FBI Not The Only Former Obama Agency Filled With Traitors


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Will an Espionage Act arrest end a years-long China mole hunt in CIA? - Hot Air

the Department of Justice will charge Jerry Chun Shing Lee
only with an 18 USC 793 violation for unlawful retention of classified material when he appears in a Virginia court today. However, suspicions of a mole inside the CIA have people guessing that the feds may have finally found their double agent

A former CIA officer suspected of possibly giving secrets to China is charged Wednesday with retaining classified information. Jerry Chun Shing Lee is accused of unlawfully having notebooks containing national defense information
https://t.co/QFtwawi9qu pic.twitter.com/T4dnSbUII2
— CBS News (@CBSNews) January 17, 2018

Lee has been a suspect in a long-running probe to determine if a mole inside the U.S. intelligence community had led to the deaths of a number of CIA assets in China, according to people with knowledge of the probe, which was
first reported by the New York Times. He has not been charged with any crimes in connection with those deaths.

The NYT report came out in May of last year, as
China’s media celebrated the news that their intelligence agency had brutally stamped out the CIA’s informant ring. The round-up took place years ago, however, between 2010 and 2012. That was before China began successfully hacking into US government computer systems such as at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)


"In 2012, the FBI managed to search his hotel rooms as he traveled from Hong Kong to Virginia through Honolulu. That, and not now, was when they found the notebooks with classified information such as the location of the CIA’s covert facilities and the names of undercover CIA employees and other assets.

Some months passed between that discovery and their next direct action regarding Lee, presumably a period that allowed them to watch their suspect to see if he committed any explicit acts of espionage. Investigators finally interrogated Lee five times in May and June of 2013, but still allowed him to continue contact with other government employees. Despite the fact that Lee never told them about the notebooks, the FBI and CIA apparently allowed him to remain at large — and he skipped the country in June 2013 to go back to Hong Kong.

Why didn’t the FBI arrest Lee after the discovery of the notebooks, and especially after Lee never disclosed their existence during interrogations? They had a clear violation of
18 USC 793 on the table at that time, a felony which carries a potential 10-year sentence. That should have been enough to detain Lee, whose knowledge of American Intel operations would still have been potent and dangerous at that time."
I could be wrong, but from what I understand simply possessing classified information wasn't sufficient evidence that he was the mole. They were trying to find out who was dismantling their Chinese intel apparatus. The fact that some guy walked off the job with classified information was small beans in the scope of the entire investigation.
FBI Director Robert Mueller, US AG Eric Holder, US Sect of State Hillary Clinton, and President Barak Obama discover the Russian intent to corner the US uranium market by purchasing Uranium One. They also learn - have evidence to prove - that during that time the Russians were buying US Politicians and US Agency officials (Sect of State Clinton took $145 million from the KGB Bank, the top financier for the Russian effort to buy Uranium One), that they were engaging in extortion, intimidation, and violence to achieve their goal.

Evidence shows these 4 HID the evidence until after Uranium One was sold. Afterwards, knowing all of this, Obama gave the final approval for the sale...and later signed the approval to allow the US uranium to leave the country, traveling into Russian hands in Europe through Canada.

2014 - 2016:
Evidence Shows FBI Director James Comey, US AG Loretta Lynch, and President Barak Obama learned the Russians were attempting to hack senior US politicians to acquire information - they hid the information, never telling the intended targets of the Russian hacking. The evidence also shows these three also knew the Russians were running a PsyOp mission in the US where they used Social Media in which they successfully manipulated liberals (snowflakes) into organizing and marching for them as well as paying liberal groups like Antifa, BLM, and the Black Fist to spread racial division and violence across the US. Finally they learned the Russians were attempting to interfere' in other ways.

The Obama administration DID NOTHING about any of it. They allowed it to continue. Reports state Obama tolerated the Russian criminal activity because he was attempting to gain Vladimir Putin's approval for Barry to Un-Constitutionally send US troops into Syria.

NOW WE KNOW...2012:

Obama's FBI and CIA both found evidence showing there was a CIA Traitor betraying the US by helping China. They had every opportunity to arrest him and do something about the espionage going on. Instead, Barry's administration did NOTHING while our enemies 'had their way' with the United states.

...and you ignorant snowflakes still defend this m*****f***** are the greatest American who ever walked the face of the country while attempting to bring down the current US President by conducting a witch hunt that can not even provide evidence that c rime was committed warranting an investigation...and investigation that has only produced evidence (continued to be ignored by Democrats / snowflakes) of DEMOCRAT PARTY / OBAMA administration crimes!

