about how many of their fellow Jews had to flee France each Sabbath.
In the USA we have Lutherans and other liberal "Christians" taking money to settle Allah's followers here. Thank God Trump is ending this here.
Poor France!

Ever since it was forced to abandon Algeria, the population profile of France has changed drastically, for many Algerians have decided that living under French rule is better than living under rule by their own people.

General De Gaulle once predicted, in fact, that someday his home village would bear a non-French name.

The Jewish people have contributed so much to making France a great nation, so it is heartbreaking to see them being harassed.

To the best of my knowledge,. France still has honest elections. So I join other friends of France in hoping that the French people will soon wake up and start electing politicians who will protect the Jewish people and the French way of life.
I have neighbors that are French Jews that fled. Jews are beaten in the streets. The French authorities are terrified and can't stop them. The men have abandoned the kippah for baseball caps. Public transportation is strictly off limits to Jews.

It's Camp of the Saints come to pass.
I didn’t know there were any Jews left in France.

I thought the Christians drove most of them out, then deported the rest to the gas chambers when the French Christians were collaborating with the Nazis.

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