Female sexuality according to José


I agree with, and believe everything youre say about female sexuality.

Womens sexuality, primarily is too procreate, while men are too spread there seed.

women just dont have the levels of testosterone we do, therefore they suffer.

it has nothing to do with a disorder, unless me not being able to give birth or bleed its a disorder

Not everything that is different is a disorder.

I would suggest you read some Masters & Johnson on the subject, Acts..

If Jose tries to sell you an herbal libido enhancer then run away.
well atleast you didnt take anything i said personally. I appreciate that.

What im saying is: Men, generally speaking are hornier then women. Why... because we have more testerone. Infact some women will never have an orgasm through intercourse, now some women are hornier then men.

Feel free to still disagree if ya like :), its only my opinion

as far as sex goes, I dont wanna get hurt emotionally.

i know that sounds gay, or strange or whatever you might think, but i have feelings, and their not just south of my border.

Jose, you can disregard the fact that you are referring to a stark MINORITY of women with dysfunction if you want to. It's simply retarded to assume 20% of women represent the other 80%. It's quite misogynistic to believe that it's simply your testosterone that puts you at a sexual advantage, sex drive-wise, to women. Again, you talk about frigidity as if it's some universal measuring stick. Just because a woman isn't interested in having sex with you, dude, doesn't mean that they aren't taking care of their own business.

You can stick with believing that gals in general are some fragile lasses biologically mamed from having sexual desire while I still condend that you just aren't meeting the same gals I do. Go to any major university and tell me that gals don't like fucking.

If Acts wants to wait YEARS because he thinks some gal will be crushed emotionally from their sexual experiences then so be it.. Good luck with that. It's nieve as hell but whatever works for you, duder..

I bet a poll given to all the gals who post on this board would clear a few things up about how significant is the female libido.

not gay at all, dude. Women have sex drives like men do and men have emotions like women do. Sex is, in very many ways, better with emotions involved.

but you can hunt me down on the net and give me a cyber high-five when you find that right gal that rocks your fucking brain, heart AND pants.

(queue x-files theme)

The truth is out there.

Thanks man, your a class act. :thup: :thup: :thup:

not gay at all, dude. Women have sex drives like men do and men have emotions like women do. Sex is, in very many ways, better with emotions involved.

but you can hunt me down on the net and give me a cyber high-five when you find that right gal that rocks your fucking brain, heart AND pants.

(queue x-files theme)

The truth is out there.

The female body, NATURALLY, produces only a tiny fraction of this hormone we do or nothing at all.

I'm GAY and I know that's bullshit. Written by a man who's never been in love clearly.
My girlfriend got a Happy Meal from McDonalds the other day and was appauled to find the toy that accompained the meal. It was a "Bratz" doll. Is anyone familiar with this product? How the hell does McDonalds justify using them with their Happy Meals?

This toy meant for young girls teaches them that dressing like a ho' and having 'attitude' is lady like.

I understand where your coming from with the creation of this post. America is socially ill. When you have a country that is raised by single parent mothers your bound to get a lack of balance in every catagory.
Originally posted by CorpMediaSux
I'm GAY and I know that's bullshit. Written by a man who's never been in love clearly.

I understand this reaction totally. And not only do I understand it... I also share this feeling.

As a human being, sexual pleasure is a subjective value for me too. I think the sexual act should be a pleasurable activity for both man and woman, like everybody on this board. But this begs the question:

Does Nature give a rat’s ass about my wishes?

I wish cancer didn’t exist but my wish didn’t prevent this terrible disease that brings so much pain to the whole family, from striking our online friend Redstatesrules.

I’d like the human life span to be 300 years or longer but my wish couldn’t save a lovely member of this board, Merlin1047 from his untimely death (he was only in his 50’s, if I’m not mistaken).

Just as nature totally disregards our wishes about cancer and the human life span, it also solemnly ignores our phantasies and illusions about female sexuality.

Since sexual pleasure has a great subjective value for us humans, it’s extremely hard and painful for everybody to come to terms with the truth about female sexuality I exposed here, including me.

So I’m fully aware of the uneasiness, the discomfort these ideas generate.

99,99% of humanity understand sexuality as an integral part of all human beings, therefore, the idea that women have a fairly limited sexuality sounds like an attempt to rob them of part of their humanity. It sounds like I was diminishing their value as human beings.

I am under no illusions that I can change this false perception most members of the board share about my ideas:

The perception that when I state women are not being primarily sexual beings I’m expressing something inherently disparaging, degrading to them.

Even though I know it is a hopelessly losing battle I will try to be Nature’s advocate in my next post, since we all are the advocates of human desires on female sexuality, including me when I speak for myself : )
Let’s try to understand what sex drive and orgasm means to Nature, since we know all too well what they mean to us.

Why do the biological/evolutionary laws that shaped our sexuality endowed men with a sex drive so much higher than women?

Most people probably know the desert island story:

If you put 1 man and 99 women on a desert island, leave them there and return 1 year later you will find 99 babies.

But if you put 99 men and 1 woman on the same island when you return you will find only 1 baby.

What’s the reproductive advantage in a horny woman, burning with desire, when she finds herself biologically unable to get pregnant for almost a whole year?

Not to mention the physical burden pregnancy imposes on their organism.

This story makes clear that a high sex drive, which leads to sexual promiscuity, enhances the male’s ability to reproduce but does not add anything to the ability of females.

Small wonder women find it so difficult to understand thoughts pronounced by MALE, and I repeat, MALE philosophers describing sex drive as “a cruel and insane master”.

