Feeding animals causes dependency..46 million americans on food stamps

Every time I think I've heard the worst these rw fools can spout, the prove me wrong yet again.

This is right up there with the worst.

I'm so ashamed of this selfish and compassion-less part of our country. This is not what the US is all about. Its what the 1% is but not the rest of us.

What are we coming to?

And, I'll bet that you vile rw's call yourselves "Christians".

They're Situational Christians.


Cafeteria Christians
After all Obama IS the MESSIAH.. he is a God as the Editor of NewsWeek said:

" I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." – NewsWeek Editor Evan Thomas.

Or as Chris Mathews said..
Last night[2/13/08] during MSNBC's Potomac Primary coverage, Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann were discussing Barack Obama's speech. Matthews — who, in the past, has both cried over an Obama speech and compared him to Jesus — described exactly what happens to him when Obama speaks
"I have to tell you, you know, it's part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama's speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often.
Chris Matthews: "I Felt This Thrill Going Up My Leg" As Obama Spoke

I mean seriously HOW can we NOT re-elect Jesus II???

Actually, the nutty right believes him to be god.

They're the ones who think he should have complete control over the actions of every serviceman, every Secret Service agent, every Wall Street employee, every other politician.

You name it - the rw's hold him responsible and only a god can be in every place at every moment.

Mittens, otoh, Hell, they don't even hold him responsible for the lies he spews. For that matter, neither does his wife. She just says she should do the talking for Mr Etch A Sketch.
When Republicans look at their "drop out" kids, do they understand these are the people they want to deny food stamps too? Come on. Companies want to hire skilled workers. Republicans think education is for snobs. Of course companies want to bring in highly skilled immigrants. Who wouldn't? As time goes on, Republicans will swell the ranks of Medicare and Social Security. Their kids will get food stamps. Destroy the safety net now and they only hurt themselves.
This is more evidence that conservatives want to widen the gap between rich and poor.

Take away food stamps, the poor get poorer. Cut taxes because food stamps no longer have to be paid for,

the rich get richer.

This is conservative economic policy in a nutshell. Make the poor poorer and pass the savings along to the rich.

The poor do not get poorer without food stamps. They are equally poor with and without because the food stamps come from someone else's earnings and not the earnings of the poor.


Do you have children? Do you take a big tax deduction just because you have children?

Who pays that share of your taxes that you don't pay because you get to write off your children?

Guess what. I do. So shut up.
Let's see "the poor" can't feed themselves yet studies prove food stamps recepients are obese.

Because cheap foods like mac n cheese are fattening.

Yep. When you don't have much money, you have no choice but to go for calorie density.

The rw's know this. they pretend they don't but its certainly not a secret that is being kept from them.

What complete horseshit. A diet of Cheetos and Oreo cookies is the reason poor children are fat. That stuff ain't cheap.
Feeding animals causes dependency..46 million americans on food stamps

Obviously the OP and other conservatives are unaware they merely exhibit their ignorance when they post in this and similar threads.

The SNAP program is not ‘welfare,’ nor does it cause ‘dependency.’

Indeed, it allows millions of low income working families whose adult members are employed to remain employed and self-sufficient. The increase is a success accordingly, particularly with regard to the children of low income working parents.

The SNAP program allows employers to pay lower wages maximizing corporate profits, keeping the costs of goods and services low. Most Walmart employees are in the SNAP program, for example, allowing you to enjoy those low cost items from China.

In the grand scheme of things, therefore, SNAP is actually a form of corporate welfare, along with Medicaid. Our tax dollars that fund the SNAP program end up as black ink on corporate balance sheets.

Food stamps actually create corporate dependency.

I like this post......
The single accomplishment of the conservative movement has been to convince millions of weak minded individuals that selfishness, greed, and hate of the poor are good Christian values.

Even liberals who've accomplished a lot in their lives and have high IQs often say things on a regular basis that are stunningly, profoundly stupid and at odds with the way the world works. Modern liberalism has become so bereft of common sense and instinctually suicidal that America can only survive over the long haul by thwarting the liberal agenda. In fact, liberalism has become such a toxic and poisonous philosophy that most liberals wouldn't behave differently if their goal were to deliberately destroy the country. So, how does liberalism cause well-meaning, intelligent liberals to get this way? Well, it starts with...

1) Liberalism creates a feedback loop. It is usually impossible for a non-liberal to change a liberal's mind about political issues because liberalism works like so: only liberals are credible sources of information. How do you know someone's liberal? He espouses liberal doctrine. So, no matter how plausible what you say may be, it will be ignored if you're not a liberal and if you are a liberal, of course, you probably agree with liberal views. This sort of close-mindedness makes liberals nearly impervious to any information that might undermine their beliefs.

2) Liberals sources of information are ever present. Conservatives are regularly exposed to the liberal viewpoint whether they want to be or not. That's not necessarily so for liberals. Imagine the average day for liberals. They get up and read their local newspaper. It has a liberal viewpoint. They take their kids to school, where the teachers are liberal. Then they go to work, listen to NPR which has a liberal viewpoint on the way home, and then turn on the nightly news which also skews leftward. From there, they turn on TV and watch shows created by liberals that lean to the left, if they have any political viewpoint at all. Unless liberals actively seek out conservative viewpoints, which is unlikely, the only conservative arguments they're probably going to hear are going to be through the heavily distorted, poorly translated, deeply skeptical lens of other liberals.

