Five factors that will bring Trump down.....

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Don't forget the stock market. Ever since trump policies have been really taking effect it's been the shits.
Trump and his (Goebbels-wanna-be) Miller, have just handed to Dems. the biggest weapon to take over ALL of congress next year.

But, there are several other factors that will erode the slim majority that git Trump into the oval office...............

First, as alluded to above, the first major mistake is this ridiculous border policy which, I would readily admit, MSM is relentlessly hammering the WH.

Second, is the never-too-far-behind Mueller probe that spin as right wingers will, has proven that the Trump administration is a pit of lying vipers.

Third, is the love affair that Trump seem to have with every damned despot that Trump is trying to emulate.

Fourth, is a combination of the dud of the tax scam AND the tariffs that even a first year economics student could surmise are downright awful.......The tariffs alone will shift back the slim majority that Trump was able to garner from such states like MI, WI and PA.

Fifth, is Trump's penchant for lying......Even when there is absolutely NO reason to spew a lie, Trump manages to come up with some "alternate fact" that ONLY his loyal cult could swallow.

This upcoming November will be a very sobering, wake up call to the spineless and self-serving republican congress.

Liberals have nothing better...... could not even win with Hillary.
Trump and his (Goebbels-wanna-be) Miller, have just handed to Dems. the biggest weapon to take over ALL of congress next year.

But, there are several other factors that will erode the slim majority that git Trump into the oval office...............

First, as alluded to above, the first major mistake is this ridiculous border policy which, I would readily admit, MSM is relentlessly hammering the WH.

Second, is the never-too-far-behind Mueller probe that spin as right wingers will, has proven that the Trump administration is a pit of lying vipers.

Third, is the love affair that Trump seem to have with every damned despot that Trump is trying to emulate.

Fourth, is a combination of the dud of the tax scam AND the tariffs that even a first year economics student could surmise are downright awful.......The tariffs alone will shift back the slim majority that Trump was able to garner from such states like MI, WI and PA.

Fifth, is Trump's penchant for lying......Even when there is absolutely NO reason to spew a lie, Trump manages to come up with some "alternate fact" that ONLY his loyal cult could swallow.

This upcoming November will be a very sobering, wake up call to the spineless and self-serving republican congress.

Gnat has five factors;

  1. DERP
  2. DERP
  3. DERP
  4. DERP
  5. DERP
Yep, you Stalinist sure got him now.....

So tell me. you think the pro-child rape stance you and your lying press have taken is going to help you?

"democrats demand that children be removed from safe DHS homes and given to MS-13 human traffickers."

Hmmm, those facts might not be in your favor, Comrade.

Trump and his (Goebbels-wanna-be) Miller, have just handed to Dems. the biggest weapon to take over ALL of congress next year.

But, there are several other factors that will erode the slim majority that git Trump into the oval office...............

First, as alluded to above, the first major mistake is this ridiculous border policy which, I would readily admit, MSM is relentlessly hammering the WH.

Second, is the never-too-far-behind Mueller probe that spin as right wingers will, has proven that the Trump administration is a pit of lying vipers.

Third, is the love affair that Trump seem to have with every damned despot that Trump is trying to emulate.

Fourth, is a combination of the dud of the tax scam AND the tariffs that even a first year economics student could surmise are downright awful.......The tariffs alone will shift back the slim majority that Trump was able to garner from such states like MI, WI and PA.

Fifth, is Trump's penchant for lying......Even when there is absolutely NO reason to spew a lie, Trump manages to come up with some "alternate fact" that ONLY his loyal cult could swallow.

This upcoming November will be a very sobering, wake up call to the spineless and self-serving republican congress.
nat you are getting as bad as dean and tiger.....obsessions can fuck up your head.....
This upcoming November will be a very sobering, wake up call to the spineless and self-serving republican congress.

Its certainly possible that the electorate will reject record low unemployment, record high markets, the defeat of the Islamic State and peace with the people of North Korea.

