Are middle class American socialists the dumbest people on earth?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
We get why the rich elite are socialists, especially the old money. They do not want anyone in the serf class or peasants to ever think they could reach their status. That is for people of certain bloodlines. They dont want anyone from that class that is ambitious to become new money.

We get why the poor tend to be attracted to socialim. By nature, we as humans, tend to be lazy. Most people are NOT ambitious and we are the great excuse making animal. They love hearing the built in excuses that their poor decisions are someone else's fault. The idea of FREE MONEY is appealing and so they naturally gravitate towards that. That is how they are kept in check by their democrat massas. Fed robin hood fairy tales and given just enough to quiet them down.

And so there is the middle class. Where socialism is completely and thoroughly destroying it. Look at the average house and the cost in California. Unless you have millions of dollars in a trust fund like all of the losers on the left that post here, you would never be able to afford to purchase a home if you make 50k annually. Never.

All due to socialist policies, regulations, and mass government expansion. Are they dumbest people on earth?
We get why the rich elite are socialists, especially the old money. They do not want anyone in the serf class or peasants to ever think they could reach their status. That is for people of certain bloodlines. They dont want anyone from that class that is ambitious to become new money.

I understand what you wrote. What is your sound/cogent basis for having done?


We get why the rich elite are socialists, especially the old money. They do not want anyone in the serf class or peasants to ever think they could reach their status. That is for people of certain bloodlines. They dont want anyone from that class that is ambitious to become new money.

We get why the poor tend to be attracted to socialim. By nature, we as humans, tend to be lazy. Most people are NOT ambitious and we are the great excuse making animal. They love hearing the built in excuses that their poor decisions are someone else's fault. The idea of FREE MONEY is appealing and so they naturally gravitate towards that. That is how they are kept in check by their democrat massas. Fed robin hood fairy tales and given just enough to quiet them down.

And so there is the middle class. Where socialism is completely and thoroughly destroying it. Look at the average house and the cost in California. Unless you have millions of dollars in a trust fund like all of the losers on the left that post here, you would never be able to afford to purchase a home if you make 50k annually. Never.

All due to socialist policies, regulations, and mass government expansion. Are they dumbest people on earth?
Are middle class American socialists the dumbest people on earth?

We get why the rich elite are socialists, especially the old money. They do not want anyone in the serf class or peasants to ever think they could reach their status. That is for people of certain bloodlines. They dont want anyone from that class that is ambitious to become new money.

I understand what you wrote. What is your sound/cogent basis for having done?


Because idiots like you vote against the very interests that make you succeed in the United States. Victims of liberalism aren't worth shit, yet they continue to think they matte,r to their uber wealthy elite politicians...
We get why the rich elite are socialists, especially the old money. They do not want anyone in the serf class or peasants to ever think they could reach their status. That is for people of certain bloodlines. They dont want anyone from that class that is ambitious to become new money.

We get why the poor tend to be attracted to socialim. By nature, we as humans, tend to be lazy. Most people are NOT ambitious and we are the great excuse making animal. They love hearing the built in excuses that their poor decisions are someone else's fault. The idea of FREE MONEY is appealing and so they naturally gravitate towards that. That is how they are kept in check by their democrat massas. Fed robin hood fairy tales and given just enough to quiet them down.

And so there is the middle class. Where socialism is completely and thoroughly destroying it. Look at the average house and the cost in California. Unless you have millions of dollars in a trust fund like all of the losers on the left that post here, you would never be able to afford to purchase a home if you make 50k annually. Never.

All due to socialist policies, regulations, and mass government expansion. Are they dumbest people on earth?
Not to be outdone, with the United States Liberal Lunatics, England has gone above and beyond the crazy lib thinking.

NHS breast cancer screening not offered to trans men | Daily Mail Online
The trans trap: Women who identify as men are NOT offered routine NHS breast cancer screening... but men who identify as women WILL get smear tests
  • Advice was published in 24-page booklet published by Public Health England
  • It was described as politically correct ‘lunacy’ which was putting lives at risk
  • Cervical cancer claims the lives of 900 women a year in Britain
Will the Health "Professionals" smear the man's ass or something?
So a women with a beard and a cervix isn't granted a screening, but a man with boobs and a dick, is granted a screening... Tell me liberals, do you find something wrong with this scenario?

A man with boobs and a dick....
Housing in California is expensive because people want to live there as opposed to having to live there.
Housing in California is expensive because people want to live there as opposed to having to live there.
Yeah when you have cheap labor coming across the border, with 3 families in those houses, the price does go up, especially when 11 million illegals or more move to those areas. Why else is Bill Gates taking his community to Arizona and not Californication? Because those crossing the border cant do computer language, or the US language either..
We get why the rich elite are socialists, especially the old money. They do not want anyone in the serf class or peasants to ever think they could reach their status. That is for people of certain bloodlines. They dont want anyone from that class that is ambitious to become new money.