3) Liberals emphasize feeling superior, not superior results. Liberalism is all about appearances, not outcomes. What matters to liberals is how a program makes them FEEL about themselves, not whether it works or not. Thus a program like Headstart, which sounds good because it's designed to help children read, makes liberals feel good about themselves, even though the program doesn't work and wastes billions. A ban on DDT makes liberals feel good about themselves because they're "protecting the environment" even though millions of people have died as a result. For liberals, it's not what a program does in the real world; it's about whether they feel better about themselves for supporting it.

4) Liberals are big believers in moral relativism. This spins them round and round because if the only thing that's wrong is saying that there's an absolute moral code, then you lose your ability to tell cause from effect, good from bad, and right from wrong. Taking being non-judgmental to the level that liberals do leaves them paralyzed, pondering "why they hate us" because they feel incapable of saying, “That's wrong," and doing something about it. If you're against firm standards and condemning immoral behavior, then your moral compass won’t work and you’ll also be for immorality, as well as societal and cultural decay by default.

5) Liberals tend to view people as parts of groups, not individuals. One of the prejudices of liberalism is that they see everyone as part of a group, not as an individual. This can lead to rather bizarre disparities when say, a man from a group that they consider to be powerless, impoverished victims becomes the leader of the free world -- and he's challenged by a group of lower middle class white people who've banded together because individually they're powerless. If you listen to the liberal rhetoric, you might think Barack Obama was a black Republican being surrounded by a KKK lynching party 100 years ago -- as opposed to the single most powerful man in America abusing the authority of his office to attack ordinary Tea Partiers who have the audacity to speak the truth to power for the good of their country.

6) Liberals take a dim view of personal responsibility. Who's at fault if a criminal commits a crime? The criminal or society? If someone creates a business and becomes a millionaire, is that the result of hard work and talent or luck? If you're dirt poor, starving, and haven't worked in 5 years, is that a personal failing or a failure of the state? Conservatives would tend to say the former in each case, while liberals would tend to say the latter. But when you disconnect what an individual does from the results that happen in his life, it's very difficult to understand cause and effect in people's lives.

7) Liberals give themselves far too much credit just for being liberal. To many liberals, all one needs to do to be wise, intelligent, compassionate, open minded, and sensitive is to BE LIBERAL. In other words, many of the good things about a person spring not from his actions, but from the ideology he holds. This has an obvious appeal. You can be a diehard misogynist, but plausibly call yourself a feminist, hate blacks, but accuse others of racism, have a subpar IQ and be an intellectual, give nothing to charity and be compassionate, etc., etc., and all you have to do is call yourself a liberal. It's a shortcut to virtue much like the corrupt old idea of religious indulgences. Why live a life of virtue when you could live a sinful life and buy your way into heaven? If you're a liberal, why actually live a life of virtue when you can merely call yourself a liberal and get credit for being virtuous, even when you've done nothing to earn it?
MORE EVIDENCE that Obama administration WANTS Americans Dependent on the government EVEN though THEY KNOW IT IS NOT in Americans long term best interest!

Making Americans dependent OK..
The food stamp program, part of the Department of Agriculture, is pleased to be distributing the greatest amount of food stamps ever.
About 46.514 million Americans received aid, up from 46.286 million in November, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said today in an e-mail. Participation was 5.5 percent higher than a year earlier.
No one should go hungry in America. FNS provides children and low-income people access to food, a healthful diet, and nutrition education. We help nearly one in four people. Check out our programs to see if we can help you or your family.
Food & Nutrition Service Home Page

Making Animals Dependent NOT OK!

Meanwhile, the Park Service, also part of the Department of Agriculture, asks us to "please do not feed the animals" because the animals may grow dependent and not learn to take care of themselves.

"Please remember that feeding wildlife encourages “begging” and dependency on humans.
The larger the animal, the more assertive animals become in demanding food from humans. Always use food lockers to prevent bears and other wildlife from pillaging your food supply. "
Whiskeytown National Recreational Area - Frequently Asked Questions (U.S. National Park Service)

Don't worry comrade

the talk in the progressive intelligentsia to solve our "hunger" problems
is that soon...

Dog- will be the "other white meat"
"Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude."

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.”

Alexis de Tocqueville

We may have reached that point.....

The following are facts about persons defined as "poor" by the Census Bureau, taken from various government reports:

46% of all poor households actually own their own homes. The average home owned by persons classified as poor by the Census Bureau is a threebedroom house with oneandahalf baths, a garage, and a porch or patio.

76% of poor households have air conditioning. By contrast, 30 years ago, only 36 percent of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.

Only 6 percent of poor households are overcrowded. More than twothirds have more than two rooms per person.

The average poor American has more living space than the average individual living in Paris, London, Vienna, Athens, and other cities throughout Europe. (These comparisons are to the average citizens in foreign countries, not to those classified as poor.)

Nearly threequarters of poor households own a car; 30 percent own two or more cars.

97% of poor households have a color television; over half own two or more color televisions.

78% have a VCR or DVD player; 62 percent have cable or satellite TV reception.

73%t own microwave ovens, more than half have a stereo, and a third have an automatic dishwasher.
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I love it when people who are dependent on a corporation for their livelihood, their healthcare, their food, their shelter, their transportation, their entertainment, their children's education, and on and on,

starting ranting about the evils of dependency, and somehow then blaming it on the government.

So the people who get welfare work for the government. Do tell what services they provide!

It is called congress.

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