First amendment should not protect hate speech.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

British law offered no protection to those who dissented against the government, so the king could have anyone arrested or imprisoned at his personal whim.
Recognizing this to be a form of tyranny, the framers added the First Amendment to the Constitution — not to allow one ranting group of citizens the right to harass a group of grieving citizens, but to protect the citizenry as a whole from abuses of power that tend to come from government.
The Huckabees of this country worship the constitution instead of their GOD and that is because GOD is who they want him to be depending on what they need at the moment. The Christian GOD say;
James 1;26.…If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.
Matt 13;2.…It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” Radical Islam has never spoke ill or made fun of Jesus. “Allah” was the original name of the God in the Christian bible according to Hebrew and Aramaic sources. Muhammad the prophet is the founder of the Islamic religion just as Joseph Smith a prophet the founder of the Mormon religion. Self righteous radical right would learn from Islam.
The sub-human’s video is “hate speech” and should not be protected by the First Amendment. Framers of the First Amendment did not intend for it to protect against bashing but to be protected from the Government. Threatening the president is not protected by the First Amendment.
Hate speech that is designed to incite violence or criminal actions against someone or a group because of their race, religion, or sexual identity, is not protected free speech and can result in legal action and civil action.

Threats to government officials is not protected free speech.

Inciting a riot such as yelling fire in a movie theater is not protected free speech.

Self righteous Americans are not so different from radical Muslims as we claim to be. We don’t get to tell other races and religions how to react with offended. How to practice their religion. To simple say to Muslims to just simple ignore the video just as we would if Jesus was defamed is talking out both side of our mouths. Why don’t see Muslims denouncing he violence reaction? Because if they spoke they would have their heads cut off. And we don’t see masses of Americans denouncing the video but masses protecting it as freedom of speech when it reality it is hate speech and it causes violence and death and should not be protected by the Constitution.

This county has a long history of offending and abusing others because of the color of their skin or how the practice their religion. In some places in the country use of the “N” word and foul language is illegal. I have seen someone get their ass kicked for use of he “N” word. People have been hung for exercising their freedom of speech that was not near hate speech. We are so full of it when we claim freedom of speech. When are we going to get it? 19 Muslims brought down the twin towers killing 3,000 Americans and we reacted by killing thousands of Muslims by avenging them. What happen to GOD saying; “Vengeance is mine, I repay evil” “Do into others as you would have then do into you“ “Repay evil or evil to no one?” I am appalled at the way we protect hate speech that incite violence and death and excuse it as freedom of speech. But that is what we do best in this so called civilized society.

We still have thousands of people in this country that will kill you because you are different and the they are called White Hate Groups. Not so long ago a 15 year old Black teen was hung and body mutilated because he was exercising his freedom of speech. Not hate speech. Mary Turner was hung, her baby cut from her body to fall to the ground and her body set on fire. In Texas a few years ago a Black man was dragged by a truck until he died because of the color of his skin. We are not so different than we claim to be from radical Muslims.
An idea without substance; who decides what 'hate' is? One falls immediately into arbitrary censorship.

Free speech is free speech. Very easy to understand. Not complicated. Any educated, thinking person can handle it.

How much do we need to care about others?
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"Hate speech" is the new excuse by lefties to curtail free speech. In other words lefties are saying I don't like your opinion so I will call it hate speech and ban it. Very scary.
I think that civilised people, confident in their rights, should be able to use good judgement in their exercising of those rights.
See... its called free speech. I wanna say something, I can. I was taught growing up that "my freedoms end when another man's nose begins" I always wondered what that means so I looked it up. It means I can say what I want until I hit someone in the nose. But until that point I can say what I want. I don't like someone's religion, I can make fun. I don't like someone's clothes, I can make fun. I don't like someone's opinion, I can make fun. That's what free speech is. I can say what I want as long as i don't make a direct threat to someone. This works both ways as well. You don't like what I'm doing? Make fun. People against free speech want to blast the right instead of excersing the right themselves. "Ugh He said something mean. I instead of saying something back cause I'm a libtard, I wanna limit what he can say." Fuck that!!!

British law offered no protection to those who dissented against the government, so the king could have anyone arrested or imprisoned at his personal whim.
Recognizing this to be a form of tyranny, the framers added the First Amendment to the Constitution — not to allow one ranting group of citizens the right to harass a group of grieving citizens, but to protect the citizenry as a whole from abuses of power that tend to come from government.
The Huckabees of this country worship the constitution instead of their GOD and that is because GOD is who they want him to be depending on what they need at the moment. The Christian GOD say;
James 1;26.…If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.
Matt 13;2.…It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” Radical Islam has never spoke ill or made fun of Jesus. “Allah” was the original name of the God in the Christian bible according to Hebrew and Aramaic sources. Muhammad the prophet is the founder of the Islamic religion just as Joseph Smith a prophet the founder of the Mormon religion. Self righteous radical right would learn from Islam.
The sub-human’s video is “hate speech” and should not be protected by the First Amendment. Framers of the First Amendment did not intend for it to protect against bashing but to be protected from the Government. Threatening the president is not protected by the First Amendment.
Hate speech that is designed to incite violence or criminal actions against someone or a group because of their race, religion, or sexual identity, is not protected free speech and can result in legal action and civil action.

