Ferguson coalition demands right to throw bottles at cops; Seriously.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Police officials respond to rules of engagement sought for Ferguson protests News

The coalition of Ferguson protesters put forward their demands of 19 "Police Rules of Engagement". Im not making this shit up haha!

Among them....the police must "tolerate" having bottles thrown at them without reacting. WOW.

They also want a ban on armor trucks, rubber bullets, long guns and tear gas. And they want "minimal" protective gear to be worn by the cops!

Hell lets just let the Salvation Army handle crime!
You'll have to click the PDF link in the story to see all 19. The water bottle tolerance mandate is on there. Its so absurd...of course the reporter wouldnt mention it in his text.
These thugs want to commit crime freely. This is what this is all about...

They're thugs living within a thug culture! Fuck civilization they scream!

If I was a police officier in ferguson I'd have a sick day. Let these pieces of shit burn it all down.
I mean wtf makes them think they're entitled to throw bottles at cops without consequences?
Police officials respond to rules of engagement sought for Ferguson protests News

The coalition of Ferguson protesters put forward their demands of 19 "Police Rules of Engagement". Im not making this shit up haha!

Among them....the police must "tolerate" having bottles thrown at them without reacting. WOW.

They also want a ban on armor trucks, rubber bullets, long guns and tear gas. And they want "minimal" protective gear to be worn by the cops!

Hell lets just let the Salvation Army handle crime!

Sounds like a plan...The Salvation Army is probably better equipped to deal with the situation than what I have heard of the redneck culture of the Ferguson police department.
Police officials respond to rules of engagement sought for Ferguson protests News

The coalition of Ferguson protesters put forward their demands of 19 "Police Rules of Engagement". Im not making this shit up haha!

Among them....the police must "tolerate" having bottles thrown at them without reacting. WOW.

They also want a ban on armor trucks, rubber bullets, long guns and tear gas. And they want "minimal" protective gear to be worn by the cops!

Hell lets just let the Salvation Army handle crime!

Sounds like a plan...The Salvation Army is probably better equipped to deal with the situation than what I have heard of the redneck culture of the Ferguson police department.


So you're fine with businesses being burnt and trashed? Right????Asshole?

So the police shouldn't attempt to arrest the bad guys? Is this what you're saying.

Fuck you.
The FBI arrested two men buying explosives to use in their protest.

FBI arrests 2 men for buying explosives near Ferguson - CBS News

I heard that they were the black panthers.
That's what the article said too and they are not from Ferguson... just like the last riots, if you do your research, it was the Ferguson residents trying to protect the businesses from looters and vandalism, it was the OUTSIDERS that were the trouble makers, and the outsiders that were arrested for their crimes, the residents of Ferguson, for the most part, got the bad rap by many.

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