FL city votes to secede to avoid being swalled by sea

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Miami Finds Itself Ankle-Deep in Climate Change Debate



Scenes of street flooding, like this one on Alton Road in Miami Beach in November, are becoming increasingly common. Credit Angel Valentin for The New York Times

MIAMI BEACH — The sunny-day flooding was happening again. During high tide one recent afternoon, Eliseo Toussaint looked out the window of his Alton Road laundromat and watched bottle-green saltwater seep from the gutters, fill the street and block the entrance to his front door.

“This never used to happen,” Mr. Toussaint said. “I’ve owned this place eight years, and now it’s all the time.”

Down the block at an electronics store it is even worse. Jankel Aleman, a salesman, keeps plastic bags and rubber bands handy to wrap around his feet when he trudges from his car to the store through ever-rising waters.

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    U.S. Climate Has Already Changed, Study Finds, Citing Heat and FloodsMAY 6, 2014
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    Debate That Divides: On Climate, Republicans and Democrats Are From Different ContinentsMAY 7, 2014

A new scientific report on global warming released this week, the National Climate Assessment, named Miami as one of the cities most vulnerable to severe damage as a result of rising sea levels. Alton Road, a commercial thoroughfare in the heart of stylish South Beach, is getting early ripples of sea level rise caused by global warming — even as Florida’s politicians, including two possible contenders for the presidency in 2016, are starkly at odds over what to do about it and whether the problem is even real.

"The theme of the report is that climate change is not a future thing, it’s a ‘happening-now’ thing,” said Leonard Berry, a contributing author of the new report and director of the Florida Center for Environmental Studies at Florida Atlantic University. “Alton Road is one of the now things.”

More at the link.
Normal, cyclical cycles of rain and dry... But because they are to young to have seen the cycles before they take the bait and the lie continues to grow...

More liberal fools who think the island is going to tip over...
The Right will still claim that global warming is an Al Gore conspiracy even after they have to start using a boat to get to work.
There's no argument to have. Miami was built in a fishbowl. Half the land is artificially elevated. What idiot does that? Same goes for NYC. It would be mud flats if they didn't actively keep the water out.Do yeah they can float away along with NO for all I care.
Sort of what happens when nine inches of rain falls. holy crap, what a bunch of stoopid people.
Miami Finds Itself Ankle-Deep in Climate Change Debate



Scenes of street flooding, like this one on Alton Road in Miami Beach in November, are becoming increasingly common. Credit Angel Valentin for The New York Times

MIAMI BEACH — The sunny-day flooding was happening again. During high tide one recent afternoon, Eliseo Toussaint looked out the window of his Alton Road laundromat and watched bottle-green saltwater seep from the gutters, fill the street and block the entrance to his front door.

“This never used to happen,” Mr. Toussaint said. “I’ve owned this place eight years, and now it’s all the time.”

Down the block at an electronics store it is even worse. Jankel Aleman, a salesman, keeps plastic bags and rubber bands handy to wrap around his feet when he trudges from his car to the store through ever-rising waters.

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Related Coverage

  • Rising-Temperatures-1399427453046-thumbStandard-v2.png

    U.S. Climate Has Already Changed, Study Finds, Citing Heat and FloodsMAY 6, 2014
  • 08up-climatepoll-graphic-1399469741189-thumbStandard-v2.png

    Debate That Divides: On Climate, Republicans and Democrats Are From Different ContinentsMAY 7, 2014
A new scientific report on global warming released this week, the National Climate Assessment, named Miami as one of the cities most vulnerable to severe damage as a result of rising sea levels. Alton Road, a commercial thoroughfare in the heart of stylish South Beach, is getting early ripples of sea level rise caused by global warming — even as Florida’s politicians, including two possible contenders for the presidency in 2016, are starkly at odds over what to do about it and whether the problem is even real.

"The theme of the report is that climate change is not a future thing, it’s a ‘happening-now’ thing,” said Leonard Berry, a contributing author of the new report and director of the Florida Center for Environmental Studies at Florida Atlantic University. “Alton Road is one of the now things.”

More at the link.
sort of what happens when Chicago gets nine inches of rain. Hell just four inches of rain. Nine? Are you really that stoopid? And what is it you call me? hahahahahahahaa you intellectual genius.
I'd vote for that. All the money in the state's coffers comes from South Florida and I'd be more than happy to condemn the rest of the state to poverty :)
I have lived most of my life in south Florida, this high tide phenomenon has been going on as long as I can remember.
Nothing new, when I was a kid, in the spring and fall with a full moon the streets would flood with a high tide. All of a sudden it is a problem?
Some one is just trying to make a buck off a natural occurrence.
I was on Miami Beach a couple of weeks ago and entire blocks were flooded around an under-construction hotel. Money down the toilet, imo. The flooding has gotten worse in the last few years, especially on Miami Beach, in Hollywood, and in Dania Beach.

Just a bunch of impatient ungrateful racists if you ask me :lmao:

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