FBI Under Comey Coordinated a COUP against President Trump.


There it is. The Investigation, The Fake Russian Collusion Accusations, The FISA Court, The Surveillance was all an orchestrated attack by Clinton, Obama and their cronies in THE FBI and DOJ.

I recommend reading the letter written from the House of Representatives to Rod Rosenstein on the linked page.

Strzok-Page texts reveal 'coordinated' FBI leak strategy to harm Trump, GOP congressman claims

New documents provided to Congress raise “grave concerns” about an “apparent systemic culture of media leaking” among high-level FBI and Justice Department officials to release information damaging to President Trump, a top Republican congressman charged in a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Monday.

In the letter, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., points in particular to two text message exchanges in April 2017 between now-fired FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page, in which the two discuss the bureau's "media leak strategy."

"I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go," Strzok texted Page on April 10, 2017, according to Meadows, who cited newly produced documents from the Justice Department.

Two days later, Strzok wrote, "Well done, Page," and told her that two negative articles about Page's "namesake" would soon come out. That was an apparent reference to Carter Page, the former Trump adviser whom the FBI surveilled for months after obtaining a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court.

The FBI and DOJ declined to comment. Fox News also reached out to lawyers for Strzok and Page; they did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

On April 11, 2017, the Washington Post published a story titled, "FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor former Trump adviser Carter Page. The article, citing "law enforcement and other U.S. officials," reported that the DOJ and FBI had convinced a FISA judge there was "probable cause to believe Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power, in this case Russia."

The text message exchanges "should lead a reasonable person to question whether there was a sincere desire to investigate wrongdoing or to place derogatory information in the media to justify a continued probe," Meadows, who serves on the House Oversight Committee, wrote.

Page has not been charged with any wrongdoing. Heavily redacted documents have since shown that a dossier written by ex-British spy Christopher Steele and funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign played a key role in obtaining the FISA warrant to surveil him beginning in October 2016.

I would not believe Meadows if he told me the sun was coming up the next day. He is dishonest and he is the one who needs to be jailed. There is no coup. How is it no one knew about the FBI investigation until after the election. It is very clear that they took extraordinary measures to keep it secret.
And you're basing your allegations that Meadows is dishonest on what exactly? Jailed for what? Btw, the only people that DIDN'T know about the "Russia" investigation prior to the 2016 election either wasn't paying attention or were stupid. Which were you? ( psst.. check the article date )

U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin
Obama said he found out about Russia in the newspaper. Reality was he paid Putin $1 Million Dollars to derail the Trump Train. Hillary Invested $13 Million of her own money in the scheme and THE DNC chipped in the rest.
Next time, Trump should try not engaging in crime and treason. It’s probably too hard for him, though.

What crime and treason?
I think the crime of making Hillary's Cankles give out on her.
She fell and couldn't get up. Not even with the help of Putin's Propaganda in that nasty ole Russian Dossier, was she able to pull herself back up on her walker..

Treason I tell you! Treason!



This entire sordid chicane is a is disgrace to America. Obviously crimes were committed by an organized cabal within our government.

And it was only by what must have been an intervention of Providence that it was ever uncovered---a most extraordinary intervention---a Democrat Perv by the name of Wiener who liked to send pictures of his Wiener to under-aged girls---that this subversive Plot against the elected government was ever uncovered. Wiener's Wiener led to his computer and an investigation which eventually uncovered the Page-Strzok Texts, which in turn led to the unraveling of the Criminal Co-Conspiracy.

The PROOF is now clear, and the many guilty should be promptly arrested, yet the combined power of the Deep State and the corrupt Media which covers for it...is such that the issue is still in doubt. The next few weeks are critical for the Way of Life which has made this American Experiment the greatest and most successful thus far undertaken by the Human Race.

America's greatest crisis since the Civil War.

"We gave you a Republic, if you can keep it." Ben Franklin.

Demand SUNLIGHT, not SECRECY---the only hope now.

