Ferguson protestors haven't been paid yet!!!


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Does it get any better than this?

There's nothing like a good, down-home, grassroots movement replete with total sincerity and not a shred of ulterior motivation to warm the the moral innards!

TPNN is reporting on what the rest of the media refuses to cover.

Seems the new protest is about getting paid from the deadbeat rabble that hired them to be outraged!

You know its a sad, sad state of affairs when you can't even buy decent outrage these days!

Now one has to wonder why the protestors, the very grass roots of the racially oppressed, the heart and soul of the Rainbow push coalition and the National Action Coalition don't just suck it up and take one for the team? Oh the humanity!!

What would Kunta say? What would Alex Haley think of these money grubbing two faced " Outrage for hire " gutter bums..... huh...huh...huh?

I mean obviously the money has run dry ( for all but the organizers that is ) and they are now rudely putting a strain on the resources of this purist movement!

C'mon people! It's only money here!

Have you no shame? Have you no respect for the centuries of oppresion? Have you no respect for Martin Luther King's " Content of Character "........ ?????? Can't you see that your actions are just fuel for " DA MAN " ???? You know that guy right? He is the ever infamous " DA MAN " !!!! The one that always puts you down, takes your money, steals your future....yeah that guy!

Hey! Have you guys been to the mountain yet?

Just sayin

It was reported in the Washington Times and in FrontPage

And the statement is found here:
Millennial Activists United CutTheCheck

On May 14, 2015 many individuals and organizations of the protest movement that began in Ferguson, Missouri organized a sit-in in the office of Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE). The demand was simple: Cut the checks.

Early in the movement, non-profit organization MORE, formerly known as the St. Louis chapter of ACORN, and local St. Louis organization Organization for Black Struggle created a joint account in which national donors from all over the world have donated over $150,000 to sustain the movement. Since then, the poor black [sic] of this movement who served as cash generators to bring money into St. Louis have seen little to none of that money. Furthermore, since the influx of funding has started, poor black people continue to take to the streets all the while losing their homes, vehicles, ability to feed themselves and their families, and suffering from trauma and mental illness with no ability to afford quality mental health services. Questions have been raised as to how the movement is to sustain when white non-profits are hoarding monies collected of off [sic] black bodies? When we will [sic] hold the industry of black suffering accountable? The people of the community are fed up and the accountability begins here and now.

This isn’t about MORE. This is about black lives in the Black Lives Matter movement who are literally broke and starving. There is an insidious strand of racism and white supremacy that exists in this movement and it is called the Non-Profit Industrial Complex. As a by-product, it provides decent salaries and comfort to many people who are not affected by the disparities that they are trying to address. This money is typically in the hands of white people who oversee the types of services that the non-profit provides, while having select token black people to spearhead the conversations within and to the community.

We NEED to be thinking about justice for black people. This means white people must renounce their loyalty to the social normalcy that maintains white power and control. If black lives really matter, justice and self-determination for black people would mean the black community would control it’s [sic] own political and economic resources.

It is asinine to believe that black people can continue to organize and take to the street when they can barely meet their basic needs. In St. Louis, organizers and protesters depleted $50,000 of the available funds and dispersed it among the people in the movement in no particular order. Jeff Ordower, executive director of MORE, stated that another $57,000 is expected in the next one to two weeks in which those funds will also be dispersed to the black people in the movement.

Moving forward, we are building a board of accountability within this movement. We must funnel economic into this movement through the hands of black people who are fighting with and for black life. More on this board will be discussed as we develop.
What an outrageous injustice! Where was Holder on this and now that babe that took over for him?

An investigation is needed to find out the Rent-A-Mob company is owned by a white guy who's now stiffing the hired thugs. Or maybe a white Hispanic, or better yet a Jewish guy! Whoa...the mother lode for the race pimps.
I'm trying to find out how many of these Tumbler accounts are legit.

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