Feeding animals causes dependency..46 million americans on food stamps

I checked with jesus, he said it's okay if you feed the people that are hungry

No doubt. We are free to feed those that are hungry. If I understand christian doctrine, one of the ways to achieve heaven is through our personal good works. It is our free will to do, or not do, that results in that particular reward.
The government stealing from us and then distributing those stolen goods to the slothful, the lazy, the greedy, the covetous in no way improves the purity of the human soul, nor does it pave the way to heaven.
Very true. And it is also true that the most ambitious and productive and self reliant eventually get tired of being the patsy for everybody else, the one who is supporting everybody else who aren't even doing their chores, much less contributing to the effort. And so it is human nature that the most ambitious and productive and self reliant will eventually stop being so ambitious and productive even to the point that they also have a hand out for the 'free stuff'.

And when there aren't enough productive people to provide the free stuff, it will be too late for those made dependent. The government will have control of everything and everybody and will tell everybody what they have to do to get the stuff that the government controls. And we will have lost the great nation that the Founders bought and gave us at great cost.

At some point, there will not be enough for everyone to be able to have their "stuff" and violence will ensue.

Complete breakdown of civilization as we know it...by design.

The design of those who are greedy for ever more power and control. To become the absolute authority, you have to break the will of the people, squelch all freedoms, and put all at the mercy of what they have been to believe is a compassionate and benevolent super government capable of meeting their every need. You control the message (the media), education (what the children will be guided to believe), and gradually take control of food, water, housing, means of production, and other necessities of life.

It is only when the government achieves much of its goals to make the people dependent that it is announced that the government will reduce resources available to the people. (In fact it will have to do that as no government can ever be all that it promises to be as a nanny state.) And the now weakened and government conditioned/brainwashed people panic and riot in the streets demanding that they receive the free stuff they have been trained to believe is their right.

Responsible leaders in government may try to fix things, but if you have a Lenin or Stalin or Hitler or Castro etc. at the helm, he now holds the power to squelch those in government who would try to head off total chaos. And once total chaos is achieved, then the 'benevolent' dictator steps in to take control of all and restore order. The now desperate people have no choice but to trust him. And then, with indisputed power, whatever he chooses to inflict upon the people will be the law of the land. He will be bound by no constitution or social contract of any kind.

And how willing the people are becoming to risk all that.
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At some point, there will not be enough for everyone to be able to have their "stuff" and violence will ensue.

Complete breakdown of civilization as we know it...by design.

The design of those who are greedy for ever more power and control. To become the absolute authority, you have to break the will of the people, squelch all freedoms, and put all at the mercy of what they have been to believe is a compassionate and benevolent super government capable of meeting their every need. You control the message (the media), education (what the children will be guided to believe), and gradually take control of food, water, housing, means of production, and other necessities of life.

It is only when the government achieves much of its goals to make the people dependent that it is announced that the government will reduce resources available to the people. (In fact it will have to do that as no government can ever be all that it promises to be as a nanny state.) And the now weakened and government conditioned/brainwashed people panic and riot in the streets demanding that they receive the free stuff they have been trained to believe is their right.

Responsible leaders in government may try to fix things, but if you have a Lenin or Stalin or Hitler or Castro etc. at the helm, he now holds the power to squelch those in government who would try to head off total chaos. And once total chaos is achieved, then the 'benevolent' dictator steps in to take control of all and restore order. The now desperate people have no choice but to trust him. And then, with indisputed power, whatever he chooses to inflict upon the people will be the law of the land. He will be bound by no constitution or social contract of any kind.

And how willing the people are becoming to risk all that.

No government can be everything to everyone. The government then would have to go back and admit the Founders were correct regarding the individual, and that the individual is responsible for themselves as God created them.

Can't have any of that.

YOU nailed it.
I blame gov't for gov't programs.

When both our "choices" want to keep and expand those programs, I can't fault voters who's votes won't change anything.
I blame gov't for gov't programs.

When both our "choices" want to keep and expand those programs, I can't fault voters who's votes won't change anything.

We get the government we deserve. When we are conditioned to see social security or universal healthcare or food stamps as somehow noble and righteous and the right of the people to have, how long before the people also see a living wage, job, housing, clothing, as also their right to have. Are those not also necessities of life?

And when we vote people into office who promise to deliver on those things the government conditions us to believe is our right to have, we vote people into office who will gradually increase our dependence on government until the thought of having any of the free stuff reduced or eliminated throws us into a panic.

It is only when the people choose for the Federal government to secure our rights by focusing on its consitutional responsibilities and otherwise leave us alone to live our lives and form whatever sort of society we wish to have can we ever hope to preserve the freedoms that the Founders gave us.
I checked with jesus, he said it's okay if you feed the people that are hungry

You did

Did mentioned how he feels being thrown under the bus by
Papa Obama and his HHS ruling stepping all over the Constitution
and the freedom of religion

I blame gov't for gov't programs.

When both our "choices" want to keep and expand those programs, I can't fault voters who's votes won't change anything.

We get the government we deserve. When we are conditioned to see social security or universal healthcare or food stamps as somehow noble and righteous and the right of the people to have, how long before the people also see a living wage, job, housing, clothing, as also their right to have. Are those not also necessities of life?

And when we vote people into office who promise to deliver on those things the government conditions us to believe is our right to have, we vote people into office who will gradually increase our dependence on government until the thought of having any of the free stuff reduced or eliminated throws us into a panic.

It is only when the people choose for the Federal government to secure our rights by focusing on its consitutional responsibilities and otherwise leave us alone to live our lives and form whatever sort of society we wish to have can we ever hope to preserve the freedoms that the Founders gave us.

I guess it's kind of a chicken and egg argument.

There's one man who wants to slash the federal gov't, and he's viewed as a loon for wanting to do so. Because both parties have trained their followers that spending billions and/or trillions of money we don't have on their programs is a good thing.
Thrown out? Who said that,....
Obviously, another "advanced" student from the public education system

We know the Constitution means little to the Left but try reading it sometime
I believe we should reduce govt. spending, but trying to make poor people pay and rich posper is not right, just ask Jesus
Thrown out? Who said that,....
Obviously, another "advanced" student from the public education system

We know the Constitution means little to the Left but try reading it sometime

considering the vaguness of the posters or trolls here I suspect there is very little education from those that prefer to insult, over a discussion which does not need it
Do you speak for all religions?
What if you are a Jew?

A leftist who wants to use Jesus

Would Jesus like us to pray in school?
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I believe we should reduce govt. spending, but trying to make poor people pay and rich posper is not right, just ask Jesus

But don't the poor have the liberty to work hard and become the same as the rich you loathe?

Or do you submit to the Statists that have made it difficult to get off of welfare once you allowed yourself to get there?

And Using Jesus is a cheap shot from a mindless drone like you.

Wise up.

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