Threats to government officials is not protected free speech.

Inciting a riot such as yelling fire in a movie theater is not protected free speech.

Self righteous Americans are not so different from radical Muslims as we claim to be. We don’t get to tell other races and religions how to react with offended. How to practice their religion. To simple say to Muslims to just simple ignore the video just as we would if Jesus was defamed is talking out both side of our mouths. Why don’t see Muslims denouncing he violence reaction? Because if they spoke they would have their heads cut off. And we don’t see masses of Americans denouncing the video but masses protecting it as freedom of speech when it reality it is hate speech and it causes violence and death and should not be protected by the Constitution.

This county has a long history of offending and abusing others because of the color of their skin or how the practice their religion. In some places in the country use of the “N” word and foul language is illegal. I have seen someone get their ass kicked for use of he “N” word. People have been hung for exercising their freedom of speech that was not near hate speech. We are so full of it when we claim freedom of speech. When are we going to get it? 19 Muslims brought down the twin towers killing 3,000 Americans and we reacted by killing thousands of Muslims by avenging them. What happen to GOD saying; “Vengeance is mine, I repay evil” “Do into others as you would have then do into you“ “Repay evil or evil to no one?” I am appalled at the way we protect hate speech that incite violence and death and excuse it as freedom of speech. But that is what we do best in this so called civilized society.

We still have thousands of people in this country that will kill you because you are different and the they are called White Hate Groups. Not so long ago a 15 year old Black teen was hung and body mutilated because he was exercising his freedom of speech. Not hate speech. Mary Turner was hung, her baby cut from her body to fall to the ground and her body set on fire. In Texas a few years ago a Black man was dragged by a truck until he died because of the color of his skin. We are not so different than we claim to be from radical Muslims.

This is hate speech.

You should not be protected.

See how easy that is?
See... its called free speech. I wanna say something, I can. I was taught growing up that "my freedoms end when another man's nose begins" I always wondered what that means so I looked it up. It means I can say what I want until I hit someone in the nose. But until that point I can say what I want. I don't like someone's religion, I can make fun. I don't like someone's clothes, I can make fun. I don't like someone's opinion, I can make fun. That's what free speech is. I can say what I want as long as i don't make a direct threat to someone. This works both ways as well. You don't like what I'm doing? Make fun. People against free speech want to blast the right instead of excersing the right themselves. "Ugh He said something mean. I instead of saying something back cause I'm a libtard, I wanna limit what he can say." Fuck that!!!

You sound like a petulant child.
Whatever happened to good manners?
See... its called free speech. I wanna say something, I can. I was taught growing up that "my freedoms end when another man's nose begins" I always wondered what that means so I looked it up. It means I can say what I want until I hit someone in the nose. But until that point I can say what I want. I don't like someone's religion, I can make fun. I don't like someone's clothes, I can make fun. I don't like someone's opinion, I can make fun. That's what free speech is. I can say what I want as long as i don't make a direct threat to someone. This works both ways as well. You don't like what I'm doing? Make fun. People against free speech want to blast the right instead of excersing the right themselves. "Ugh He said something mean. I instead of saying something back cause I'm a libtard, I wanna limit what he can say." Fuck that!!!

You sound like a petulant child.
Whatever happened to good manners?

You're funny. I do have manners. I was raised knowing my rights. I was also taught manners. 95% of the time I don't say what I want. I bite my tongue and don't let people know I'm stupid. It's nice to know that if I want to I can tho.
I'm sorry but that is a slippery slope if you put on provisions of speech. I thought for sure when the Westboro baptist church was protesting the funeral of fallen soldiers it would be against the law . They spewed all kind of hate. But the supreme court says NOPE All free speech.. What you think of something as free speech might not be the same as someone else idea what it is..
See... its called free speech. I wanna say something, I can. I was taught growing up that "my freedoms end when another man's nose begins" I always wondered what that means so I looked it up. It means I can say what I want until I hit someone in the nose. But until that point I can say what I want. I don't like someone's religion, I can make fun. I don't like someone's clothes, I can make fun. I don't like someone's opinion, I can make fun. That's what free speech is. I can say what I want as long as i don't make a direct threat to someone. This works both ways as well. You don't like what I'm doing? Make fun. People against free speech want to blast the right instead of excersing the right themselves. "Ugh He said something mean. I instead of saying something back cause I'm a libtard, I wanna limit what he can say." Fuck that!!!

