FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left

No, we did not. Google the Chinese exclusion act and educate yourself a little, dumbass.

How dumb can you be....

The Chinese Exclusion Act was a United States federal law signed by President Chester A. Arthur on May 6, 1882, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. The act followed the Angell Treaty of 1880, a set of ...

We are talking 1942 not 1882

In 1942 the filthy Japs were our enemy

No, we did not. Google the Chinese exclusion act and educate yourself a little, dumbass.

How dumb can you be....

The Chinese Exclusion Act was a United States federal law signed by President Chester A. Arthur on May 6, 1882, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. The act followed the Angell Treaty of 1880, a set of ...

We are talking 1942 not 1882.....

In effect until 1943, dumbass.

No, we did not. Google the Chinese exclusion act and educate yourself a little, dumbass.

How dumb can you be....

The Chinese Exclusion Act was a United States federal law signed by President Chester A. Arthur on May 6, 1882, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. The act followed the Angell Treaty of 1880, a set of ...

We are talking 1942 not 1882.....

In effect until 1943, dumbass.

1943? Imagine that dumbass

Who was incarcerated in 1943?

The sneaky Japs who had attacked us

How dumb can you be....

The Chinese Exclusion Act was a United States federal law signed by President Chester A. Arthur on May 6, 1882, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. The act followed the Angell Treaty of 1880, a set of ...

We are talking 1942 not 1882.....

In effect until 1943, dumbass.

1943? Imagine that dumbass

Who was incarcerated in 1943?....

You said "We trusted the Chinese," you racist idiot. Clearly that was not the case at the time the scumbag fdr was throwing innocent, loyal, brave AMERICANS into his concentration camps.
We trusted the Chinese

No, we did not. Google the Chinese exclusion act and educate yourself a little, dumbass.

How dumb can you be....

The Chinese Exclusion Act was a United States federal law signed by President Chester A. Arthur on May 6, 1882, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. The act followed the Angell Treaty of 1880, a set of ...

We are talking 1942 not 1882.....

In effect until 1943, dumbass.

1943? Imagine that dumbass

Who was incarcerated in 1943?....

You said "We trusted the Chinese," you racist idiot. Clearly that was not the case at the time the scumbag fdr was throwing innocent, loyal, brave AMERICANS into his concentration camps.

I said we trusted them more than the Japanese

Not saying much, in 1942, nobody trusted the sneaky Japs
No, we did not. Google the Chinese exclusion act and educate yourself a little, dumbass.

How dumb can you be....

The Chinese Exclusion Act was a United States federal law signed by President Chester A. Arthur on May 6, 1882, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. The act followed the Angell Treaty of 1880, a set of ...

We are talking 1942 not 1882.....

In effect until 1943, dumbass.

1943? Imagine that dumbass

Who was incarcerated in 1943?....

You said "We trusted the Chinese," you racist idiot. Clearly that was not the case at the time the scumbag fdr was throwing innocent, loyal, brave AMERICANS into his concentration camps.

I said we trusted them more than the Japanese....

No you didn't, you lying racist. I quoted you precisely, racist.
How dumb can you be....

The Chinese Exclusion Act was a United States federal law signed by President Chester A. Arthur on May 6, 1882, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. The act followed the Angell Treaty of 1880, a set of ...

We are talking 1942 not 1882.....

In effect until 1943, dumbass.

1943? Imagine that dumbass

Who was incarcerated in 1943?....

You said "We trusted the Chinese," you racist idiot. Clearly that was not the case at the time the scumbag fdr was throwing innocent, loyal, brave AMERICANS into his concentration camps.

I said we trusted them more than the Japanese....

No you didn't, you lying racist. I quoted you precisely, racist.
Wrong again dumbass
In effect until 1943, dumbass.

1943? Imagine that dumbass

Who was incarcerated in 1943?....

You said "We trusted the Chinese," you racist idiot. Clearly that was not the case at the time the scumbag fdr was throwing innocent, loyal, brave AMERICANS into his concentration camps.

I said we trusted them more than the Japanese....

No you didn't, you lying racist. I quoted you precisely, racist.
Wrong again dumbass

Stop lying, racist. Your words are right here for all to see.

1943? Imagine that dumbass

Who was incarcerated in 1943?....

You said "We trusted the Chinese," you racist idiot. Clearly that was not the case at the time the scumbag fdr was throwing innocent, loyal, brave AMERICANS into his concentration camps.

I said we trusted them more than the Japanese....

No you didn't, you lying racist. I quoted you precisely, racist.
Wrong again dumbass

Stop lying, racist. Your words are right here for all to see.

Guess what dumbass..

In 1941 we trusted the Chinese more than the hated Japs
You said "We trusted the Chinese," you racist idiot. Clearly that was not the case at the time the scumbag fdr was throwing innocent, loyal, brave AMERICANS into his concentration camps.

I said we trusted them more than the Japanese....

