Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science"..

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You, yourself, are promoting the type of stigma that makes abused kids afraid to speak up about their abuse.

Maybe you missed the part about how we were all just buddies with this guy, that his torment was largely internal, self-directed and unresolved angst? Maybe you missed the part about how we found out after-the-fact from his brother all this stuff about how deep his compulsions were, how they drove him to be self-destructive...how they drove him to exact a vendetta against "those that did that to him"? Maybe you skimmed over the part about how we valued his intelligence, his wit and so on? Nobody was dissing him for sleeping with guys. He was harder on himself I guarantee you, than anyone else put together.

And he became an "AIDS-terrorist". Does the FBI talk about AIDS-terrorists? I bet they do. I bet they'd like to figure out what makes those types of guys tick. Now they have a little window into that world. I'll be happy to talk about it until the cows come home too. Anything to stop that from happening again. That is the brighter side of his story: I'm here telling it. Information is power. The truth will set us all free...
You, yourself, are promoting the type of stigma that makes abused kids afraid to speak up about their abuse.

Maybe you missed the part about how we were all just buddies with this guy, that his torment was largely internal, self-directed and unresolved angst? .

I'm pointing out the apparent issue that he didn't seek help during his abuse, which you claimed happened over an extended period of time. Why do you suppose that is?
I'm pointing out the apparent issue that he didn't seek help during his abuse, which you claimed happened over an extended period of time. Why do you suppose that is?

I have no idea actually. But if he did today, he would be told to embrace "being gay" even when he didn't want to be..HIMSELF from his own internal wishes and knowledge of where his "being gay" came from ....
I'm pointing out the apparent issue that he didn't seek help during his abuse, which you claimed happened over an extended period of time. Why do you suppose that is?

I have no idea actually.

Ah, and that's where this comes in once again:

The most common reasons victims do not disclose are a fear of the stigma of
lack of societal understanding; presence of positive feelings for
the offender; embarrassment, shame, or fear over their victimization; or do not
believe they are victims. Since most of the offenders are male, fear of the stigma of
homosexuality is usually a significant issue for victims who are boys.
Although being
seduced by a male child molester does not necessarily make a boy a homosexual,
the victims do not understand this. If a victim does disclose, he risks significant
ridicule by his peers and lack of acceptance by his family.


But if he did today, he would be told to embrace "being gay" even when he didn't want to be..HIMSELF from his own internal wishes and knowledge of where his "being gay" came from ....

No, he would be treated for being sexually abused. Here, let me try and illustrate the problem here using another example. Let's say you have someone who is suffered some catastrophic event in their life, and in the process of finding comfort, they start drinking. There is no psychological standard that says drinking alcohol IN AND OF ITSELF is a psychological problem, but rather it's how and why it's done, particularly regarding any underlying causes. There can be very unhealthy reasons for drinking alcohol, and this can and will be treated. But that doesn't mean we need to treat anybody and everybody who drinks alcohol. The same standard applies to sexual compulsions, whether it's homosexual or heterosexual. Just like psychological standards can't say that drinking alcohol IN AND OF ITSELF is a psychological problem, being gay is also not treated IN AND OF ITSELF as a psychological problem. But underlying and dangerous compulsions stemming from abuse and otherwise can and should be treated. The fact that your friend may have been mis-identified as just being an average gay guy is most certainly a problem, but it is a problem of mis-identification of his underlying issues he was facing, not one of intentional disregard.
Did we turn over a new page in hopes the old one will "go away"?


This is what the CDC says- which you ignore when it is inconvenient to your anti-homosexual campaign

CDC - Mental Health - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

The majority of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) have and maintain good mental health, even though MSM are at greater risk for mental health problems. Like everyone else, the majority of MSM are highly resilient and able to cope successfully with many negative life stressors, such as those associated with homophobia and discrimination.

