Fifa World Cup sponsors urged to speak out over Qatar


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

Thousands of labourers have been brought into Qatar, most from South Asia

"Everyone who is part of Fifa's family, as the sponsors are, has a responsibility about what is going on in Qatar, about the abysmal conditions, and numerous deaths, of migrant workers," Damian Collins MP, who is a leading force in body New Fifa Now, told the BBC.

"If they do not speak out about the appalling conditions, then their reputations will be tarnished around the world."

Fifa World Cup sponsors urged to speak out over Qatar - BBC News
The US Justice Department just filed charges against a whole bunch of FIFA people. Corruption, bribery, that kind of thing. I think the Qatar thing made it way too obvious that FIFA was being bought off.®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

The reaction I'm seeing from the world is that the world is happy the USA did this, because only the USA could have done it. If any of the big soccer nations had tried prosecuting, they'd be accused of trying to get revenge on FIFA, because every big soccer nation has some bone to pick about how FIFA slighted them. Since the USA isn't one of the big players, the USA is seen as a more neutral observer.
It is soccer...who cares?

I am a little pissed we used American resources to investigate the Eurotrash sport.
It is soccer...who cares?

I am a little pissed we used American resources to investigate the Eurotrash sport.
Of all the countries in the world who would be expected to give a fuck about this, I'm shocked that it's the U.S. that's doing something.
Fuck Obama...using the DOJ to investigate soccer...FUCKING SOCCER!!
It is soccer...who cares?

I am a little pissed we used American resources to investigate the Eurotrash sport.
Of all the countries in the world who would be expected to give a fuck about this, I'm shocked that it's the U.S. that's doing something.
Fuck Obama...using the DOJ to investigate soccer...FUCKING SOCCER!!
I'll tell you what though, if he gets the World Cup pulled from Russia and Qatar, with all the egg that would leave on Putin's face, how awesome would that be?

Soccer still sucks, but it would be a pretty big deal around the world.
Remember, the IOC was bought off for Salt Lake City, so it's not just shitholes that get caught up in this.

The bribes were being run through American companies - which is shocking to me, how stupid is that? - and one of the most corrupt members is Jack Werner, who headed CONCACAF, which is based in Miami. Thus, the FBI got involved. The old head of CONCACAF was an American who was convicted of corruption, and it is believed he flipped and cut a deal, opening a Pandora's Box and all these charges.
What a surprise that a sport based on nancy-boys pretending to be mortally wounded by non-contact would be rotten to the core.
After reading this you'll know why the script has Blatter reelected as FIFA president only to be stripped shortly after, in parallel to "Hussein Obama" stripped and arrested.
FIFA's Hussein will be proclaimed the first arabian president in parallel to Hitlery Clinton, Hitler's oldest daughter and first woman president of the USA.
FIFA's Hussein will ban Israel and shortly after in the US and EU the official manhunt will start, this time not only for jews and dissidents but also for any non-whites.
To what lengths german illuminazis mock the human cattle:

Russia first country ever stripped of global sports event: how FIFA World Cup 2018 together with Qatar 2022 replaced the original script of Sochi Olympics 2014
Same as with suicide bomber "Obama": all (both the original and the modified script) explained in advance only by Last Prophet.

FIFA arrests scandal: theater before the coming "Blatter arrested and stripped, Russia 2018 Qatar 2022 stripped of World Cup": main agenda:
End of show type of mockery with a parallel script to "Hussein Obama stripped 2008 and 2012", starting with "FIFA president Sepp Blatter arrested and stripped".
Possible because all FIFA high rank members are illuminati puppets, same as their governments.

FIFA arrests in Switzerland Hoax - ALL fake, all actors, same as election of the FIFA president
"Coincidentally" the first act is staged two days before the second one.
To get to what lengths these actors go while executing orders, check first the "arrested" brazilian and the real story of the 2014 Brazil World Cup, from the "two popes final" to "Germany humiliates the host nation with an unprecedented 7-1 defeat".

