FBI Under Comey Coordinated a COUP against President Trump.

I'm saying he did. I claim that. If it is LIBEL, then have QUEER-O sue me.

QUEER-O won't do that, because he knows I will call Michelle in for a medical exam....
I'm saying he did. I claim that. If it is LIBEL, then have QUEER-O sue me.

QUEER-O won't do that, because he knows I will call Michelle in for a medical exam....

Do you have any evidence that Obama 'offed Joan Rivers'?

There it is. The Investigation, The Fake Russian Collusion Accusations, The FISA Court, The Surveillance was all an orchestrated attack by Clinton, Obama and their cronies in THE FBI and DOJ.

I recommend reading the letter written from the House of Representatives to Rod Rosenstein on the linked page.

Strzok-Page texts reveal 'coordinated' FBI leak strategy to harm Trump, GOP congressman claims

New documents provided to Congress raise “grave concerns” about an “apparent systemic culture of media leaking” among high-level FBI and Justice Department officials to release information damaging to President Trump, a top Republican congressman charged in a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Monday.

In the letter, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., points in particular to two text message exchanges in April 2017 between now-fired FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page, in which the two discuss the bureau's "media leak strategy."

"I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go," Strzok texted Page on April 10, 2017, according to Meadows, who cited newly produced documents from the Justice Department.

Two days later, Strzok wrote, "Well done, Page," and told her that two negative articles about Page's "namesake" would soon come out. That was an apparent reference to Carter Page, the former Trump adviser whom the FBI surveilled for months after obtaining a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court.

The FBI and DOJ declined to comment. Fox News also reached out to lawyers for Strzok and Page; they did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

On April 11, 2017, the Washington Post published a story titled, "FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor former Trump adviser Carter Page. The article, citing "law enforcement and other U.S. officials," reported that the DOJ and FBI had convinced a FISA judge there was "probable cause to believe Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power, in this case Russia."

The text message exchanges "should lead a reasonable person to question whether there was a sincere desire to investigate wrongdoing or to place derogatory information in the media to justify a continued probe," Meadows, who serves on the House Oversight Committee, wrote.

Page has not been charged with any wrongdoing. Heavily redacted documents have since shown that a dossier written by ex-British spy Christopher Steele and funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign played a key role in obtaining the FISA warrant to surveil him beginning in October 2016.

Most libtards that listen to cnn and msnbctard don't have a clue

about what really went on or what time of day it is.....

Most don’t have the character to care what the truth is.
Do you have any evidence that Obama 'offed Joan Rivers

It isn't just Joan. QUEER-O offed a choirboy from bigot Jeremiah Wright's church, a gay one supposedly a lover. There was a blogger who was posting and compiling all the evidence, and he was offed too.

Just like Clinton and LBJ, there is a trail of dead bodies in the wake of the rise... this time 100% about covering up QUEER-O being a COCKSUCKING SISSY...
Do you have any evidence that Obama 'offed Joan Rivers

It isn't just Joan. QUEER-O offed a choirboy from bigot Jeremiah Wright's church, a gay one supposedly a lover. There was a blogger who was posting a compiling all the evidence, and he was offed too.

Just like Clinton and LBJ, there is a trail of dead bodies in the wake of the rise... this time 100% about covering up QUEER-O being a COCKSUCKING SISSY...

So that's a 'no' on evidence that Obama 'offed' Joan Rivers. With your entire conspiracy being you citing yourself.

Well that was a big nothingburger.
Next time, Trump should try not engaging in crime and treason. It’s probably too hard for him, though.

Did you even read the post, the OP even put a link for you, but you’re TDS is so strong you can’t even be objective.

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So that's a 'no' on evidence that Obama 'offed' Joan Rivers

Nice try. QUEER-O still won't sue anyone over that or the COCKSUCKER allegations....

WHY won't QUEER-O sue?

Because he is a COCKSUCKING PUSSY with absolutely no courage or truth...
If I were the judge that issued the warrant to allow spying on Carter Page, and all they got him on was getting a date wrong that he had already disclosed in WRITING in a disclosure agreement, and then I found out later he was set up by a Clinton Cronie, I am Pissed, and I am wanting heads to roll. Same with THE FISA SCAM perpetrated on THE FISA COURT by Rosenstein, Comey, Yates and McCabe.

I’m with you on this, where is the judge that got duped, shouldn’t the judge be fiery mad that he was used, but the judge is probably an Obama appointed judge so they were in on it also.

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Trump didn't sexually assault anyone. Trump retained Cohen to pay them to shut up. That isn't assault. It is infidelity, but your side has Bill Clinton, so you aren't going to "get him" on being unfaithful to wife #3....

