"FDE"FL releases "Mail-In" voting results for yesterday, 10/21/2018. Reps top Dems by 51,421 votes

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Yes, Kavanaugh and the CARAVAN OF ILLEGAL INVADERS had energized the Republicans! The DemonRATS have shown their TRUE COLORS and they are NOT, RED, WHITE AND BLUE!

The Florida Division Of Elections has just released the "Mail-In" voting activity for yesterday, Sunday, 10/21/2018, The results are as follows:

Republicans, 408,661 votes cast & recorded. Democrats, 357,119 votes cast & recorded. Others, 4,947 votes cast & recorded. No Party Affiliation (Independents), 159,844 votes cast & recorded.

Republicans top Democrats by a margin of 51,542 votes cast & recorded. Adjustment to vote counts will be made around mid-morning, this morning. Please also take note that "Early Voting" begins in some Florida counties this morning. Results should post commencing tomorrow morning on the FDE web site.

Notes of Interest: POTUS, Donald J.`Trump will hold four (4) MEGA political rallies this week, beginning with a "MEGA Massive Political Rally and Tailgate Party", centering around the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas. The Trump campaign has received over 100,000 requests for free tickets (two (2) each, The rally will commence this afternoon and go on into the evening. the "Toyota" sports arena venue holds about 20,000 people, but large screen TVs & tailgate parties are set up outside the Toyota Center for the massive expected overflow crowds of Trump/Abbott/Cruz Supporters & Voters!!! Be there, or watch on Media.

Wildly Popular Texas, Republican, Governor, Gregg Abbott will attend along with Republican Senator, running re-election, Senator, Ted Cruz. Tune in, folks...this rally will be one for the record books!!! It will also receive massive media coverage...across the board.

For further info on the Trump Campaign plans for this week, check-in on the "TrumpForPOtUS" web site on the internet!!!

As a sidebar note, Ex-POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama will campaign this morning in Las Vegas at the UNLV auditorium addressing a crowd of college students required to attend this rally. Although Las Vegas has many venues, arenas, stadiums available for political rallies, Obama chose this venue because he and the Democrat Party would equal the lack of supporter attendance, the failed political rally that Ex-VP, Joe Biden held last Saturday, also in Las Vegas where it was reported the somewhere between a "Paltry" 193-500 people attended his well announced, pre-planned massive Political Rally. In comparison, POTUS Donald J. Trump attracted over 16,000 folks (8,000 in the aircraft hangar & 8,000 outside on the hangar outdoor ramp, people in the sleepy small town of Elko, Nevada some three hundred miles north of the "MEGA" Las Vegas market. Biden = Failure & Lackluster political rallies...period.

Just to point out ""FDE"FL releases "Mail-In" voting results for yesterday, 10/21/2018. Reps top Dems by 51,421 votes" is misleading.

Since the OP didn't provide a link (on purpose?) the underlying data seems to come from this site -->> Statistics - County Vote-by-Mail and Early Voting Reports. An internet search shows nearly identical results for text posted on other sites to the OP may not be working from original source material. Posts on other discussion boards? Email? I don't know.

Just be aware however, this is NOT a report of votes for candidates, it is a representation of how man people voted based on party affiliation.

Registered Dem's can (and some will have) voted for a GOP candidate to show support for Trump. Some registered GOP can (and some will have) voted for a Dem candidate to stick it to Trump.


Just checked the site again. Registered Dem voters not top registered GOP voters by 64,330.

(No claim on either the Dem voters or GOP voters for which candidate they voted.)

Just checked the site again. Registered Dem voters now top registered GOP voters by 80,720.

(No claim on either the Dem voters or GOP voters for which candidate they voted.)


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