FBI Leadership Told Agent Who Found All Hillary's e-mails on Huma Abedin laptop to ERASE IT


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Remember how days before the 2016 election the FBI was forced to release the news that copies of ALL of Hillary's e-mails had been found on Gina Abedin's home laptop computer....

(Yeah, the laptop that also rested on Anthony Weiner's naked junk while he texted little girls...)

...only to have Coney declare in the next day or 2 that there was nothing to it and did not need to be investigated further?

Well, about that.....

Eventually the real truth comes out, a universal law even Democrats can not change and one they never learn:

The FBI agent who discovered the copies of all of Hillary's e-mails....even the classified ones.... Has now publicly declared that the FBI's leadership ORDERED HIM TO DESTROY IT ALL, to wipe the computer files....just as they tried to wipe some of their own files .... just as Hillary attempted to wipe her own computers and cell phones.

(I am sure Durham's investigation probably had something to do with this sudden revelation...)

I guess when Comey testifies under oath before the Senate soon he will have more questions to answer now....and this agent would be a great witness to confront Coney after Comey calls him a liar....


Its simply irrefutable that the FBI and every one of its agents work for either the CCP, the DNC, or both! Regardless the FBI has become an evil agency and must be treated as an enemy of the United States until it is either completely redone, or eliminated out of hand! We are witness to the emergence of absolute totalitarian evil!
Great! Another chance to watch Comey lie and squirm some more.
Will we ever get to the bottom of this mass of snakes?
Remember how days before the 2016 election the FBI was forced to release the news that copies of ALL of Hillary's e-mails had been found on Gina Abedin's home laptop computer....

(Yeah, the laptop that also rested on Anthony Weiner's naked junk while he texted little girls...)

...only to have Coney declare in the next day or 2 that there was nothing to it and did not need to be investigated further?

Well, about that.....

Eventually the real truth comes out, a universal law even Democrats can not change and one they never learn:

The FBI agent who discovered the copies of all of Hillary's e-mails....even the classified ones.... Has now publicly declared that the FBI's leadership ORDERED HIM TO DESTROY IT ALL, to wipe the computer files....just as they tried to wipe some of their own files .... just as Hillary attempted to wipe her own computers and cell phones.

(I am sure Durham's investigation probably had something to do with this sudden revelation...)

I guess when Comey testifies under oath before the Senate soon he will have more questions to answer now....and this agent would be a great witness to confront Coney after Comey calls him a liar....


Guess we'll be able to read all about it in his tell all book October Surprise: How the FBI Tried to Save Itself and Crashed an Election,” an excerpt of which has been published by the Washington Post. Dang! I still haven't finished reading Rage, by Bob Woodward.
Remember how days before the 2016 election the FBI was forced to release the news that copies of ALL of Hillary's e-mails had been found on Gina Abedin's home laptop computer....

(Yeah, the laptop that also rested on Anthony Weiner's naked junk while he texted little girls...)

...only to have Coney declare in the next day or 2 that there was nothing to it and did not need to be investigated further?

Well, about that.....

Eventually the real truth comes out, a universal law even Democrats can not change and one they never learn:

The FBI agent who discovered the copies of all of Hillary's e-mails....even the classified ones.... Has now publicly declared that the FBI's leadership ORDERED HIM TO DESTROY IT ALL, to wipe the computer files....just as they tried to wipe some of their own files .... just as Hillary attempted to wipe her own computers and cell phones.

(I am sure Durham's investigation probably had something to do with this sudden revelation...)

I guess when Comey testifies under oath before the Senate soon he will have more questions to answer now....and this agent would be a great witness to confront Coney after Comey calls him a liar....


I'm sure Durham's investigation has something to do with the revelation as well

When ’smart people’ think they can’t lose, there’s an upset brewing.
That’s when David beats Goliath and the underdog triumphs

Remember how days before the 2016 election the FBI was forced to release the news that copies of ALL of Hillary's e-mails had been found on Gina Abedin's home laptop computer....

(Yeah, the laptop that also rested on Anthony Weiner's naked junk while he texted little girls...)

...only to have Coney declare in the next day or 2 that there was nothing to it and did not need to be investigated further?

Well, about that.....

Eventually the real truth comes out, a universal law even Democrats can not change and one they never learn:

The FBI agent who discovered the copies of all of Hillary's e-mails....even the classified ones.... Has now publicly declared that the FBI's leadership ORDERED HIM TO DESTROY IT ALL, to wipe the computer files....just as they tried to wipe some of their own files .... just as Hillary attempted to wipe her own computers and cell phones.

(I am sure Durham's investigation probably had something to do with this sudden revelation...)

I guess when Comey testifies under oath before the Senate soon he will have more questions to answer now....and this agent would be a great witness to confront Coney after Comey calls him a liar....


It's not a crime when a democrat does it.
This was part of an Obama administration failed political coup attempt in which both Obama's CIA and FBI participated.

Criminal Hillary was protected, and then they went after Trump...and lost.
That's it , in a nutshell.
The FBI needs to be done away with altogether, not one resignation out of all of this, or rather just one resignation, and that was the scumbag 7 year veteran agent who penned his resignation in a hate filled letter against Trump in the NY-Times as retribution against Trump for having canned Comey, then the sole agent to resign over all of this treason immediately was rewarded with a job at CNN as its law enforcement expert! :omg:
Remember how days before the 2016 election the FBI was forced to release the news that copies of ALL of Hillary's e-mails had been found on Gina Abedin's home laptop computer....

(Yeah, the laptop that also rested on Anthony Weiner's naked junk while he texted little girls...)

...only to have Coney declare in the next day or 2 that there was nothing to it and did not need to be investigated further?

Well, about that.....

Eventually the real truth comes out, a universal law even Democrats can not change and one they never learn:

The FBI agent who discovered the copies of all of Hillary's e-mails....even the classified ones.... Has now publicly declared that the FBI's leadership ORDERED HIM TO DESTROY IT ALL, to wipe the computer files....just as they tried to wipe some of their own files .... just as Hillary attempted to wipe her own computers and cell phones.

(I am sure Durham's investigation probably had something to do with this sudden revelation...)

I guess when Comey testifies under oath before the Senate soon he will have more questions to answer now....and this agent would be a great witness to confront Coney after Comey calls him a liar....


And the FBI was also told not to use Smart Phone data to bust "protesters".
This was part of an Obama administration failed political coup attempt in which both Obama's CIA and FBI participated.
It was false dope then.
Abedin downloading all of Hillary's files REALLY doesn't make sense to you?

The FBI allowing Abedin to sit in on their 'questioning' of Hillary before her own questioning make sense to you?

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