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
Obama said he found out about Russia in the newspaper. Reality was he paid Putin $1 Million Dollars to derail the Trump Train. Hillary Invested $13 Million of her own money in the scheme and THE DNC chipped in the rest.

You're citing Russian State media for 'reality'?

Show us the evidence that Obama paid Putin 1 million dollars to derail the Trump Train.

The accusation alone is enough for the Trump sycophants, the same hapless souls that believed that China invented Global Warming and the death totals in Puerto Rico were an anti-Trump conspiracy.

But if you ever want the batshit nonsense you and your ilk tell each other to gain any traction with the *rest* of us.....you'll need evidence.
This entire sordid chicane is a is disgrace to America. Obviously crimes were committed by an organized cabal within our government.

And it was only by what must have been an intervention of Providence that it was ever uncovered---a most extraordinary intervention---a Democrat Perv by the name of Wiener who liked to send pictures of his Wiener to under-aged girls---that this subversive Plot against the elected government was ever uncovered. Wiener's Wiener led to his computer and an investigation which eventually uncovered the Page-Strzok Texts, which in turn led to the unraveling of the Criminal Co-Conspiracy.

The PROOF is now clear, and the many guilty should be promptly arrested, yet the combined power of the Deep State and the corrupt Media which covers for it...is such that the issue is still in doubt. The next few weeks are critical for the Way of Life which has made this American Experiment the greatest and most successful thus far undertaken by the Human Race.

America's greatest crisis since the Civil War.

"We gave you a Republic, if you can keep it." Ben Franklin.

Demand SUNLIGHT, not SECRECY---the only hope now.

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
The obvious problem with the 'Obama Spying' dipshittery being that every example of 'spying' you've cited were people that were criminals *already* under investigation before Trump announced his campaign or were folks that had already left his campaign.

Sigh.......it takes a special kind of stupid to claim that the FBI wiretapping a person who had LEFT the Trump campaign was an attempt to spy on Trump.
Last edited:
This entire sordid chicane is a is disgrace to America. Obviously crimes were committed by an organized cabal within our government.

And it was only by what must have been an intervention of Providence that it was ever uncovered---a most extraordinary intervention---a Democrat Perv by the name of Wiener who liked to send pictures of his Wiener to under-aged girls---that this subversive Plot against the elected government was ever uncovered. Wiener's Wiener led to his computer and an investigation which eventually uncovered the Page-Strzok Texts, which in turn led to the unraveling of the Criminal Co-Conspiracy.

The PROOF is now clear, and the many guilty should be promptly arrested, yet the combined power of the Deep State and the corrupt Media which covers for it...is such that the issue is still in doubt. The next few weeks are critical for the Way of Life which has made this American Experiment the greatest and most successful thus far undertaken by the Human Race.

America's greatest crisis since the Civil War.

"We gave you a Republic, if you can keep it." Ben Franklin.

Demand SUNLIGHT, not SECRECY---the only hope now.

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
The obvious problem with the 'Obama Spying' dipshittery being that every example of 'spying' you've cited were people that were *already* under investigation before Trump announced his campaign or were folks that had already left his campaign.

Sigh.......it takes a special kind of stupid to claim that the FBI wiretapping a person who had LEFT the Trump campaign was an attempt to spy on Trump.

You are a special kind of Ignorant; particularly about something you don't even want to know the Truth about. And it is a bit complicated.

The obscurity of the Spy Laws is a problem even for those who want to know the Truth. The authority to "wiretap" Carter Page relates back to his previous communications AND to those he talked to within 2 degrees. They keep ALL conversations---that is what the storage facility in Utah is for---they just don't listen to them until they get the authority.

And that authority gives them the right to go back and listen to a conversation with say---Jeff Sessions if he ever talkedto Page, and to the second degree means they get to ALSO listen to conversations those who Jeff Sessions talked to simply because he talked to Carter Page--claimed by Comey and other conspirators in a secret FISA Court---to be an Agent of a Foreign Country. A LIE.

You see how that works, Dumb-ass.

