Finding focus, OWS

OWS had best get into some ISSUE SPECIFC politics.

Just ranting that they are the 99% doesn't really mean anything real.

SPECIFICALLY what does this movement want and SPECICALLY what legislation do they support?

Best post yet.
OWS had best get into some ISSUE SPECIFC politics.

Just ranting that they are the 99% doesn't really mean anything real.

SPECIFICALLY what does this movement want and SPECICALLY what legislation do they support?

Especially when a good amount of the 99% want nothing to do with them

Judging from today, black friday, they are terrified of the 99%.
Judging from today, black friday, they are terrified of the 99%.

Hey, what's the difference between sleeping in a tent on public property for black Friday shopping, and sleeping in a tent on public property to protest in the name of democracy?
Outstanding editorial on Anarchy and the OWS and the protesters's love affair with utopian socialism.

The occupiers’ tent cities are self-governing, communal, egalitarian, and networked. They reject everyday politics. They foster bohemianism and confrontation with the civil authorities. They are the Phalanx and New Harmony, updated for postmodern times and plopped in the middle of our cities.

There may not be that many activists in the camps. They may appear silly, even grotesque. They may resist “agendas” and “policies.” They may not agree on what they want or when they want it. And they may disappear as winter arrives and the liberals whose parks they are occupying lose patience with them. But the utopians and anarchists will reappear​—​next year’s party conventions will no doubt be a flashpoint​—​and it is wrong to coddle, appropriate, or dismiss them. They must be confronted, not only by law but by ideas. The occupation will persist as long as individuals believe that inequalities of property are unjust and that the brotherhood of man can be established on the earth.

Anarchy in the U.S.A. | The Weekly Standard
LOL. And what in random beatings, pepper spraying is not confrontation? Chanel, are you rooting for some shootings of the protestors?
Judging from today, black friday, they are terrified of the 99%.

Hey, what's the difference between sleeping in a tent on public property for black Friday shopping, and sleeping in a tent on public property to protest in the name of democracy?
People waiting to shop don't shit in the street.

So they, what? Shit in their pants? :lol: Just last night I was watching the 11:00 news, and they were talking to people who had been camping out all day so they could be as close to the front of the line as possible. One of the reporters asked what they did when they had to go to the bathroom. The response: "Go anywhere!"
Our Heath Care system is the most expensive in the world, per capita, and does not cover a significant portion of our citizens. Our infant mortality stats are third world. Our longevity lags behind allmost all the other indurtrialized nations in the world.

In fact, there is only one period in which our stats are as positive as those in the other industrialized nations. That is for the portion of the population that is over 65. In other words, those that have our socialized medicine.

Our educational system is graduating less engineers than South Korea. Far less than China or Europe. We now lag behind Japan and Germany in new patents applied for, and will soon lag behind China. Yet the 'Conservatives' have made the destruction of the educational system in this nation a major plank in their agenda. In fact, the 'Conservatives' never miss a chance to denigrate scientists or anyone else that has aquired a high degree of education.

Our energy use is outstripping supply, yet the 'Conservatives' appose any effort that would increase efficiency in lighing or home devices.

The consequences of AGW are readily apparent at the grocery store at present. The major re-insurance companies of the world are presently informing us of a 500% increase in weather events that cost many millions, sometimes billions, of dollars. And they state without reservation that at least 50% of that is caused by an increase in the number of extreme weather events worldwide. Yet the 'Conservatives' deny it all.

These and many other issues must now be addressed by the OWS movement with a sanity lacking in the 'Conservative'. And addressed in the voting booth as well as the public forum. Time for an Oak movement. Get out and register the people that are being most impacted by the 'Conservatives' greed and selfishness. You thought you killed Acorn? Time for the Oak.
Hey, what's the difference between sleeping in a tent on public property for black Friday shopping, and sleeping in a tent on public property to protest in the name of democracy?
People waiting to shop don't shit in the street.