Let's look at the study again FROM THE CDC ALSO:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Your contention, I presume from a standpoint of CQR (Audited group-think...ie: a cult) is that, without doing a study of 3,000 gay men and gathering the raw statistical data on specific questions (not generalized assumptions courtesy of "CQR"), "gay men have these mental issues from homophobia and discrimination"? That's what the APA decided in contrast to what the CDC FOUND...

Do you suppose that severe, "pervasive" or "epidemic" drug abuse, spousal abuse and depression MIGHT stem from what the CDC identifies as an "intertwined" co-morbid presentation in gay men? Do you suppose that the statistics that support other populations of survivors of childhood sexual abuse, that show they ALSO have a high propensity for drug abuse, spousal abuse and depression, might show that this is the causal agent of the other problems? Or is that just a "data fluke" that can be resolved by an "audit" from a group of powerful people lodged in high ranks in the APA? CQR gives them the power to remake reality you know. It gives their whims and assumptions "power over numbers" remember. Read the OP again..

Any comment on this prior statement?

Sigh, ok, a grammar lesson for you. Let's take a sentence of similar structure to the one you are quoting. "Apples are used to make pies AND grow on trees".... Is that saying that pies grow on trees? of course not... this grammatical use can be otherwise stated as "Apples are used to make pies AND apples grow on trees".

Now let's take the quote you use: "Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men AND is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse".

Which according to grammatical rules can be re-stated as "Substance Abuse is pervasive among gay men AND Substance Abuse is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse and childhood sexual abuse".

Again, what he is saying is that it is SUBSTANCE ABUSE that is intertwined with these other epidemics, he's not making a statement here about the intertwining of of those epidemics with being gay. He didn't address at all in this quote why he thinks gay men face those epidemics. But wouldn't you know it, you have been provided link after link from the CDC that shows exactly where he says it does most commonly come from, time and time again they expressing that it is the stress of homophobia and stigmatization that leads to the depression and abuse that is comorbid with substance abuse... all of which need to be addressed. Your interpretation rests on a blatant misunderstanding (or misrepresentation) of grammar in the English language and flies in the face of every article from the CDC that further addresses the same topic, confirming your misunderstanding, not to mention the vast conspiracy that it must rely on, taking over every psychological and medical association and every level of government across dozens of nations. At some point you have to start imagining, "maybe it's me?"
And so why didn't you help him find therapy when he was molested? Or afterwards when he was struggling with his sexuality?

As you have pointed out- therapy was legal- why didn't you help him get therapy, rather than just stand by as he went out and attempted to commit mass murder?

We didn't know he was molested until after he died and his brother opened up to my brother. All we knew while he was alive was that he was a really intelligent, sensitive guy who followed women around with love in his eyes while he privately sought compulsive gay sex. He hit on every guy he could, even his friends he knew for a fact were straight and kept reminding him over and over and over and over. He couldn't help himself. He HAD to fuck men, all the time, constantly. I lost touch with him long before we discovered he had HIV. In fact, I heard he had HIV and died of AIDS all on the same day.

Why would anyone get help for him? Isn't it perfectly normal to be a gay guy? Even then that's what we all were being told...even when yes, we knew it was bizarre behavior. What man went around romancing women while at the same time was compulsively gay? It wasn't like a front either. He was really into the gals he chased...intellectually, in theory, in his mind. But his body was imprinted in a different direction. And hence his angst. I guess he opened up to his brother about all of it after he knew he was dying. Too bad he waited that long. But you know he lived in California so even if he went to a therapist to control or eliminate his compulsive sexual fixation, he'd be told to embrace it instead...

..so what good it would have done is beyond me... CQR would agree: he was just fine, right?...

Here is what you told us: Right. I was his friend, stood by him through thick and thin...

Clearly you weren't that close of a friend- since you didn't know he was molested.

And as you point out- your 'friend' never once told you anything about going out to infect other men Matter of fact- you stood by him through thick and thin.....but you had also lost touch with a long time before he died.

