CDZ Five books to build a new society


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Glenn Beck had an interesting discussion last week. What 5 books would you use to build a brand new society? It can only be five. Here is my list:

1. The Bible (to build a superior moral foundation for the society)

2. The US Constitution and selected writings of the founding fathers (to build a superior political foundation for the society)

3. The Road to Serfdom (to serve as a warning for the society)

4. Earn the Right to Win (for the society to learn what it takes to be successful)

5. The Art of War (to teach the society superior leadership, diplomacy, and military tactics)
Glenn Beck had an interesting discussion last week. What 5 books would you use to build a brand new society? It can only be five. Here is my list:

1. The Bible (to build a superior moral foundation for the society)
View attachment 206495

2. The US Constitution and selected writings of the founding fathers (to build a superior political foundation for the society)
View attachment 206494

3. The Road to Serfdom (to serve as a warning for the society)
View attachment 206496

4. Earn the Right to Win (for the society to learn what it takes to be successful)
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5. The Art of War (to teach the society superior leadership, diplomacy, and military tactics)
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Interesting topic.

Art of War would not be on my list. In an ideal world at least. Too much violence and fighting as it is, it would be great if society could learn to turn off the reptilian part of our brains, the limbic system.
Art of War would not be on my list. In an ideal world at least. Too much violence and fighting as it is, it would be great if society could learn to turn off the reptilian part of our brains, the limbic system.
I don’t disagree. However, I’m operating off of the idea that humans will be humans. There will be conflict, wars, violence, etc. no matter what books they are given.

In addition, the Art of War does have significant leadership and diplomatic lessons.
Art of War would not be on my list. In an ideal world at least. Too much violence and fighting as it is, it would be great if society could learn to turn off the reptilian part of our brains, the limbic system.
I don’t disagree. However, I’m operating off of the idea that humans will be humans. There will be conflict, wars, violence, etc. no matter what books are given.

In addition, the Art of War does have significant leadership and diplomatic lessons.

A guy I went to school with, who happened to be Chinese, recommended the book to me when I was in University. I had no idea what it was about, he told me it was a "strategy book". I gleaned through it and as to be expected, found it to be primitive and boring. No application to my life in modern times.

I was impressed by the fact that the British military copied the structure for their own military and in turn, it contributed to the structures of companies we now know today as Corporations. Think of the title Chief Executive Officer. The story related to all of this is too long for me to get into at this late hour, I am only up due to my occasional insomnia.

I forgot almost all of the specifics of the book to be honest, though I recalled one statement which made a great deal of sense to me, and I applied it in life in a figurative manner: "Never attack an army on the way home".

The logic of that statement was that such an army may have been fighting for weeks or even months, they will be tired, but they anticipate being home with their wives and family will drive their Will to fight to the death. Their commitment will be stronger than ever.
To build a society? Those are all fiction novels. Wouldn’t a new society need some sort of concrete non-fiction lessons? I’m just asking.
Where has it got us?
Lessons a new are better spread via story telling....
Glenn Beck had an interesting discussion last week. What 5 books would you use to build a brand new society? It can only be five. Here is my list:

1. The Bible (to build a superior moral foundation for the society)
View attachment 206495

2. The US Constitution and selected writings of the founding fathers (to build a superior political foundation for the society)
View attachment 206494

3. The Road to Serfdom (to serve as a warning for the society)
View attachment 206496

4. Earn the Right to Win (for the society to learn what it takes to be successful)
View attachment 206498

5. The Art of War (to teach the society superior leadership, diplomacy, and military tactics)
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The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
A proper warning about sojourns onto distant human frontiers.

Last Horizons by Peter Hathaway Capstick
A reminder of man's place in the natural world, and an example of manhood for the young.

Long-Range Surveillance Unit Operations FM 3-55.93 (FM 7-93) Headquarters, Department of the Army
Essential small unit warfare and intelligence gathering.

One Minute to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War
by Michael Dobbs
Reminders of midnight for the human race.