We get why the poor tend to be attracted to socialim. By nature, we as humans, tend to be lazy. Most people are NOT ambitious and we are the great excuse making animal. They love hearing the built in excuses that their poor decisions are someone else's fault. The idea of FREE MONEY is appealing and so they naturally gravitate towards that. That is how they are kept in check by their democrat massas. Fed robin hood fairy tales and given just enough to quiet them down.

And so there is the middle class. Where socialism is completely and thoroughly destroying it. Look at the average house and the cost in California. Unless you have millions of dollars in a trust fund like all of the losers on the left that post here, you would never be able to afford to purchase a home if you make 50k annually. Never.

All due to socialist policies, regulations, and mass government expansion. Are they dumbest people on earth?

What socialism in America do you want to end?
We get why the rich elite are socialists, especially the old money. They do not want anyone in the serf class or peasants to ever think they could reach their status. That is for people of certain bloodlines. They dont want anyone from that class that is ambitious to become new money.

We get why the poor tend to be attracted to socialim. By nature, we as humans, tend to be lazy. Most people are NOT ambitious and we are the great excuse making animal. They love hearing the built in excuses that their poor decisions are someone else's fault. The idea of FREE MONEY is appealing and so they naturally gravitate towards that. That is how they are kept in check by their democrat massas. Fed robin hood fairy tales and given just enough to quiet them down.

And so there is the middle class. Where socialism is completely and thoroughly destroying it. Look at the average house and the cost in California. Unless you have millions of dollars in a trust fund like all of the losers on the left that post here, you would never be able to afford to purchase a home if you make 50k annually. Never.

All due to socialist policies, regulations, and mass government expansion. Are they dumbest people on earth?

What socialism in America do you want to end?
All of it. Pay off the retires their Social security and Medicare benefits, so they can live their lives with something in their pockets, instead of giving it to people who never worked a day in their lives yet do get socials security not having paid a dime into it. Stop the war on poverty and take the 1 trillion dollars a year wasted on those who don't work, and when their smidgen of food allowance dries up, they will go out and find a job thus being able to provide for themselves thus becoming self sufficient and happy with their lives. And the last thing I would do is OPEN THE FUCKING INSANE ASYLUMS and put the mentally ill people back in them thus getting them off the streets and out of the politics, thus protecting the US from the Traitors who wish the destroy the country..Every last one of them put away, or they can move to CUBA...
War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion

Perhaps though, liberalism is not so much a novel mental disorder, but a more cleverly disguised form of illness already widely studied since the late ‘60s – narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).
Yes, Liberalism IS a Mental Disorder - NewsBusters
We get why the rich elite are socialists, especially the old money. They do not want anyone in the serf class or peasants to ever think they could reach their status. That is for people of certain bloodlines. They dont want anyone from that class that is ambitious to become new money.

We get why the poor tend to be attracted to socialim. By nature, we as humans, tend to be lazy. Most people are NOT ambitious and we are the great excuse making animal. They love hearing the built in excuses that their poor decisions are someone else's fault. The idea of FREE MONEY is appealing and so they naturally gravitate towards that. That is how they are kept in check by their democrat massas. Fed robin hood fairy tales and given just enough to quiet them down.

And so there is the middle class. Where socialism is completely and thoroughly destroying it. Look at the average house and the cost in California. Unless you have millions of dollars in a trust fund like all of the losers on the left that post here, you would never be able to afford to purchase a home if you make 50k annually. Never.

All due to socialist policies, regulations, and mass government expansion. Are they dumbest people on earth?

What socialism in America do you want to end?
All of it. Pay off the retires their Social security and Medicare benefits, so they can live their lives with something in their pockets, instead of giving it to people who never worked a day in their lives yet do get socials security not having paid a dime into it. Stop the war on poverty and take the 1 trillion dollars a year wasted on those who don't work, and when their smidgen of food allowance dries up, they will go out and find a job thus being able to provide for themselves thus becoming self sufficient and happy with their lives. And the last thing I would do is OPEN THE FUCKING INSANE ASYLUMS and put the mentally ill people back in them thus getting them off the streets and out of the politics, thus protecting the US from the Traitors who wish the destroy the country..Every last one of them put away, or they can move to CUBA...
War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion

Perhaps though, liberalism is not so much a novel mental disorder, but a more cleverly disguised form of illness already widely studied since the late ‘60s – narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).
Yes, Liberalism IS a Mental Disorder - NewsBusters

All of it?

Then how would poor kids get healthcare and an education?
Housing in California is expensive because people want to live there as opposed to having to live there.
Yeah when you have cheap labor coming across the border, with 3 families in those houses, the price does go up, especially when 11 million illegals or more move to those areas. Why else is Bill Gates taking his community to Arizona and not Californication? Because those crossing the border cant do computer language, or the US language either..

You really think the million dollar homes in California, that you could buy where I live for 2 or 3 hundred thousand, are inhabited by multiple families of illegals?

lol, goddam that is some shithole thinking there.
We get why the rich elite are socialists, especially the old money. They do not want anyone in the serf class or peasants to ever think they could reach their status. That is for people of certain bloodlines. They dont want anyone from that class that is ambitious to become new money.