As I have pointed out several times now- thousands if not millions of children get molested- and very, very few go on to become homicidal killers like your friend supposedly was.

So what was the difference?

It could be that your friend had a mental condition that was unrelated to his molestation and was going to turn out to be a serial killer after all.

It could be that his family or friends bullied him or distanced themselves- like you did- because of his homosexuality.

Or it could be just his exposure to your attitude.

As the CDC says- condemnation like yours exacerbates mental health problems with gay men.

Oh and in California- any adult can seek treatment for mental health issues, can seek treatment for dealing with being molested as a child- AND can even seek quack 'cure the gay' treatments.
I'm pointing out the apparent issue that he didn't seek help during his abuse, which you claimed happened over an extended period of time. Why do you suppose that is?

I have no idea actually. But if he did today, he would be told to embrace "being gay" even when he didn't want to be..HIMSELF from his own internal wishes and knowledge of where his "being gay" came from ....

Odd isn't it- that you claim to know exactly why he was gay- even though you also acknowledge that he never told you that.

That you claim to be such a close friend of his, but had long before lost touch with him.

But you are an expert on why he was a homosexual- and why he was a mass murderer.
Now that you've nearly spammed my points off another page...

...just because I was his friend doesn't mean he's going to "open the vault" to me or anyone else. After all, he ONLY told his brother (blood kin and closest confidant) as he was laying on his death bed. Dumbshits.

You're trying to blame a gay man's compulsive and destructive sexuality born from childhood sexual abuse and all the other gay men he "killed" as an "AIDS-terrorist" on one of his friends who was noticing some odd symptoms but who did not have a degree in psychology? Are you living in Colorado and smoking rope? The words "AIDS-terrorist" were included in gay vernacular for a reason: because the syndrome is common enough to warrant a moniker in gay slang.

The young man I knew was deeply conflicted about his sexuality vs his intellectual love pursuits. He was compulsively gay, self-reported to his brother on his death bed, as stemming from childhood sexual abuse he experienced and could not cure. Why he didn't seek therapy is unknown to me. But like I said, if he did today, he would be told to "embrace what you've become as a result of this abuse". And that would make him ten times more depressed and suicidal/murderous than he was then.

Can you imagine as a woman, say a prostitute, where statistics show about 90% of them were molested as girls, being told "don't shake your promiscuity, this is who you are now, embrace it, don't let the haters or bigots make you feel bad about what you're doing"...! :uhoh3:
Now that you've nearly spammed my points off another page...

...just because I was his friend doesn't mean he's going to "open the vault" to me or anyone else. After all, he ONLY told his brother (blood kin and closest confidant) as he was laying on his death bed. Dumbshits.

You're trying to blame a gay man's compulsive and destructive sexuality born from childhood sexual abuse and all the other gay men he "killed" as an "AIDS-terrorist" on one of his friends who was noticing some odd symptoms but who did not have a degree in psychology? Are you living in Colorado and smoking rope? The words "AIDS-terrorist" were included in gay vernacular for a reason: because the syndrome is common enough to warrant a moniker in gay slang.

The young man I knew was deeply conflicted about his sexuality vs his intellectual love pursuits. He was compulsively gay, self-reported to his brother on his death bed, as stemming from childhood sexual abuse he experienced and could not cure. Why he didn't seek therapy is unknown to me. But like I said, if he did today, he would be told to "embrace what you've become as a result of this abuse". And that would make him ten times more depressed and suicidal/murderous than he was then.

Can you imagine as a woman, say a prostitute, where statistics show about 90% of them were molested as girls, being told "don't shake your promiscuity, this is who you are now, embrace it, don't let the haters or bigots make you feel bad about what you're doing"...! :uhoh3:

So he only told his brother while he was on his deathbed from AID's? Hmmmmm.

Just want to be sure that is your story and you are sticking to it.
There is no story. There is an account however.

You don't want to hear about it. So you try diversion after diversion. Tell me Syriusly, where did the term "AIDS-terrorist" come from and what does it mean? Would you like me to google it for you and print it here?