Man and His Symbols by Carl Gustav Jung
An important look into the meaning of meanings.
John Rawls A Theory of Justice, The Federalist Papers, The Way Things Work: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Technology, The Backyard Blacksmith, Tinitinalli's Textbook of Emergency Medicine.

With those you can rebuild society.
Fahrenheit 451 to remind us not to ban books

Catch 22 to warn us against bureaucratic foolishness.

Catcher in the Rye to remind us that young people aren't irredeemable.

The Prince by Machiavelli to remind us that eventually the creeps will play a game of cut throat for real.
Last edited:
1. Natures Eternal Religion -sets down basis for government and religion
2. Might Is Right
3.War is a Racket
4.Everything by Patrick Buchanan
5.End the Fed and The Revolution by Ron Paul

Off top of my head that covers type of government,religion,society,economics,war,and culture you need and want. I am sure I can add more as I think of them. To benefit with NER I would add Mein Kampf and White Power....White Power is just more of an American Version of Mein Kampf and easier for Americans to understand.
Glenn Beck had an interesting discussion last week. What 5 books would you use to build a brand new society? It can only be five. Here is my list:

1. The Bible (to build a superior moral foundation for the society)
View attachment 206495

2. The US Constitution and selected writings of the founding fathers (to build a superior political foundation for the society)
View attachment 206494

3. The Road to Serfdom (to serve as a warning for the society)
View attachment 206496

4. Earn the Right to Win (for the society to learn what it takes to be successful)
View attachment 206498

5. The Art of War (to teach the society superior leadership, diplomacy, and military tactics)
View attachment 206499

My five books to change society would be:

1) Lolita

2) The Book of the Law

3) Out of Eden - The Surprising Consequences of Polygamy

4) Ulysses

5) A Clockwork Orange
Glenn Beck had an interesting discussion last week. What 5 books would you use to build a brand new society? It can only be five. Here is my list:

1. The Bible (to build a superior moral foundation for the society)
View attachment 206495

2. The US Constitution and selected writings of the founding fathers (to build a superior political foundation for the society)
View attachment 206494

3. The Road to Serfdom (to serve as a warning for the society)
View attachment 206496

4. Earn the Right to Win (for the society to learn what it takes to be successful)
View attachment 206498

5. The Art of War (to teach the society superior leadership, diplomacy, and military tactics)
View attachment 206499
how to win friends....
think and grow rich
animal farm
the art of war
1984 / soylent green
Glenn Beck had an interesting discussion last week. What 5 books would you use to build a brand new society? It can only be five. Here is my list:

1. The Bible (to build a superior moral foundation for the society)
View attachment 206495

2. The US Constitution and selected writings of the founding fathers (to build a superior political foundation for the society)
View attachment 206494

3. The Road to Serfdom (to serve as a warning for the society)
View attachment 206496

4. Earn the Right to Win (for the society to learn what it takes to be successful)
View attachment 206498

5. The Art of War (to teach the society superior leadership, diplomacy, and military tactics)
View attachment 206499

My five books to change society would be:

1) Lolita

2) The Book of the Law

3) Out of Eden - The Surprising Consequences of Polygamy

4) Ulysses

5) A Clockwork Orange
A clockwork Orange o_O

I'm not judging you, I'm just going to :1peleas:
Glenn Beck had an interesting discussion last week. What 5 books would you use to build a brand new society? It can only be five. Here is my list:

1. The Bible (to build a superior moral foundation for the society)
View attachment 206495

2. The US Constitution and selected writings of the founding fathers (to build a superior political foundation for the society)
View attachment 206494

3. The Road to Serfdom (to serve as a warning for the society)
View attachment 206496

4. Earn the Right to Win (for the society to learn what it takes to be successful)
View attachment 206498

5. The Art of War (to teach the society superior leadership, diplomacy, and military tactics)
View attachment 206499

Friedrich Bastiat... "The Law."

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