You sound like a petulant child.
Whatever happened to good manners?

You're funny. I do have manners. I was raised knowing my rights. I was also taught manners. 95% of the time I don't say what I want. I bite my tongue and don't let people know I'm stupid. It's nice to know that if I want to I can tho.

You use your judgement.

Most people upset about the video are pissed off at the lack of good judgement used - that doesn't mean that they're denying anyone's right to free speech.

Fair enough, they had the right to make the movie - but did they have to?

I want to know what a wacko is thinking.

I want to know who that wacko is.

I want to know where that wacko is.

I want to know who agrees with that wacko.

I want to be able to expose that wacko for who they are.

Without the First Amendment, I can do none of the above.

You sound like a petulant child.
Whatever happened to good manners?

You're funny. I do have manners. I was raised knowing my rights. I was also taught manners. 95% of the time I don't say what I want. I bite my tongue and don't let people know I'm stupid. It's nice to know that if I want to I can tho.

You use your judgement.

Most people upset about the video are pissed off at the lack of good judgement used - that doesn't mean that they're denying anyone's right to free speech.

Fair enough, they had the right to make the movie - but did they have to?

They may or may not feel passionate about their views. Who am I to say if they are or regulate what they say. I've done some really stupid things in my 28 years but I've learned from it. You do know you have the right to have a different view as them right? But you don't have the right to go off and kill people because they don't think like you. Either way, we lost a few americans. Big deal. The world is way over populated anyway. We could stand to lose 5 or 6 billion people. The earth needs a reset. Its gonna happen. When everything hits the fan, what do you think will be one of the first rights established? Free speech. Kinda funny the smartest men to ever live in america thought it should be first too.

I want to know what a wacko is thinking.

I want to know who that wacko is.

I want to know where that wacko is.

I want to know who agrees with that wacko.

I want to be able to expose that wacko for who they are.

Without the First Amendment, I can do none of the above.


You sir, are a complete fucking moron.

Nuff Said...

I want to know what a wacko is thinking.

I want to know who that wacko is.

I want to know where that wacko is.

I want to know who agrees with that wacko.

I want to be able to expose that wacko for who they are.

Without the First Amendment, I can do none of the above.


You sir, are a complete fucking moron.

Nuff Said...

My apologies for being a complete fucking moron, I'm doing the best with what I have.

Now, please explain. "Nuff said" doesn't quite cut it. Keep it simple for me, thanks.


I want to know what a wacko is thinking.

I want to know who that wacko is.

I want to know where that wacko is.

I want to know who agrees with that wacko.

I want to be able to expose that wacko for who they are.

Without the First Amendment, I can do none of the above.


You sir, are a complete fucking moron.

Nuff Said...

My apologies for being a complete fucking moron, I'm doing the best with what I have.

Now, please explain. "Nuff said" doesn't quite cut it. Keep it simple for me, thanks.


Oh I'm sorry. You're a liberal. I didn't know I had to break it down.

I can say what I want.

So can you.

The original amendments state that.

They never say "you can say what you want as long as they dont hurt other people.

Dude you do know posting on this forum is the utmost expression of free speech right?

Try this in China. See where it gets you.
You sir, are a complete fucking moron.

Nuff Said...

My apologies for being a complete fucking moron, I'm doing the best with what I have.

Now, please explain. "Nuff said" doesn't quite cut it. Keep it simple for me, thanks.


Oh I'm sorry. You're a liberal. I didn't know I had to break it down.

I can say what I want.

So can you.

The original amendments state that.

They never say "you can say what you want as long as they dont hurt other people.

Dude you do know posting on this forum is the utmost expression of free speech right?

Try this in China. See where it gets you.

I see.

Perhaps you didn't read my post correctly. Or the one before it.

I'm a First Amendment purist.

Yikes. And you called me what, precisely?

My apologies for being a complete fucking moron, I'm doing the best with what I have.

Now, please explain. "Nuff said" doesn't quite cut it. Keep it simple for me, thanks.


Oh I'm sorry. You're a liberal. I didn't know I had to break it down.

I can say what I want.

So can you.

The original amendments state that.

They never say "you can say what you want as long as they dont hurt other people.

Dude you do know posting on this forum is the utmost expression of free speech right?

Try this in China. See where it gets you.

I see.

Perhaps you didn't read my post correctly. Or the one before it.

I'm a First Amendment purist.

Yikes. And you called me what, precisely?


You are right. I didn't read your post correctly and I vented without thinking. I just get passionate about these things. People against free speech piss me off. You're not on of them. I'm sorry. Here's a thanks for you.

And who, precisely, is going to have to power to define "hate"?

The First Amendment isn't about speech you like; it's about speech you don't like.

The culture needs to change, not the Constitution.

I can't rep you... Would someone rep this guy for me? Multiple people? Please?

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