What does the APA have to say about "AIDS-terrorists"? And what psychological motivator against "non gays who are mean to gays" would cause a gay guy to go out and kill gays instead of straights? If his conscious or subconscious was angry at or offended by straights why would he kill gays instead?

What is the "audited/acceptable" CQR pre-conclusion to this phenomenon Syriusly?
There is no story. There is an account however.

You don't want to hear about it. So you try diversion after diversion. Tell me Syriusly, where did the term "AIDS-terrorist" come from and what does it mean? Would you like me to google it for you and print it here??

Well lets see- earliest memory I can find of that general type of term was 1998

snopes.com Pin Prick AIDS Attacks
Madmen are injecting AIDS-infected blood into unsuspecting moviegoers and random young people dancing in bars or at raves.
Read more at snopes.com Pin Prick AIDS Attacks

Was that what your buddies' brother said that his brother said he was doing while he was confessing all a few moments before he died from AIDS?
There is no story. There is an account however.

You don't want to hear about it. So you try diversion after diversion. Tell me Syriusly, where did the term "AIDS-terrorist" come from and what does it mean? Would you like me to google it for you and print it here??

Well lets see- earliest memory I can find of that general type of term was 1998

snopes.com Pin Prick AIDS Attacks
Madmen are injecting AIDS-infected blood into unsuspecting moviegoers and random young people dancing in bars or at raves.
Read more at snopes.com Pin Prick AIDS Attacks

Was that what your buddies' brother said that his brother said he was doing while he was confessing all a few moments before he died from AIDS?

An AIDS-terrorist is defined here:

AIDS TerroristSomeone who is HIV+ and who knowingly engages in unsafe sex http://pinkuk.com/stayingin/slang.aspx?let=all

AIDS Terrorist -Someone who is HIV+ that knowingly engages in unsafe sex. http://www.southfloridaconnects.com...ating_to_jargon_used_in_gay_communication.pdf

AIDS terrorist
Someone who has the AIDS virus, knows he or she has it, but still spreads the disease by having unprotected sex. Urban Dictionary AIDS terrorist

AIDS terrorist
(Adult / Slang)
Recent coinage for a person infected with the AIDS virus who knowingly engages in unprotected sex. AIDS terrorist
There is no story. There is an account however.

You don't want to hear about it. So you try diversion after diversion. Tell me Syriusly, where did the term "AIDS-terrorist" come from and what does it mean? Would you like me to google it for you and print it here??

Well lets see- earliest memory I can find of that general type of term was 1998
snopes.com Pin Prick AIDS Attacks
Madmen are injecting AIDS-infected blood into unsuspecting moviegoers and random young people dancing in bars or at raves.
Read more at snopes.com Pin Prick AIDS Attacks

Was that what your buddies' brother said that his brother said he was doing while he was confessing all a few moments before he died from AIDS?

An AIDS-terrorist is defined here:

AIDS TerroristSomeone who is HIV+ and who knowingly engages in unsafe sex http://pinkuk.com/stayingin/slang.aspx?let=all

AIDS Terrorist -Someone who is HIV+ that knowingly engages in unsafe sex. http://www.southfloridaconnects.com...ating_to_jargon_used_in_gay_communication.pdf

AIDS terrorist
Someone who has the AIDS virus, knows he or she has it, but still spreads the disease by having unprotected sex. Urban Dictionary AIDS terrorist

AIDS terrorist
(Adult / Slang)
Recent coinage for a person infected with the AIDS virus who knowingly engages in unprotected sex. AIDS terrorist

LOL....sorry, clearly I don't spend as much time on Gay websites as you do.

'recent coinage'........