There it is. The Investigation, The Fake Russian Collusion Accusations, The FISA Court, The Surveillance was all an orchestrated attack by Clinton, Obama and their cronies in THE FBI and DOJ.

I recommend reading the letter written from the House of Representatives to Rod Rosenstein on the linked page.

Strzok-Page texts reveal 'coordinated' FBI leak strategy to harm Trump, GOP congressman claims

New documents provided to Congress raise “grave concerns” about an “apparent systemic culture of media leaking” among high-level FBI and Justice Department officials to release information damaging to President Trump, a top Republican congressman charged in a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Monday.

In the letter, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., points in particular to two text message exchanges in April 2017 between now-fired FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page, in which the two discuss the bureau's "media leak strategy."

"I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go," Strzok texted Page on April 10, 2017, according to Meadows, who cited newly produced documents from the Justice Department.

Two days later, Strzok wrote, "Well done, Page," and told her that two negative articles about Page's "namesake" would soon come out. That was an apparent reference to Carter Page, the former Trump adviser whom the FBI surveilled for months after obtaining a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court.

The FBI and DOJ declined to comment. Fox News also reached out to lawyers for Strzok and Page; they did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

On April 11, 2017, the Washington Post published a story titled, "FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor former Trump adviser Carter Page. The article, citing "law enforcement and other U.S. officials," reported that the DOJ and FBI had convinced a FISA judge there was "probable cause to believe Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power, in this case Russia."

The text message exchanges "should lead a reasonable person to question whether there was a sincere desire to investigate wrongdoing or to place derogatory information in the media to justify a continued probe," Meadows, who serves on the House Oversight Committee, wrote.

Page has not been charged with any wrongdoing. Heavily redacted documents have since shown that a dossier written by ex-British spy Christopher Steele and funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign played a key role in obtaining the FISA warrant to surveil him beginning in October 2016.

Most libtards that listen to cnn and msnbctard don't have a clue

about what really went on or what time of day it is.....

Most don’t have the character to care what the truth is.

The 'leak strategy' was on PREVENTING leaks. There's nothing in any text about the FBI coordinating or planning any leaks. Nor is there a single leak attributed to Strzok or Page. Your entire conspiracy is just the baseless opinion of a pro-Trump GOP congressman. There's nothing to actually back it.

And this is what? The 5th or 6th 'bigger than watergate' scandal that your ilk have imagined. Each each of the 'bigger than watergate' scandals before it fizzling into nothing.

But this time its different, huh?
Trump didn't sexually assault anyone. Trump retained Cohen to pay them to shut up. That isn't assault. It is infidelity, but your side has Bill Clinton, so you aren't going to "get him" on being unfaithful to wife #3....

Cohen was sent to pay his pornstar mistresses immediately before the election.

But there are something like 17 women that accuse Trump of various sexual assaults or misconduct. Trump insisted he was going to sue them......but then never did.

Per your logic, if Trump didn't sue....that means he did it. If not, why not?
If I were the judge that issued the warrant to allow spying on Carter Page, and all they got him on was getting a date wrong that he had already disclosed in WRITING in a disclosure agreement, and then I found out later he was set up by a Clinton Cronie, I am Pissed, and I am wanting heads to roll. Same with THE FISA SCAM perpetrated on THE FISA COURT by Rosenstein, Comey, Yates and McCabe.

I’m with you on this, where is the judge that got duped, shouldn’t the judge be fiery mad that he was used, but the judge is probably an Obama appointed judge so they were in on it also.

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Anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy....must be part of it, huh?

The old conspiracy mantra.
We'll see more and more of the corruption over the next couple of weeks leading up to the election as Trump declassifies FISA warrant documents. The American people will have a much clearer picture of the coup just before November.

Will they even notice, it’s like the first post after the OP didn’t even care. If Trump declassifies the documents the MSM won’t talk about it and liberals won’t care because it was against Trump so the only ones to care will be the few patriotic Americans left in this country that believe in the rule of law. It’s every day new proof comes out but still nothing happens to the law breakers!

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But there are something like 17 women that accuse Trump of various sexual assaults or misconduct.

Several of whom couldn't even "remember" when or where....

Nice try.

Hillary's campaign recruited some FemiNazi liars. So what....
We'll see more and more of the corruption over the next couple of weeks leading up to the election as Trump declassifies FISA warrant documents. The American people will have a much clearer picture of the coup just before November.

Will they even notice, it’s like the first post after the OP didn’t even care. If Trump declassifies the documents the MSM won’t talk about it and liberals won’t care because it was against Trump so the only ones to care will be the few patriotic Americans left in this country that believe in the rule of law. It’s every day new proof comes out but still nothing happens to the law breakers!

