Federal Judge.... 21 year old age restriction to buy hand gun is unConstitutional...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep....and so it is.......the Supreme Court is going to have to take another dive into the 2nd Amendment pool as the anti-gun fascists keep trying to get around the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.....

At 17 you can enlist in the military and kill foreign people for this country....but you can't come home and use a gun to protect your family.....

“Because the statutes and regulations in question are not consistent with our Nation’s history and tradition, they, therefore, cannot stand,” U.S. District Judge Robert E. Payne, who was nominated to the bench by President George H.W. Bush, said in his ruling.

As reported by The Washington Post, Payne repeatedly cited the Supreme Court’s decision last year in N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Bruen in which the nation’s highest court expanded gun rights.

Payne’s ruling came in a lawsuit filed by John Corey Fraser against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Fraser was rejected when he attempted to purchase a handgun last May when he was 20 years old.

I don't understand all the discrepancies with age:

If you're 18, you can't:
  • Purchase a hand gun
  • Purchase a rifle in some states
  • Purchase alcohol
  • Purchase tobacco products
If you're 18 or younger, you can:
  • Have your genitals mutilated, body parts chopped off, hormones in the name of advancing transgenderism
  • Receive an abortion in some states
  • Join the military and go to war
  • Be drafted
Are you an adult or not at 18?
According to folks smarter than I am this ruling does not mean those younger than 21 can go to a FLL and buy a handgun.

SCOTUS will have to decide it.....Hopefully they vacate the '68 NFA along with it. ;)

I don't see where the ruling was stayed while being appealed. While that may happen barring that happening right now 18 year olds can purchase guns.
I don't understand all the discrepancies with age:

If you're 18, you can't:
  • Purchase a hand gun
  • Purchase a rifle in some states
  • Purchase alcohol
  • Purchase tobacco products
If you're 18 or younger, you can:
  • Have your genitals mutilated, body parts chopped off, hormones in the name of advancing transgenderism
  • Receive an abortion in some states
  • Join the military and go to war
  • Be drafted
Are you an adult or not at 18?
One minor discrepancy. There is no draft so unless it is reinstated, they cannot be drafted.
States have rights ... including the right to have their own militia ... folks suitable for militia duty have a right to own a gun ... what's the point of citizen-soldiers if they don't have guns ...

We need to understand English history ... and we need to understand how our country's forefathers thought about English history ... when we look at the 2nd Amendment ... and think rude things about George III while your at it ...
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To be more specific, an adult male must register with Selective Service when they turn 18 (within 30 days). I'm sure there are some exceptions, and this creates the list of eligible men if a draft were reinstated.
There are a few instances where a person does not have to register. I am one of the exceptions as I found out when I went to register. I enlisted at 17--before I was required to register. I was under the impression that I still had to register with the SS after separation, but they laughed and said I didn't need to since I had already served. I am in agreement with your post--but currently there is no draft.
There are a few instances where a person does not have to register. I am one of the exceptions as I found out when I went to register. I enlisted at 17--before I was required to register. I was under the impression that I still had to register with the SS after separation, but they laughed and said I didn't need to since I had already served. I am in agreement with your post--but currently there is no draft.
There is definitely not a draft, and to the original point, an 18 year is old enough to be drafted.
Yep....and so it is.......the Supreme Court is going to have to take another dive into the 2nd Amendment pool as the anti-gun fascists keep trying to get around the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.....

At 17 you can enlist in the military and kill foreign people for this country....but you can't come home and use a gun to protect your family.....

“Because the statutes and regulations in question are not consistent with our Nation’s history and tradition, they, therefore, cannot stand,” U.S. District Judge Robert E. Payne, who was nominated to the bench by President George H.W. Bush, said in his ruling.

As reported by The Washington Post, Payne repeatedly cited the Supreme Court’s decision last year in N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Bruen in which the nation’s highest court expanded gun rights.

Payne’s ruling came in a lawsuit filed by John Corey Fraser against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Fraser was rejected when he attempted to purchase a handgun last May when he was 20 years old.

Buy them for 2 year olds, right?

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