The most common version of this story involves a young girl dancing at a club when she feels a small prick on her arm or leg. Then she hears someone whisper “welcome to the wonderful world of AIDS,” before they escape unseen. At her feet, she discovers a blood-filled needle and when she visits the hospital, they confirm that she now has HIV. Another version involves a girl going to the movies and discovering a note informing her of her new status before she leaves. The earliest version of this story has actually been traced back to the mid-80’s, when a man sleeps with a woman he’s only just met at a bar and then wakes up seeing the words “welcome to the world of AIDS” scrawled on the mirror in lipstick. While the story of an anonymous stranger injecting someone at a club and the “welcome to the world of AIDS” line are both urban legends, the truth is that there are many stories of people who have intentionally been given HIV.

In 2006, a woman in England was arrested for intentionally having unprotected sex with men in an act of revenge after she became infected with the disease. Some people have even been intentionally injected with the virus, but not by random strangers like the victims in the legends. AIDS activist Brryan Jackson was infected as an 11 month-old baby by his father, who did not want to have to pay child support. By the time he was five, his infection was discovered and his father was arrested and sentenced to life in prison. Fortunately, the nineteen year-old activist is still doing fine despite his condition. Another person intentionally infected was Janice Trahan, who was given the virus, along with Hepatitis C, by her ex-lover Doctor Richard J. Schmidt who collected a samples from some of his patients and gave it to Trahan by claiming it was a vitamin B injection. Dr. Schmidt was charged with attempted murder and sentenced to 50 years. It is unknown how Trahan is doing because the case was so long ago and there are no follow up new stories on her since 2000. This case was the first of its kind to hit the court system and it eventually inspired a similar Law & Order episode. Sources:About.com, BBC, ABC News, Wikipedia Image Via cooling [Flickr] I know people always claim that urban legends are true and often claim that they know someone that was really involved with the story, but do any of you know any true urban legends that you can actually prove? Try to leave links to the news stories or other sources that prove your tale if you really want any of us to believe you.

Oddly enough- no mention of your special 'friend'
There is no story. There is an account however.

You don't want to hear about it. So you try diversion after diversion. Tell me Syriusly, where did the term "AIDS-terrorist" come from and what does it mean? Would you like me to google it for you and print it here??

Well lets see- earliest memory I can find of that general type of term was 1998
snopes.com Pin Prick AIDS Attacks
Madmen are injecting AIDS-infected blood into unsuspecting moviegoers and random young people dancing in bars or at raves.
Read more at snopes.com Pin Prick AIDS Attacks

Was that what your buddies' brother said that his brother said he was doing while he was confessing all a few moments before he died from AIDS?

An AIDS-terrorist is defined here:

AIDS TerroristSomeone who is HIV+ and who knowingly engages in unsafe sex http://pinkuk.com/stayingin/slang.aspx?let=all

AIDS Terrorist -Someone who is HIV+ that knowingly engages in unsafe sex. http://www.southfloridaconnects.com...ating_to_jargon_used_in_gay_communication.pdf

AIDS terrorist
Someone who has the AIDS virus, knows he or she has it, but still spreads the disease by having unprotected sex. Urban Dictionary AIDS terrorist

AIDS terrorist
(Adult / Slang)
Recent coinage for a person infected with the AIDS virus who knowingly engages in unprotected sex. AIDS terrorist

LOL....sorry, clearly I don't spend as much time on Gay websites as you do.

'recent coinage'........


The most common version of this story involves a young girl dancing at a club when she feels a small prick on her arm or leg. Then she hears someone whisper “welcome to the wonderful world of AIDS,” before they escape unseen. At her feet, she discovers a blood-filled needle and when she visits the hospital, they confirm that she now has HIV. Another version involves a girl going to the movies and discovering a note informing her of her new status before she leaves. The earliest version of this story has actually been traced back to the mid-80’s, when a man sleeps with a woman he’s only just met at a bar and then wakes up seeing the words “welcome to the world of AIDS” scrawled on the mirror in lipstick. While the story of an anonymous stranger injecting someone at a club and the “welcome to the world of AIDS” line are both urban legends, the truth is that there are many stories of people who have intentionally been given HIV.

