Fish Fry Friday


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
That was like yesterday.As near a day of infamy as it gets.The day
Donald Trump was told in no uncertain terms that he'll be indicted
on Tuesday { I'll gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today } for
context and shock across both bows of U.S. Countryside.
Shock waves be damned.Like Hell.Din't a couple Presidents use the
word { Hell } in their capacity.As in Give 'em Hell Harry.
Not " the point is to get in to heaven by hook or crook "
-- Denis Diderot { French philosopher,atheist }
Since most Potus seem to adopt their position { Presidency }
as their Religion ... that could generate problems.
No matter how bold and pigheaded and popular.
No need to mention names.
I mean,Trump could always cut some deal where he forfeits
running for Re-election as long as he git them snarky demobrat
hound dogs nippin' at his heels.No matter if lead hound demobrat
{ votes Independent,yeah right! } Jack the Smith goes back to them
Neatherlands.But Fish Fry Friday has done ended.
Trump has possibilities.Besides Rally's and Golf and keeping his
hair in place.Maybe Sport Fishing.Like what Heminway did.
Maybe Drinking.Or the occassional Fat stogy { cigar {.
Forgetting not ... Nothing is certain in life but Death
and Taxes.
Including America.Maybe the left can find a way to oust
heaven.Go fir it.
" Midway into our life's journay.
Know then,O waiting and compassionate soul,
that is to fear which has the power to harm,and
nothing else is fearful even in Hell.
Granted some Americas don't cotton { like } Fish.
And of course some Americans don't like some Presidents.
But that ain't { nice grammar } no done reason to be agin'
fish.Even though most fish that are fished { on the hook }
manage to fight like hell,to git off the doggone blasted hook.
Kinda like some Presidents fight like Hell to protect america and
americans.Off hand I'd say most presidents.Unlike skinny prick
leftist Presidents like Woodrow Wilson.Who was such a prick of
a Potus he targetted and had arrested a person running for the
Presidency during his term.I doubt Woodrow Wilson ever played
hooky since he had an instant ability to be hated due to his skinny-prick
personality.He ran the counry into the Depression of 1921 and
was spared by the Republican Warren Harding who utilized a
combination of Tax cuts and huge Government spending cuts to
bring the Country back into the fold.
That ain't no fish tale folks.Check it out.Plus Woodrow Wilson
{ the official Leftist Skinny Prick Potus } was a Racist.Couldn't
wait to have at the White House the first Movie ever shown.
At the time - Birth of a Nation - { 1915 } was considered
controversial for the way Blacks were portrayed.
Yet Wilson admired the Film proclaiming ...
" It is like writing history with lighting. And my only
regret is that it is all so terribly true. "
Is that how It Was Like It Is ya Skinny Prick Racist.
The film portraying The Ku Klux Klan as heroic.
So we're right back to where we started Folks.
Only in reverse.A Good, prudent Potus followed by a
Bad impudent,cocky as can be Potus.
And his Green convertible corvette.

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