First poll 2022... Trump leads by wide margin...

No one ever said the vaccine would protect you from Omicron dumb ass. They said you will be protected from dying from it if you are vaccinated.
The only fail are you republicans who would rather get sick and die than get vaccinated.
Its not Republicans that are the problem.
Xiden said he would beat the pandemic, that's the big lie.
Xiden can't get enough tests (Like Trump's Warp Speed could)
Xiden can't get enough therapeutics. ditto
More people died under Xiden than under Trump
Republicans are vaccinated, guess who the problem population is
Its not Republicans that are the problem.
Xiden said he would beat the pandemic, that's the big lie.
Xiden can't get enough tests (Like Trump's Warp Speed could)
Xiden can't get enough therapeutics. ditto
More people died under Xiden than under Trump
Republicans are vaccinated, guess who the problem population is
View attachment 584097
Yes, blacks are the most likely segment of the population to resist vaccination by racial per capita statistics. What is that supposed to show though?

They are a small segment of the population. While they are the most vaccine hesitant, they also do not represent a majority of the vaccine resistant population. This fact continually come up but the question remains as to what you and others think it shows. The hesitancy in the black community does not address the larger segment of the population that is driving overall unvaccinated numbers.
Yes, blacks are the most likely segment of the population to resist vaccination by racial per capita statistics. What is that supposed to show though?

They are a small segment of the population. While they are the most vaccine hesitant, they also do not represent a majority of the vaccine resistant population. This fact continually come up but the question remains as to what you and others think it shows. The hesitancy in the black community does not address the larger segment of the population that is driving overall unvaccinated numbers.
I hear you and Biden think we should all go down and get a chemo treatment in case we might get cancer. the race for the 2024 GOP nomination.

The more they attack him... the stronger he gets...

Wish I was tech savvy enough to make one of those YouTube Meme videos where heads are superimposed on other bodies...

I'd make one of Trump as Iron Man and the insane leftists as Thor from that scene in Avengers 1.

The leftist give their best shots...

Jarvis: "power at 400% capacity"...

TRUMP "How bout that."

But... since I can't, you'll just have to watch the first 25 seconds and imagine it...

Trump 2024...make leftist's heads explode again!

America is just God awful at picking Presidents. Trump is by far the best candidate over the last several decades. And he's way too big government for me. Still, if he runs, I will support him since everyone else the parties pick is worse
Sure we do. We want the rest of the border wall built. We want the Muslim Ban enacted again to keep Americans safe. We want the hard working coal miners to get their jobs back.
Which is deeply amusing because the greatest threat to American safety..and democracy, has actually come from the alt-right (white) wing of conservatism. And those coal jobs?....were taken away by the very companies that created them..because it's cheaper and more efficient to produce natural gas. Those jobs?, weren't taken away by Democrats, or regulations, or Rainbow unicorns. They were winnowed out by the free market.

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