That's what it was all about....that Authority on Carter Page...gained by the use of a bogus Dossier prepared at the expense of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, gave people in the FBI who were actually members of the Obama/Clinton Crime Cartel, the right to obtain the conversations of pretty much all in the Trump Campaign probably right up to Trump himself---going back for as long as they want.

It is clearly the largest conspiracy ever....the greatest abuse of power in the History of the Country, and a High Crime by many conspirators---the problem is getting the New York Media to report on it like they did Watergate----so Dumb-asses can understand it.

It is the kind of thing the Liberals and particularly the Civil Libertarians were screaming about when the Patriot Act was passed---out of fear that the power would be misused if it got into the hands of bad men---which is exactly what happened when Obama got elected and then appointed Eric Holder to corrupt the Justice Department and the FBI.
This entire sordid chicane is a is disgrace to America. Obviously crimes were committed by an organized cabal within our government.

And it was only by what must have been an intervention of Providence that it was ever uncovered---a most extraordinary intervention---a Democrat Perv by the name of Wiener who liked to send pictures of his Wiener to under-aged girls---that this subversive Plot against the elected government was ever uncovered. Wiener's Wiener led to his computer and an investigation which eventually uncovered the Page-Strzok Texts, which in turn led to the unraveling of the Criminal Co-Conspiracy.

The PROOF is now clear, and the many guilty should be promptly arrested, yet the combined power of the Deep State and the corrupt Media which covers for it...is such that the issue is still in doubt. The next few weeks are critical for the Way of Life which has made this American Experiment the greatest and most successful thus far undertaken by the Human Race.

America's greatest crisis since the Civil War.

"We gave you a Republic, if you can keep it." Ben Franklin.

Demand SUNLIGHT, not SECRECY---the only hope now.

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
The obvious problem with the 'Obama Spying' dipshittery being that every example of 'spying' you've cited were people that were *already* under investigation before Trump announced his campaign or were folks that had already left his campaign.

Sigh.......it takes a special kind of stupid to claim that the FBI wiretapping a person who had LEFT the Trump campaign was an attempt to spy on Trump.

You are a special kind of Ignorant; particularly about something you don't even want to know the Truth about. And it is a bit complicated.

The obscurity of the Spy Laws is a problem even for those who want to know the Truth. The authority to "wiretap" Carter Page relates back to his previous communications AND to those he talked to within 2 degrees. They keep ALL conversations---that is what the storage facility in Utah is for---they just don't listen to them until they get the authority.

And that authority gives them the right to go back and listen to a conversation with say---Jeff Sessions, and to the second degree means they get to ALSO listen to conversations those who he talked to. like Jeff Sessions, for example, simply because he talked to Carter Page who was wrongfully found to be a person who a Fisa Court--an Obama Fisa Court----found on ex parte hearing held in secret and without notice---to be an Agent of a Foreign Country. A LIE.

You see how that works, Dumb-ass.

That's what it was all about....that Authority on Carter Page...gained by the use of a bogus Dossier prepared at the expense of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, gave people in the FBI who were actually members of the Obama/Clinton Crime Cartel, the right to obtain the conversations of pretty much all in the Trump Campaign probably right up to Trump himself---going back for as long as they want.

It is clearly the largest conspiracy ever....the greatest abuse of power in the History of the Country, and a High Crime by many conspirators---the problem is getting the New York Media to report on it like they did Watergate----so Dumb-asses can understand it.

It is the kind of thing the Liberals and particularly the Civil Libertarians were screaming about when the Patriot Act was passed---out of fear that the power would be misused if it got into the hands of bad men---which is exactly what happened when Obama got elected and then appointed Eric Holder to corrupt the Justice Department and the FBI.

The FISA warrant in question....came weeks AFTER Page had already left the Trump campaign.

How stupid do you have to be to believe that the FBI chose to spy on Trump by wiretapping someone who didn't work for the Trump campaign?

As that's one of the stupidest fucking conspiracies I've ever heard in my life. And Tree just squatted low and dropped the steaming deuce of a conspiracy that Obama 'paid Putin a million dollars to derail the Trump Train'.