No you didn't, you lying racist. I quoted you precisely, racist.
Wrong again dumbass

Stop lying, racist. Your words are right here for all to see.

Guess what dumbass..

In 1941 we trusted the Chinese more than the hated Japs

Any other lies to change, racist?
Again you have nothing but logical fallacy. You don't even pretend to defend that scumbag fdr anymore.
FDR has plenty of defenses, the people that were alive at the time, and voted for FDR four times, and the historians in reviewing the period that rated FDR the greatest.. So both people and historians rated him the best. So who else is there? Are the people wrong or the historians?

the american sheep like you,mary ann,and campy shill are so brainwashed you dont want to look at the REAL facts nobody has an answer for in post# 559 of mine,FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left

oh and those egghead historians are always on the governments payroll,they always rank the traiterous ones as the best,they dont rank the ones that did great for america like Calvin Coolige who presidned over a great economy which is called the roaring 20's since under him.America PROSPERED.

and for the last 100th time.FDR abused the offiice of the presidency so he could stay there four terms charlie.LOL
So do you think Trump will abuse the office of the presidency to be elected four times? I don't really want to ask how a candidate abuses the office of the presidency.

Unlike FDR,trump form what we know about him,believes in the constitution and will RESPECT what the forefathers mandated that no president serve more than two terms.. oh and heat to break your heart but you seem dense of the fact that elections are FIXED,whoever the establishment wants in,they make sure they get it. The ONLY reason it did nor work for them this time is trump has MONEY,money is power and he had that power to stop the corrupted election process so that the candidate the people wanted in,got elected.LOL

someone like patriot ron paul or gary johnson had most of americans voted for them,would not have been able to make sure it was a fair election
With all due respect, Trump has no clue what is in the Constitution

I know a Gold Star father who can explain it to you

Your continued desperation is duly noted!
“On February 19, 1942 — seventy-four years ago today — Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. With the stroke of his pen, the man who had earlier snubbed Jesse Owens after the Berlin Olympics used his executive powers to order the imprisonment of over 100,000 persons of Japanese ancestry (as well as thousands of German and Italian ancestry) for the duration of World War II.”

Okay, so?

Hey, guy, funny thing happened in every country the Axis invaded.

They found people willing to collaborate with them.

And after Pearl Harbor, there was a pretty valid fear that the Japanese Imperial Navy might show up off the west coast and start shelling things.

The very fact we are having this conversation in English instead of Nihango or Deutsch should prove he was right.
So let's round up all Muslims.
White Germans were never rounded up in WW2.

Typical leftist, supports sending people to Concentration Camps because of skin color.
Over 11, 500 Germans were rounded up and detained in WWII. Over 1.2 million persons born in Germany were legal immigrants when the war began. Another six million were the first generation. 17% of the American population had German ancestry.
What’s that have to do with FDR rounding up every American with slanted eyes and tossing them in Concentration Camps?
You claimed Germans were never rounded up in WW2. Your post. I quoted it because it was misinformation. And again, your response also is promoting misinformation. All Japanese were not rounded up. Only Japanese on the west coast were rounded up. Only the Japanese deemed by Lieutenant General DeWitt, the military commander in charge of the region to be a threat that included California, Oregon, and Washington were vacated from the specific region. Non-Japanese with as you refer to as having "slanted eyes" were not detained. Detainment was not racially motivated. Chinese south-east Asians, Koreans, etc. were not rounded up.
You lefties can continue to attempt to justify the arrests of Americans based upon race until the the cows come home, but it's only reinforcing what we already know about the left - you're racists who like concentration camps for nonwhites.
Posters might want to check on how the USA handled the German population in WWI.
So let's round up all Muslims.
White Germans were never rounded up in WW2.

Um actually, they were. We rounded up 20,000 Germans who had pro-Nazi sympathies... you need to look up a guy named Fritz Kuhn, the leader of the German-American Bund.

Fritz Julius Kuhn - Wikipedia

While in Sing Sing[3] prison, Kuhn's citizenship was canceled on June 1, 1943.[2] Upon his release after spending 43 months in prison, Kuhn was re-arrested on June 21, 1943, as an enemy agent and interned by the federal government at a camp in Crystal City, Texas. After the war, Kuhn was sent to Ellis Island and deported to Germany on September 15, 1945.[2] Upon his arrival in West Germany, he wanted to return to the United States.[13] but was imprisoned, then released shortly before his death.[14] While in prison, Kuhn reportedly sent a message to Jewish columnist Walter Winchell, who had helped lead media counterattacks against the Bund back in New York City. It read: "Tell Herr Vinchell, I will lift to piss on his grafe [sic]."[15]
Typical leftist, supports sending people to Concentration Camps because of skin color.

Actually, there was universal agreement at the time it was a good idea. You had a west coast that was undefended in 1942, and they removed the people most likely to provide support.

The Supreme Court heard no less than three cases brought by internees, including Koromatsu vs. US.. In all three cases, they found the government had the authority to remove them from a war zone.

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