But I wouldn't count on it.

My guess is that if the Republicans running this fall stay true to their president, they will schlong the liberals in November.
This upcoming November will be a very sobering, wake up call to the spineless and self-serving republican congress.

Its certainly possible that the electorate will reject record low unemployment, record high markets, the defeat of the Islamic State and peace with the people of North Korea.

But I wouldn't count on it.

My guess is that if the Republicans running this fall stay true to their president, they will schlong the liberals in November.
Sounds like you aren't actually watching the market. Gains are back to last year....
Trump and his (Goebbels-wanna-be) Miller, have just handed to Dems. the biggest weapon to take over ALL of congress next year.

But, there are several other factors that will erode the slim majority that git Trump into the oval office...............

First, as alluded to above, the first major mistake is this ridiculous border policy which, I would readily admit, MSM is relentlessly hammering the WH.

Second, is the never-too-far-behind Mueller probe that spin as right wingers will, has proven that the Trump administration is a pit of lying vipers.

Third, is the love affair that Trump seem to have with every damned despot that Trump is trying to emulate.

Fourth, is a combination of the dud of the tax scam AND the tariffs that even a first year economics student could surmise are downright awful.......The tariffs alone will shift back the slim majority that Trump was able to garner from such states like MI, WI and PA.

Fifth, is Trump's penchant for lying......Even when there is absolutely NO reason to spew a lie, Trump manages to come up with some "alternate fact" that ONLY his loyal cult could swallow.

This upcoming November will be a very sobering, wake up call to the spineless and self-serving republican congress.
nat you are getting as bad as dean and tiger.....obsessions can fuck up your head.....
Gnat is the prototype of insanity.
This upcoming November will be a very sobering, wake up call to the spineless and self-serving republican congress.

Its certainly possible that the electorate will reject record low unemployment, record high markets, the defeat of the Islamic State and peace with the people of North Korea.

But I wouldn't count on it.

My guess is that if the Republicans running this fall stay true to their president, they will schlong the liberals in November.

Which is why the little Goebbels of the leftist press have pulled out ALL the stops with their latest campaign of outright lies and vicious demagoguery.

Fucking Scarborough claimed Trump is mass murdering children this morning. The lying fucks of the MSM are deranged, completely unhinged.

{“So why is she lying this much?” Scarborough asked. “I know children are being ripped from their mother’s arms, even while they’re being breast-fed. I know children are being marched away to showers, marched away to showers. Being told they are — just like the Nazis — said that they were taking people to the showers and then they never came back,” he said.}

White House rips MSNBC's Joe Scarborough for 'Nazi' comment

The evil fuckers are insane.

This isn't just fake news, it's war through open slander.

We're supposed to TRUST these America hating fuckbags?
You puke traitor liberals will find yourselves in prison if you try to take down president Trump.

I think they will be looking more to finding themselves in the ground. The shooting will start soon.


I wish we could have avoided it - but the Stalinists don't get to win, they don't get to enslave and murder us. We won't start it, but we will finish it HARD.
Sounds like you aren't actually watching the market. Gains are back to last year....

Sounds like you are a dishonest communist.

The Market has been bouncing up and down for months.
Sounds like you are a moron. It has been trending down while it bounces.
Trade fears rattle Wall Street, Dow gives up 2018 gains

I realize the lying Commie press is giddy with the idea that the market is down.


The fact is that you're lying, as are the scum at MSNBC.
Sounds like you aren't actually watching the market. Gains are back to last year....

Sounds like you are a dishonest communist.

The Market has been bouncing up and down for months.
Sounds like you are a moron. It has been trending down while it bounces.
Trade fears rattle Wall Street, Dow gives up 2018 gains

I realize the lying Commie press is giddy with the idea that the market is down.

View attachment 199740

The fact is that you're lying, as are the scum at MSNBC.
It appears you can't read your own chart...
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