And still your conspiracy is more laughably stupid than that.
This entire sordid chicane is a is disgrace to America. Obviously crimes were committed by an organized cabal within our government.

And it was only by what must have been an intervention of Providence that it was ever uncovered---a most extraordinary intervention---a Democrat Perv by the name of Wiener who liked to send pictures of his Wiener to under-aged girls---that this subversive Plot against the elected government was ever uncovered. Wiener's Wiener led to his computer and an investigation which eventually uncovered the Page-Strzok Texts, which in turn led to the unraveling of the Criminal Co-Conspiracy.

The PROOF is now clear, and the many guilty should be promptly arrested, yet the combined power of the Deep State and the corrupt Media which covers for it...is such that the issue is still in doubt. The next few weeks are critical for the Way of Life which has made this American Experiment the greatest and most successful thus far undertaken by the Human Race.

America's greatest crisis since the Civil War.

"We gave you a Republic, if you can keep it." Ben Franklin.

Demand SUNLIGHT, not SECRECY---the only hope now.

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
The obvious problem with the 'Obama Spying' dipshittery being that every example of 'spying' you've cited were people that were *already* under investigation before Trump announced his campaign or were folks that had already left his campaign.

Sigh.......it takes a special kind of stupid to claim that the FBI wiretapping a person who had LEFT the Trump campaign was an attempt to spy on Trump.

You are a special kind of Ignorant; particularly about something you don't even want to know the Truth about. And it is a bit complicated.

The obscurity of the Spy Laws is a problem even for those who want to know the Truth. The authority to "wiretap" Carter Page relates back to his previous communications AND to those he talked to within 2 degrees. They keep ALL conversations---that is what the storage facility in Utah is for---they just don't listen to them until they get the authority.

And that authority gives them the right to go back and listen to a conversation with say---Jeff Sessions, and to the second degree means they get to ALSO listen to conversations those who he talked to. like Jeff Sessions, for example, simply because he talked to Carter Page who was wrongfully found to be a person who a Fisa Court--an Obama Fisa Court----found on ex parte hearing held in secret and without notice---to be an Agent of a Foreign Country. A LIE.

You see how that works, Dumb-ass.

That's what it was all about....that Authority on Carter Page...gained by the use of a bogus Dossier prepared at the expense of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, gave people in the FBI who were actually members of the Obama/Clinton Crime Cartel, the right to obtain the conversations of pretty much all in the Trump Campaign probably right up to Trump himself---going back for as long as they want.

It is clearly the largest conspiracy ever....the greatest abuse of power in the History of the Country, and a High Crime by many conspirators---the problem is getting the New York Media to report on it like they did Watergate----so Dumb-asses can understand it.

It is the kind of thing the Liberals and particularly the Civil Libertarians were screaming about when the Patriot Act was passed---out of fear that the power would be misused if it got into the hands of bad men---which is exactly what happened when Obama got elected and then appointed Eric Holder to corrupt the Justice Department and the FBI.

The FISA warrant in question....came weeks AFTER Page had already left the Trump campaign.

How stupid do you have to be to believe that the FBI chose to spy on Trump by wiretapping someone who didn't work for the Trump campaign?

As that's one of the stupidest fucking conspiracies I've ever heard in my life.


You Damn Fool---you didn't even read my explanation---either that or you were not able to comprehend it.
This entire sordid chicane is a is disgrace to America. Obviously crimes were committed by an organized cabal within our government.

And it was only by what must have been an intervention of Providence that it was ever uncovered---a most extraordinary intervention---a Democrat Perv by the name of Wiener who liked to send pictures of his Wiener to under-aged girls---that this subversive Plot against the elected government was ever uncovered. Wiener's Wiener led to his computer and an investigation which eventually uncovered the Page-Strzok Texts, which in turn led to the unraveling of the Criminal Co-Conspiracy.