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Most people don't believe Trump because he's a liar. He lies constantly. Which tends to erode his credibility.

Just today, he made up a brand new conspiracy about Puerto Rico....backed by jack shit.

And werne't you the guys calling for a pardon for the 8 time convicted felon Manafort?
But there are something like 17 women that accuse Trump of various sexual assaults or misconduct.

Several of whom couldn't even "remember" when or where....

Nice try.

Hillary's campaign recruited some FemiNazi liars. So what....

All the more reason to sue them. Yet Trump didn't sue.

So per your logic, he did it. You kinda put yourself in a corner. Either Trump sexually assaulted 17 women.....or your claim that Obama 'offed' Joan Rivers has absolutely nothing to back it.

As a lawsuit is your only argument.

There it is. The Investigation, The Fake Russian Collusion Accusations, The FISA Court, The Surveillance was all an orchestrated attack by Clinton, Obama and their cronies in THE FBI and DOJ.

I recommend reading the letter written from the House of Representatives to Rod Rosenstein on the linked page

New documents provided to Congress raise “grave concerns” about an “apparent systemic culture of media leaking” among high-level FBI and Justice Department officials to release information damaging to President Trump, a top Republican congressman charged in a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Monday.

In the letter, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., points in particular to two text message exchanges in April 2017 between now-fired FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page, in which the two discuss the bureau's "media leak strategy."

"I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go," Strzok texted Page on April 10, 2017, according to Meadows, who cited newly produced documents from the Justice Department.

Two days later, Strzok wrote, "Well done, Page," and told her that two negative articles about Page's "namesake" would soon come out. That was an apparent reference to Carter Page, the former Trump adviser whom the FBI surveilled for months after obtaining a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court.

The FBI and DOJ declined to comment. Fox News also reached out to lawyers for Strzok and Page; they did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

On April 11, 2017, the Washington Post published a story titled, "FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor former Trump adviser Carter Page. The article, citing "law enforcement and other U.S. officials," reported that the DOJ and FBI had convinced a FISA judge there was "probable cause to believe Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power, in this case Russia."

The text message exchanges "should lead a reasonable person to question whether there was a sincere desire to investigate wrongdoing or to place derogatory information in the media to justify a continued probe," Meadows, who serves on the House Oversight Committee, wrote
That explains him sabotaging the Clinton campaign days before the election

This idea never made any sense to me. So Comey comes out and said they found nothing on that computer, and some how that was sabotaging Clinton, please explain that to us!

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This entire sordid chicane is a is disgrace to America. Obviously crimes were committed by an organized cabal within our government.

And it was only by what must have been an intervention of Providence that it was ever uncovered---a most extraordinary intervention---a Democrat Perv by the name of Wiener who liked to send pictures of his Wiener to under-aged girls---that this subversive Plot against the elected government was ever uncovered. Wiener's Wiener led to his computer and an investigation which eventually uncovered the Page-Strzok Texts, which in turn led to the unraveling of the Criminal Co-Conspiracy.

The PROOF is now clear, and the many guilty should be promptly arrested, yet the combined power of the Deep State and the corrupt Media which covers for it...is such that the issue is still in doubt. The next few weeks are critical for the Way of Life which has made this American Experiment the greatest and most successful thus far undertaken by the Human Race.

America's greatest crisis since the Civil War.

"We gave you a Republic, if you can keep it." Ben Franklin.

Demand SUNLIGHT, not SECRECY---the only hope now.

And Clinton losing had a lot to do with real Americans finding out this information, if Hillery had won it would have been deleted from every thing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This entire sordid chicane is a is disgrace to America. Obviously crimes were committed by an organized cabal within our government.

And it was only by what must have been an intervention of Providence that it was ever uncovered---a most extraordinary intervention---a Democrat Perv by the name of Wiener who liked to send pictures of his Wiener to under-aged girls---that this subversive Plot against the elected government was ever uncovered. Wiener's Wiener led to his computer and an investigation which eventually uncovered the Page-Strzok Texts, which in turn led to the unraveling of the Criminal Co-Conspiracy.

The PROOF is now clear, and the many guilty should be promptly arrested, yet the combined power of the Deep State and the corrupt Media which covers for it...is such that the issue is still in doubt. The next few weeks are critical for the Way of Life which has made this American Experiment the greatest and most successful thus far undertaken by the Human Race.

America's greatest crisis since the Civil War.

"We gave you a Republic, if you can keep it." Ben Franklin.

Demand SUNLIGHT, not SECRECY---the only hope now.

And Clinton losing had a lot to do with real Americans finding out this information, if Hillery had won it would have been deleted from every thing.

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And by 'real americans', you mean the one's huffing increasingly elaborate, convoluted and imaginary conspiracy theories?

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