In 2006, a woman in England was arrested for intentionally having unprotected sex with men in an act of revenge after she became infected with the disease. Some people have even been intentionally injected with the virus, but not by random strangers like the victims in the legends. AIDS activist Brryan Jackson was infected as an 11 month-old baby by his father, who did not want to have to pay child support. By the time he was five, his infection was discovered and his father was arrested and sentenced to life in prison. Fortunately, the nineteen year-old activist is still doing fine despite his condition. Another person intentionally infected was Janice Trahan, who was given the virus, along with Hepatitis C, by her ex-lover Doctor Richard J. Schmidt who collected a samples from some of his patients and gave it to Trahan by claiming it was a vitamin B injection. Dr. Schmidt was charged with attempted murder and sentenced to 50 years. It is unknown how Trahan is doing because the case was so long ago and there are no follow up new stories on her since 2000. This case was the first of its kind to hit the court system and it eventually inspired a similar Law & Order episode. Sources:About.com, BBC, ABC News, Wikipedia Image Via cooling [Flickr] I know people always claim that urban legends are true and often claim that they know someone that was really involved with the story, but do any of you know any true urban legends that you can actually prove? Try to leave links to the news stories or other sources that prove your tale if you really want any of us to believe you.

Oddly enough- no mention of your special 'friend'

Meanwhile- a good article on the urban legend of the 'aids terrorist'

AIDS The Urban Legend

Gary Fine seems to think, though, that the legend's main purpose is what he calls a "subtle revenge" (196). He says it shows women taking sexual revenge on men, a sort of reverse rape. Five of our informants specifically interpreted the stories that way, too, and several others made comments about the story that suggest they might agree with such a characterization of the female transmitter's motives. The most recent attestation, collected on April 15, 1988, not only specifically states that the female carrier was motivated by desire to punish men, but has her infecting five men in one day--a sort of mass murder. She picks up and has sex with five men, one after another, and spends the night with the last one, who awakes to find the standard tag-line on the mirror. Thus, it is obvious that the legend does, at least sometimes, function as a revenge mechanism.....

Much more could be said about this legend, but time constrains us. In summary, then, our researches have established that the stories are an example of a new, viable urban legend expressing the fears and anxieties of contemporary Americans about the AIDS crisis and, most importantly, teaching Americans a new set of sexual mores. We see here, in these stories, the beginning of a new sexual revolution.
So audit-CQR says "AIDS terrorists don't exist", therefore we will do no surveys upon that topic in the gay population. Even though the gay population created a term for a phenomenon we say doesn't exist.

Just ring a bell when this starts sounding like a cult to you... Hitler claimed the gas chambers were "just showers". Therefore, they were "just showers". People in Germany at that time were very reticent to challenge the "audited status quo"..
Why do you suppose the words "AIDS-terrorist" are part of today's gay vernacular, defined as "someone who knows they have HIV who goes out and has unprotected sex"? Because it's a figment of the LGBT culture's imagination? They're in the habit of creating phrases to describe imaginary/nonexistent things?
So audit-CQR says "AIDS terrorists don't exist", therefore we will do no surveys upon that topic in the gay population. Even though the gay population created a term for a phenomenon we say doesn't exist.

Just ring a bell when this starts sounding like a cult to you... Hitler claimed the gas chambers were "just showers". Therefore, they were "just showers". People in Germany at that time were very reticent to challenge the "audited status quo"..

LOL....Hitler........what a loser.
Why do you suppose the words "AIDS-terrorist" are part of today's gay vernacular, defined as "someone who knows they have HIV who goes out and has unprotected sex"? Because it's a figment of the LGBT culture's imagination? They're in the habit of creating phrases to describe imaginary/nonexistent things?

Clearly you are much more into the gay vernacular than I am.

Please feel free to imagine exactly how the term was created?

I suppose 'urban legend' just isn't sufficient for you.

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