The PROOF is now clear, and the many guilty should be promptly arrested, yet the combined power of the Deep State and the corrupt Media which covers for it...is such that the issue is still in doubt. The next few weeks are critical for the Way of Life which has made this American Experiment the greatest and most successful thus far undertaken by the Human Race.

America's greatest crisis since the Civil War.

"We gave you a Republic, if you can keep it." Ben Franklin.

Demand SUNLIGHT, not SECRECY---the only hope now.

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
The obvious problem with the 'Obama Spying' dipshittery being that every example of 'spying' you've cited were people that were *already* under investigation before Trump announced his campaign or were folks that had already left his campaign.

Sigh.......it takes a special kind of stupid to claim that the FBI wiretapping a person who had LEFT the Trump campaign was an attempt to spy on Trump.

You are a special kind of Ignorant; particularly about something you don't even want to know the Truth about. And it is a bit complicated.

The obscurity of the Spy Laws is a problem even for those who want to know the Truth. The authority to "wiretap" Carter Page relates back to his previous communications AND to those he talked to within 2 degrees. They keep ALL conversations---that is what the storage facility in Utah is for---they just don't listen to them until they get the authority.

And that authority gives them the right to go back and listen to a conversation with say---Jeff Sessions, and to the second degree means they get to ALSO listen to conversations those who he talked to. like Jeff Sessions, for example, simply because he talked to Carter Page who was wrongfully found to be a person who a Fisa Court--an Obama Fisa Court----found on ex parte hearing held in secret and without notice---to be an Agent of a Foreign Country. A LIE.

You see how that works, Dumb-ass.

That's what it was all about....that Authority on Carter Page...gained by the use of a bogus Dossier prepared at the expense of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, gave people in the FBI who were actually members of the Obama/Clinton Crime Cartel, the right to obtain the conversations of pretty much all in the Trump Campaign probably right up to Trump himself---going back for as long as they want.

It is clearly the largest conspiracy ever....the greatest abuse of power in the History of the Country, and a High Crime by many conspirators---the problem is getting the New York Media to report on it like they did Watergate----so Dumb-asses can understand it.

It is the kind of thing the Liberals and particularly the Civil Libertarians were screaming about when the Patriot Act was passed---out of fear that the power would be misused if it got into the hands of bad men---which is exactly what happened when Obama got elected and then appointed Eric Holder to corrupt the Justice Department and the FBI.

The FISA warrant in question....came weeks AFTER Page had already left the Trump campaign.

How stupid do you have to be to believe that the FBI chose to spy on Trump by wiretapping someone who didn't work for the Trump campaign?

As that's one of the stupidest fucking conspiracies I've ever heard in my life.


You Damn Fool---you didn't even read my explanation---either that or you were not able to comprehend it.

Again, for the dipshits and Trump supporters.......the FISA warrant in question came after Page had left the Trump campaign.

Unless the FBI had a delorean that got up to 88 miles an hour, your batshit conspiracy doesn't work. Nor does Tree's idiot 'Obama paid Putin a million to derail the Trump train' nonsense.

And you have provided *nothing* to back your supplimental batshit that the FBI has all phone conversations recorded. Or that the FISA warrant allowed them to listen to these imaginary 'recorded conversations'.

You guys are getting shrill and hysteric with your conspiracies.
Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
The obvious problem with the 'Obama Spying' dipshittery being that every example of 'spying' you've cited were people that were *already* under investigation before Trump announced his campaign or were folks that had already left his campaign.

Sigh.......it takes a special kind of stupid to claim that the FBI wiretapping a person who had LEFT the Trump campaign was an attempt to spy on Trump.

You are a special kind of Ignorant; particularly about something you don't even want to know the Truth about. And it is a bit complicated.

The obscurity of the Spy Laws is a problem even for those who want to know the Truth. The authority to "wiretap" Carter Page relates back to his previous communications AND to those he talked to within 2 degrees. They keep ALL conversations---that is what the storage facility in Utah is for---they just don't listen to them until they get the authority.