I guess it takes a barrel of testosterone to understand another barrel of testosterone. : )

The evidence that female orgasm does not contribute to reproduction is even more obvious, .

Orgasm is an electrical shock, induced by friction, whose only biological purpose is the ejection of sperm from the male organism.

Men need to have orgasms because without them men don’t reproduce.

Women don’t need them because without orgasms women can reproduce.

Men need a radical sensorial event like orgasm to expell semen from their bodies.

They need an absolutely unique event, a corporeal electrical discharge produced by friction to eject their genetic material, otherwise semen would ooze out of their members 24 hours a day!!!! (or just wouldn’t be released at all)

My sister and I are the living proof of this fact. My mother could read a whole page of the New York Times during sex but her lack of sexual response didn’t prevent her from giving birth to a little girl in 66 and a little boy three years later.

Now if my father couldn’t reach orgasm in 68 I surely wouldn’t be here discussing female sexuality with you all.

Inside the little microcosmos that is the human mind, female orgasm is of paramount importance.

Female orgasm is important for us because we look upon sex primarily as a leisure activity.

ON A INSTINCTIVE, GUT LEVEL, we can’t help but regarding pleasure as being the purpose of sex no matter how many biology teachers tell us otherwise.

But for nature orgasm is not an end in itself, but only an instrument to eject semen from the male organism.

Therefore, female orgasm is just a curiosity of nature. It has no biological function whatsoever.

It doesn’t increase the ability of women to get pregnant. It serves no reproductive purpose.
When I say female orgasm has no purpose I am immediately judged, condemned and crucified by the tribunal of the human mind, because this tribunal sees human sexual pleasure as a value in itself, as something that doesn’t have to have any reproductive purpose, doesn’t have to fulfill a biological function to justify its existence and be valued.

But when I say the same thing in front of the tribunal of Nature, I am immediately acquited and set free, because this tribunal totally disregards any aspect of animal reproduction that doesn’t have a clearly defined reproductive advantage, or, in simple terms, Nature couldn’t care less about the lack of female orgasm since this absence doesn’t impair their ability to conceive, to produce babies.

You all had the opportunity to see the tribunal of the human mind in action in this thread when Shogun called my views “misoginistic”, that is, chauvinistic, anti-women, and CorpMediaSux labelled me “a man who’s never been in love”.

Unfortunatelly I can’t show you the tribunal of Nature declaring José free of any wrongdoing. But it works along the following lines: “Does the absence of female orgam create any kind of obtacles to the ability of women to reproduce?” If it doesn’t then the case is immediately dismissed.
I have a challenge for all the members of the board interested in this subject.

Find me a single reproductive function for female orgasm and I will immediately renounce my views on female sexuality in front of the whole board.
you do realize that an orgasm is not necessary for either sex during procreation, right? That Men CAN get a woman pregnant without achieving orgasm, right? How old are you?

The FACT that women have a clitoris is a clear indication of the similar structure of both genitalia. Hell, i'll turn it back around on you... If women were so "naturally" averted to sex then WHY would they have a pleasure center exactly comparable to the penis at all? The bare fact that they CAN acieve orgasm for the sake of sexual pleasure alone should tell you something about the nature of cultural influence on the biological. Hell,you act like women have never, in the course of human history, been clearly sexual for the sake of sex. This is CLEARY retarded.

equating PROCREATION with SEX DRIVE is your first error. I hope you don't actually believe all that shit you just posted. If you do, I h ope it's because you are 15 and don't know any better.

Are you the product of an Abstinent Only education, by chance?
José;617740 said:
I have a challenge for all the members of the board interested in this subject.

Find me a single reproductive function for female orgasm and I will immediately renounce my views on female sexuality in front of the whole board.

Er... to make women *want* to have sex... same as for guys. sex is a biological imperative.
José;617737 said:
If you put 1 man and 99 women on a desert island, leave them there and return 1 year later you will find 99 babies.

But if you put 99 men and 1 woman on the same island when you return you will find only 1 baby.

I have a good feeling that some freaky shit would go down and or at least a quarter of those men would be dead or driven away like an animal whos been bullied out of its territory.

Women can be just as dishonest as men...and slutty.
I have a good feeling that some freaky shit would go down and or at least a quarter of those men would be dead or driven away like an animal whos been bullied out of its territory.

Women can be just as dishonest as men...and slutty.

it depends a lot on who the one woman is on how that one ould turn out if it was one of the girls gone wild types I'm sure there would be dead rivals and fetuses spread all over the island
I had a girl friend in Tampa. She was a freak of nature, because if you weren't working, eating or sleeping, you'd better be fucking. I've never met a hornier person in my life. I never thought I'd ever NOT want to do it. But two, three times a day, or more, holy shit, GIVE ME A BREAK! My johnson hurts when I get a buckram.

Point is women like sex just as much as men, and there's nothing wrong with having sex just for the pleasure of it between a loving couple. But when it's just a conquest one night stand and a pregnancy follows, that's just wrong on every possible level, and BOTH parties are EQUALY guilty.
Fascinating thread. No, really.:rofl:

When this thread first got rolling, I thought to myself, "I'll bet this just goes on and on and ON..." after all, it's guys talking about sex.

Guess what? I was right! You guys have an unlimited capacity for talking and thinking about sex!

4 pages.


perhaps you'd like to jump into the fire and clarify where we men have it all wrong...
I think I'll let you all hash it out yourselves.

I'm sure you can learn more from each other than a woman could ever impart. Carry on.

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