We get why the poor tend to be attracted to socialim. By nature, we as humans, tend to be lazy. Most people are NOT ambitious and we are the great excuse making animal. They love hearing the built in excuses that their poor decisions are someone else's fault. The idea of FREE MONEY is appealing and so they naturally gravitate towards that. That is how they are kept in check by their democrat massas. Fed robin hood fairy tales and given just enough to quiet them down.

And so there is the middle class. Where socialism is completely and thoroughly destroying it. Look at the average house and the cost in California. Unless you have millions of dollars in a trust fund like all of the losers on the left that post here, you would never be able to afford to purchase a home if you make 50k annually. Never.

All due to socialist policies, regulations, and mass government expansion. Are they dumbest people on earth?
The dumbest people on earth may be those that believe in rich socialists.
We get why the rich elite are socialists, especially the old money. They do not want anyone in the serf class or peasants to ever think they could reach their status. That is for people of certain bloodlines. They dont want anyone from that class that is ambitious to become new money.

We get why the poor tend to be attracted to socialim. By nature, we as humans, tend to be lazy. Most people are NOT ambitious and we are the great excuse making animal. They love hearing the built in excuses that their poor decisions are someone else's fault. The idea of FREE MONEY is appealing and so they naturally gravitate towards that. That is how they are kept in check by their democrat massas. Fed robin hood fairy tales and given just enough to quiet them down.

And so there is the middle class. Where socialism is completely and thoroughly destroying it. Look at the average house and the cost in California. Unless you have millions of dollars in a trust fund like all of the losers on the left that post here, you would never be able to afford to purchase a home if you make 50k annually. Never.

All due to socialist policies, regulations, and mass government expansion. Are they dumbest people on earth?
The dumbest people on earth may be those that believe in rich socialists.
We get why the rich elite are socialists, especially the old money. They do not want anyone in the serf class or peasants to ever think they could reach their status. That is for people of certain bloodlines. They dont want anyone from that class that is ambitious to become new money.

We get why the poor tend to be attracted to socialim. By nature, we as humans, tend to be lazy. Most people are NOT ambitious and we are the great excuse making animal. They love hearing the built in excuses that their poor decisions are someone else's fault. The idea of FREE MONEY is appealing and so they naturally gravitate towards that. That is how they are kept in check by their democrat massas. Fed robin hood fairy tales and given just enough to quiet them down.

And so there is the middle class. Where socialism is completely and thoroughly destroying it. Look at the average house and the cost in California. Unless you have millions of dollars in a trust fund like all of the losers on the left that post here, you would never be able to afford to purchase a home if you make 50k annually. Never.

All due to socialist policies, regulations, and mass government expansion. Are they dumbest people on earth?
The dumbest people on earth may be those that believe in rich socialists.

Well, the idea is that the elite Zionist Globalist scums want to reduce us to Communist serfs, while they extract profits off of the workers.
Well, the idea is that the elite Zionist Globalist scums want to reduce us to Communist serfs, while they extract profits off of the workers.
Is it just the Jews or do all globalists want to reduce you to serfdom? Which globalists/capitalists DON"T want to extract profits off of the workers?
Well, the idea is that the elite Zionist Globalist scums want to reduce us to Communist serfs, while they extract profits off of the workers.
Is it just the Jews or do all globalists want to reduce you to serfdom? Which globalists/capitalists DON"T want to extract profits off of the workers?

Well, what I speak of is what you'd call the New World Order, something the Rothschild's, and others have even spoke of, they are presumably mostly Jews, and British Freemasons who love Jews,
Well, what I speak of is what you'd call the New World Order, something the Rothschild's, and others have even spoke of, they are presumably mostly Jews, and British Freemasons who love Jews,
The Rothschilds have been around for 250 years so their world order is not very new. If you think Jews could agree on a New World Order you don't know many Jews. The Talmud is their 2,000 argument.
Well, what I speak of is what you'd call the New World Order, something the Rothschild's, and others have even spoke of, they are presumably mostly Jews, and British Freemasons who love Jews,
The Rothschilds have been around for 250 years so their world order is not very new. If you think Jews could agree on a New World Order you don't know many Jews. The Talmud is their 2,000 argument.

Well, I think they knew it would take some time, but the mental conditioning is here enough to successfully create a strengthening N.W.O in a few years built upon the collapsing West.
Well, what I speak of is what you'd call the New World Order, something the Rothschild's, and others have even spoke of, they are presumably mostly Jews, and British Freemasons who love Jews,
The Rothschilds have been around for 250 years so their world order is not very new. If you think Jews could agree on a New World Order you don't know many Jews. The Talmud is their 2,000 argument.

Well, I think they knew it would take some time, but the mental conditioning is here enough to successfully create a strengthening N.W.O in a few years built upon the collapsing West.
If the West collapses won't that take the Jews down too?

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