And that authority gives them the right to go back and listen to a conversation with say---Jeff Sessions, and to the second degree means they get to ALSO listen to conversations those who he talked to. like Jeff Sessions, for example, simply because he talked to Carter Page who was wrongfully found to be a person who a Fisa Court--an Obama Fisa Court----found on ex parte hearing held in secret and without notice---to be an Agent of a Foreign Country. A LIE.

You see how that works, Dumb-ass.

That's what it was all about....that Authority on Carter Page...gained by the use of a bogus Dossier prepared at the expense of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, gave people in the FBI who were actually members of the Obama/Clinton Crime Cartel, the right to obtain the conversations of pretty much all in the Trump Campaign probably right up to Trump himself---going back for as long as they want.

It is clearly the largest conspiracy ever....the greatest abuse of power in the History of the Country, and a High Crime by many conspirators---the problem is getting the New York Media to report on it like they did Watergate----so Dumb-asses can understand it.

It is the kind of thing the Liberals and particularly the Civil Libertarians were screaming about when the Patriot Act was passed---out of fear that the power would be misused if it got into the hands of bad men---which is exactly what happened when Obama got elected and then appointed Eric Holder to corrupt the Justice Department and the FBI.

The FISA warrant in question....came weeks AFTER Page had already left the Trump campaign.

How stupid do you have to be to believe that the FBI chose to spy on Trump by wiretapping someone who didn't work for the Trump campaign?

As that's one of the stupidest fucking conspiracies I've ever heard in my life.


You Damn Fool---you didn't even read my explanation---either that or you were not able to comprehend it.

Again, for the dipshits and Trump supporters.......the FISA warrant in question came after Page had left the Trump campaign.

Unless the FBI had a delorean that got up to 88 miles an hour, your batshit conspiracy doesn't work. Nor does Tree's idiot 'Obama paid Putin a million to derail the Trump train' nonsense.

And you have provided *nothing* to back your supplimental batshit that the FBI has all phone conversations recorded. Or that the FISA warrant allowed them to listen to these imaginary 'recorded conversations'.

You guys are getting shrill and hysteric with your conspiracies.


...the FISA warrant in question came after Page had left the Trump campaign.


I am determined to educate you or show that you cannot be educated.

The Patriot Act allows them to "capture" all conversations---yours and mine, everybodys. They store them in a massive facility they built in Utah. They just cannot listen to them until they get a Warrant--then they can go back and listen to conversations from months before.

Are you a Moron?
The obvious problem with the 'Obama Spying' dipshittery being that every example of 'spying' you've cited were people that were *already* under investigation before Trump announced his campaign or were folks that had already left his campaign.

Sigh.......it takes a special kind of stupid to claim that the FBI wiretapping a person who had LEFT the Trump campaign was an attempt to spy on Trump.

You are a special kind of Ignorant; particularly about something you don't even want to know the Truth about. And it is a bit complicated.

The obscurity of the Spy Laws is a problem even for those who want to know the Truth. The authority to "wiretap" Carter Page relates back to his previous communications AND to those he talked to within 2 degrees. They keep ALL conversations---that is what the storage facility in Utah is for---they just don't listen to them until they get the authority.

And that authority gives them the right to go back and listen to a conversation with say---Jeff Sessions, and to the second degree means they get to ALSO listen to conversations those who he talked to. like Jeff Sessions, for example, simply because he talked to Carter Page who was wrongfully found to be a person who a Fisa Court--an Obama Fisa Court----found on ex parte hearing held in secret and without notice---to be an Agent of a Foreign Country. A LIE.

You see how that works, Dumb-ass.

That's what it was all about....that Authority on Carter Page...gained by the use of a bogus Dossier prepared at the expense of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, gave people in the FBI who were actually members of the Obama/Clinton Crime Cartel, the right to obtain the conversations of pretty much all in the Trump Campaign probably right up to Trump himself---going back for as long as they want.

It is clearly the largest conspiracy ever....the greatest abuse of power in the History of the Country, and a High Crime by many conspirators---the problem is getting the New York Media to report on it like they did Watergate----so Dumb-asses can understand it.