God help this country.... All of this shows snowflakes are ignorant, easily manipulated sheep. No wonder it ewas so easy for Russians to get snowflakes to organize and march for them... :rolleyes:)
I could be wrong, but from what I understand simply possessing classified information wasn't sufficient evidence that he was the mole. They were trying to find out who was dismantling their Chinese intel apparatus. The fact that some guy walked off the job with classified information was small beans in the scope of the entire investigation.
Yeah, turns out, not so much.....

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the DNC Chairwoman who was helping Hillary break Campaign laws and run the DNC as her own piggy bank, was caught running a Pakistani spy ring - a bunch of Pakistanis connected to terrorists - easily found out by the simplest background check later.

She was paying Pakistanis who did not even work there / showed up for work. Despite not having security clearances, DWS gave them access to classified House Files, to include House Intel Files. When the Capitol Keystone Cops, put in charge of the investigation instead of the (albeit corrupt FBI that covered Hilary's criminal ass) FBI, they banned the Pakistanis and began an 'Espionage' investigation.

No need to pick them up / hold them - they were just terrorist-connected foreign IT specialists found to have been downloading GIGA bytes of data off the House Computers / Network without having security clearances...

Despite being notified what these spies were doing, that they had been banned by the House while an 'ESPIONAGE' investigation was running, DWS took it upon herself to IGNORE the ban and the ESPIONAGE Investigation and re-hired Ewan. She then immediately gave him BACK his illegal access to House files as well as access to EVERY DNC members' personal e-mail, to include their usernames and passwords.

Once it was discovered what HOIGKY ILLEGAL ACTS DWS was engaged in she was FIRED from the DNC...and, surprise surprise, Hillary Clinton IMMEDIATELY hired her the very next day to be part of her campaign.

*** When Bill Clinton was President he had a scandal in which he collected personal FBI files on ALL of his political enemies. Flash-forward to 2016 in which a scandal-plagued Clinton under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she WAS committing / did commit was trying to take the DNC Presidential nomination and would not be denied. Here is DWS, who ends up working for Hillary wen the whole Pakistani scandal collapses, giving spies access to every Democrats' / DNC Members' e-mail, which could be picked clean of any and all data, to include extortion / blackmail info for anyone who opposed her becoming the DNC candidate.
(Again it would not be the 1st time the Clintons collected blackmail data / files on their potential enemies).

The amount of criminal activity the Clintons, Democrats (Mueller, Comey, Holder, Lynch, etc...), the Obama administration, and Obama himself engaged in has proven to be mind-numbing.....
I could be wrong, but from what I understand simply possessing classified information wasn't sufficient evidence that he was the mole. They were trying to find out who was dismantling their Chinese intel apparatus. The fact that some guy walked off the job with classified information was small beans in the scope of the entire investigation.
Yeah, turns out, not so much.....

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the DNC Chairwoman who was helping Hillary break Campaign laws and run the DNC as her own piggy bank, was caught running a Pakistani spy ring - a bunch of Pakistanis connected to terrorists - easily found out by the simplest background check later.

She was paying Pakistanis who did not even work there / showed up for work. Despite not having security clearances, DWS gave them access to classified House Files, to include House Intel Files. When the Capitol Keystone Cops, put in charge of the investigation instead of the (albeit corrupt FBI that covered Hilary's criminal ass) FBI, they banned the Pakistanis and began an 'Espionage' investigation.

No need to pick them up / hold them - they were just terrorist-connected foreign IT specialists found to have been downloading GIGA bytes of data off the House Computers / Network without having security clearances...

Despite being notified what these spies were doing, that they had been banned by the House while an 'ESPIONAGE' investigation was running, DWS took it upon herself to IGNORE the ban and the ESPIONAGE Investigation and re-hired Ewan. She then immediately gave him BACK his illegal access to House files as well as access to EVERY DNC members' personal e-mail, to include their usernames and passwords.

Once it was discovered what HOIGKY ILLEGAL ACTS DWS was engaged in she was FIRED from the DNC...and, surprise surprise, Hillary Clinton IMMEDIATELY hired her the very next day to be part of her campaign.

*** When Bill Clinton was President he had a scandal in which he collected personal FBI files on ALL of his political enemies. Flash-forward to 2016 in which a scandal-plagued Clinton under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she WAS committing / did commit was trying to take the DNC Presidential nomination and would not be denied. Here is DWS, who ends up working for Hillary wen the whole Pakistani scandal collapses, giving spies access to every Democrats' / DNC Members' e-mail, which could be picked clean of any and all data, to include extortion / blackmail info for anyone who opposed her becoming the DNC candidate.
(Again it would not be the 1st time the Clintons collected blackmail data / files on their potential enemies).

The amount of criminal activity the Clintons, Democrats (Mueller, Comey, Holder, Lynch, etc...), the Obama administration, and Obama himself engaged in has proven to be mind-numbing.....

Okay. Had nothing to do with my post, and is a load of shit anyways... but okay. :eusa_eh:

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