So they, what? Shit in their pants? :lol: Just last night I was watching the 11:00 news, and they were talking to people who had been camping out all day so they could be as close to the front of the line as possible. One of the reporters asked what they did when they had to go to the bathroom. The response: "Go anywhere!"

Uh huh. :eusa_liar:
OWS, like the Democrat Party they represent, really are Marxists
November 16, 2011

"The public discussion about the widening gap between rich and poor hasn’t been this loud since the Great Depression. Warren Buffett has condemned the disparity, Occupy Wall Street has inveighed against it, President Barack Obama cites it to justify higher taxes on the wealthy. Much of the debate, though, has focused on inequality’s moral dimension. Somehow it just doesn’t seem right that so many Americans struggle while a handful prospers. What many are missing is the actual impact rising inequality is having on the U.S. economy. Hint: It isn’t good."


November 25, 2011

"Income gains in the U.S. are slowing and workers’ slice of the earnings pie is shrinking, raising the risk that consumer spending slackens next year.

Gross domestic income, or the money earned by the people, businesses and government agencies whose purchases go into calculating growth, rose at an average 2.8 percent annual rate from April through September after climbing 4.3 percent in the previous six months, Commerce Department data on Nov. 22 showed. Employee compensation last quarter accounted for its smallest share since 1955."

A 4-year temporary worker at the Oregon Zoo still doesn't have benefits.
Why should he? It's a temporary job. :confused:

A temporary job that lasts four yeas is "temporary" in name -- and for the employer's convenience -- only.

It is a most interesting thing... how long an individual may be employed by a company and yet... still be considered as a temporary and may remain without benefits, however, if they are in America, as she is today, there seems to be many alternatives. I need to hear about those without alternatives. It isn't that I am oblivious to another's need, it is instead they seem to be obliviously, or worse, rejective toward those and the things in which do reach out toward them and their improvement... to help them to become most successful, most established and perhaps even fulfill their own potential... Afterall, a successful mass, for the collective people within America to succeed will only improve and enhance our nation's goals. Even the Corporate Giants would benefit from that, in time.... The face of our world would change, necessarily.
What kept that temporary employee from seeking a permanent position?

Oh, yeah -- nothing.

The real question is what kept the temp from FINDING a permanent position, not seeking one.

Well -- that and what kind of irresponsible, unprincipled asshole keeps an employee as a temp for four friggin' years.
Some sub-contractors seem to not be in the position to offer better because they don't have better. How so? Like an example, though it seemed they worked as fair of a systemas they could to benfit the initial temporary employees, many subcontracting companies for the FBI were not perminent employers for/through the FBI. It may not be in the same field of discussion, necessarily, though, because temps were eligible for some benefits accordingly... and were to known to be eligible for increases in both benefits and pay through time. What was the longest FBI subcontract? I don't know, but I do know some were as long as eight to ten years before they were made perminent...
What kept that temporary employee from seeking a permanent position?

Oh, yeah -- nothing.

The real question is what kept the temp from FINDING a permanent position, not seeking one.

Well -- that and what kind of irresponsible, unprincipled asshole keeps an employee as a temp for four friggin' years.
It's a travesty that that employee was forced to work there at gunpoint and never allowed to find another job.
November 25, 2011
Energy Production Turning Lights Back On
Daniel Kish, US News & World Report

The faint rumble of an economic recovery can be heard in certain sections of the country where new energy technologies are opening up vast reserves of oil and natural gas. These epicenters of job creation not only promise to reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy, but they offer the possibility that America will become--once again--the leading energy producer in the world. . .

RealClearEnergy | Energy Production Turning Lights Back On

The sooner we get away from the BS empty promises of green energy, the better off ALL Amercans will be. Expect BIG-ASS changes in 2013 once the Varsity takes over.........

Oh......and OWS is on life support.....being kept alive only by the media at this point. A huge majority of Americans view these people as loser leetches who need a beer and a plan.......and a shower.
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