It is the kind of thing the Liberals and particularly the Civil Libertarians were screaming about when the Patriot Act was passed---out of fear that the power would be misused if it got into the hands of bad men---which is exactly what happened when Obama got elected and then appointed Eric Holder to corrupt the Justice Department and the FBI.

The FISA warrant in question....came weeks AFTER Page had already left the Trump campaign.

How stupid do you have to be to believe that the FBI chose to spy on Trump by wiretapping someone who didn't work for the Trump campaign?

As that's one of the stupidest fucking conspiracies I've ever heard in my life.


You Damn Fool---you didn't even read my explanation---either that or you were not able to comprehend it.

Again, for the dipshits and Trump supporters.......the FISA warrant in question came after Page had left the Trump campaign.

Unless the FBI had a delorean that got up to 88 miles an hour, your batshit conspiracy doesn't work. Nor does Tree's idiot 'Obama paid Putin a million to derail the Trump train' nonsense.

And you have provided *nothing* to back your supplimental batshit that the FBI has all phone conversations recorded. Or that the FISA warrant allowed them to listen to these imaginary 'recorded conversations'.

You guys are getting shrill and hysteric with your conspiracies.


...the FISA warrant in question came after Page had left the Trump campaign.


I am determined to educate you or show that you cannot be educated.

The Patriot Act allows them to "capture" all conversations---yours and mine, everybodys. They store them in a massive facility they built in Utah. They just listen to them until they get a Warrant--then they can go back and listen to conversations from months before.

Are you a Moron.

You imagined that every phone conversation is recorded, backed by nothing. You literally made up a brand new batshit conspiracy to try and plug the theory killing holes of your *last* batshit conspiracy.

Like Tree's 'Obama paid Putin a million dollars to derail the Trump train' hysterics, you just pulling yet another conspiracy theory out of your ass demonstrates your casual disregard for actual evidence.

And factually establishes *nothing*.

Show us that every phone call is recorded, with evidence. Or point and laugh at your own hysteric nonsense just like I am.
Oh, and here's the FISA warrant. Show us *anything* about your imaginary recordings in Utah.


I won't hold my breath.

"The data center is alleged to be able to process "all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Internet searches, as well as all types of personal data trails...."

Utah Data Center - Wikipedia

You obviously went to school on the Short Bus, like most Liberals.
Oh, and here's the FISA warrant. Show us *anything* about your imaginary recordings in Utah.


I won't hold my breath.

"The data center is alleged to be able to process "all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Internet searches, as well as all types of personal data trails...."

Utah Data Center - Wikipedia

You obviously went to school on the Short Bus, like most Liberals.

Even Snowden didn't claim that they were recording every call. You're citing an allegation from a WIRED article as if it were fact. Nor does the warrant authorize anything you've cited. There is simply no evidence that every cell phone call is being recorded.

And again, here's the warrant.


Show us any authorization to do anything you've claimed.
Everything about QUEER=O is a lie. Stallone was right = "nothing is real."

QUEER-O has much to fear, but not that much until Swampy Jeff and Rod the Mossad are prevented from protecting him.
Everything about QUEER=O is a lie. Stallone was right = "nothing is real."

QUEER-O has much to fear, but not that much until Swampy Jeff and Rod the Mossad are prevented from protecting him.

Then prove you're real.

Again, if I can't trust anything, how do I know you're an actual person? Or believe anything you say?
QUEER-O had the chance to sue those saying he is gay. Instead, he is too much of a chickenshit cocksucking COWARD to do so, knowing that a medical exam of Michelle would reveal all.

QUEER-O instead has people OFFED like Joan Rivers....

QUEER-O had the chance to sue those saying he is gay. Instead, he is too much of a chickenshit cocksucking COWARD to do so, knowing that a medical exam of Michelle would reveal all.

QUEER-O instead has people OFFED like Joan Rivers....

Show us the evidence that Obama had Joan Rivers 'offed'.

There's your imagination backed by jack shit and.......what?

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