Football World Cup 2014 - End of show.
The "two popes final", alias "real pope Benedict vs to be stripped pope Francis" alias "Germany beats Argentina in the final": all scripted before the "first time in History that a pope resigns".
Same with the original semi-final result: "Germany humiliates Brazil" alias the "impossible 7-0 result" scripted before the World Cup logo was released.
Its meaning only became fully visible the day after, with the photos of "ashamed brazilians, face covered with hands".

From "2009 - Russia, first country stripped of organizing Olympics" to "2015 - Russia and Qatar first countries stripped of organizing the World Cup":
"Russia stripped of the Sochi Olympics 2014, IOC president Rogge stripped of his title" was the original script for 2009.
It would start with "swiss police arrest high rank members of the International Olympic Commitee at the break of dawn in the Lausanne's luxury hotel where IOC members feel at home".
So why did the script turn into "Russia 2018 and Qatar 2022 stripped of World Cup"?
Because since 2009 illuminati were several times forced to postpone the detonation of suicide bomber "Obama".

Changes in script "first country ever stripped of major global sports event"
1. Arrests and stripping postponed, as illuminati got extra time, using the fake Putin for a massive transfer of russian assets to illuminati safes.
Reminder: that also made possible the theater "oil price crash", going as far as to offer it below Russia's average production cost.

2. Olympics replaced with Football World Cup.

3. Not only Russia but also a second country stripped, Qatar.
This parody mimics "Obama reelected 2012 instead of stripped 2009", what causes "Obama" to be now stripped not only in the 2008 but also in the 2012 "elections".

4. Yet another bomb in fake Putin's arsenal as suicide bomber.
"Putin" again in the role of "best friend" with the "most disgusting and corrupted folks".
Examples range from official actor Gerard Depardieu to in this case the swiss actor and illuminati suicide bomber Sepp Blatter, casted in the FIFA reality show as president to be stripped.

More agendas - Fake wars
1. illuminati "arresting and jailing" illuminati actors.
It was already part of the orginal script. The only change was to replace:
- the actors casted for the arrest: FIFA executive board instead of Internation Olympic Committee IOC;
- the swiss city and the hotel where the arrest was staged: Zurich "Baur au Lac Hotel" instead of "Lausanne Palace & Spa Hotel" .

2. "USA v Putin", a series with countless episodes released on an almost daily basis ever since Putin was murdered.
Examples range from "Putin's oligarch added to sanctions list" to "NATO Jets Scrambled To Intercept Russian fighter jets violating air space of EU state".

Germany v Brazil: Mockery ended 7-1 and not 7-0 as scripted because brazilian forward Oscar was not part of the forced cast, unlike trainer Scolari, the defenders and "injured" Neymar.
Simulated reality terminated NOW Germany Brazil 7-1 impossible result THEATER MASSACRE

Last Prophet's words from 16 February 2014, with reference to article from 2008.
2014 Sochi Olympics The REAL story was exposed the day illuminati gave the Games to the REAL Putin murdered 2010 - Main Forum - Forums of Pravda.Ru

Fake Putin's arsenal of bombs for his suicide mission, before his FULL detonatation, "fleeing from Moscow to China".:
Illuminati suicide bombers Fake Putin s arsenal of bombs for his suicide mission

The 44th US president by the last antichrist - the real story.
United States since 2008: What REALLY happened - read it again days after Obama will be arrested, 2015.
To what lengths german illuminazis mocked americans.
Obama's full detonation: from countless dedicated actors to veteran Al Sharpton.
The Last Antichrist Napoleon Hitter BushClinton since 1992 USA since 2008 What REALLY happened - read it again days after Obama will be arrested 2015.

Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts Russia first country ever stripped of global sports event how FIFA World Cup 2018 together with Qatar 2022 replaced the original script of Sochi Olympics 2014
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