FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

CNN is full of shit.

The State Department IG just proved Hillary is guilty of violating State Department and Federal Government rules and laws.

Hillary violated the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. Because her server was hacked twice and she refused to report it, as required by federal law - which means she broke the law, she also committed the crime of 'gross negligence' (at the very least) under the Espionage Act.
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This threads still going on? You morons still believe you have to willfully commit espionage?


One has to actively engage in the activity for it to be espionage. It cannot be done passively. The intent is the crime.

The act of securing information of a military or political nature that a competing nation holds secret. It can involve the analysis of diplomatic reports, publications, statistics, and broadcasts, as well as spying, a clandestine activity carried out by an individual or individuals working under secret identity to gather classified information on behalf of another entity or nation. In the United States, the organization that heads most activities dedicated to espionage is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).


One could argue that she did willfully engage in 'espionage' because, as the State Department IG pointed out, her IT tech had to shut her server down twice because it was being hacked. BY LAW she was required to report it - she didn't. By not doing so she broke the law.

Also, by doing so, at the least, she is guilty of 'gross negligence' under the Espionage Act, which does NOT require a 'willful' act!

Any way you cut, numerous times in numerous ways, this butch is GUILTY.
This threads still going on? You morons still believe you have to willfully commit espionage?


One has to actively engage in the activity for it to be espionage. It cannot be done passively. The intent is the crime.

The act of securing information of a military or political nature that a competing nation holds secret. It can involve the analysis of diplomatic reports, publications, statistics, and broadcasts, as well as spying, a clandestine activity carried out by an individual or individuals working under secret identity to gather classified information on behalf of another entity or nation. In the United States, the organization that heads most activities dedicated to espionage is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).


One could argue that she did willfully engage in 'espionage' because, as the State Department IG pointed out, her IT tech had to shut her server down twice because it was being hacked. BY LAW she was required to report it - she didn't. By not doing so she broke the law.

Also, by doing so, at the least, she is guilty of 'gross negligence' under the Espionage Act, which does NOT require a 'willful' act!

Any way you cut, numerous times in numerous ways, this butch is GUILTY.
Because he feared it might be being hacked...there is no evidence it was, unlike the State Dept system, dupe.
Wow, nutter Franco complaining about right wing propaganda while he spews his left wing hate. Amazing he doesn't realize how stupid he looks.
And the string of total BS ''scandals'' goes on and on...The Pub Propaganda machine and the haters/dupes are a pure disgrace. Is Trump a dupe or a liar, anyway? lol

Hillary has been caught in so many lies but because she has a (D) next to her name, you and the the masses have been conditioned to throw any and all logic for a critical eye out the door and salute what the party tells you. You have no problem with a politically appointed Secretary of State a couple of heartbeats away from the Oval Office hosting and storing a private email server with State files and data that could compromise security of this Nation. That is a proven fact among you people.
Her server never hacked. State Dept was hacked. Total bs, dupe.

That's not what guciffer says.
How cute. You believe a felon and con man.
And another lying scumbag becomes a hater dupe hero.

You keep calling lies and dupes yet never provide validation. You must be relying on what lies between your ears.
Outside the GOP propaganda bubble, the rest of the world is aghast.

You know nothing about Cybersecurity. You keep exposing yourself. Worse, you can't validate.
You go with the Rumanian HS grad.felon/con man/prisoner, I'll go with real news media and the US justice system.
This threads still going on? You morons still believe you have to willfully commit espionage?


One has to actively engage in the activity for it to be espionage. It cannot be done passively. The intent is the crime.

The act of securing information of a military or political nature that a competing nation holds secret. It can involve the analysis of diplomatic reports, publications, statistics, and broadcasts, as well as spying, a clandestine activity carried out by an individual or individuals working under secret identity to gather classified information on behalf of another entity or nation. In the United States, the organization that heads most activities dedicated to espionage is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).


One could argue that she did willfully engage in 'espionage' because, as the State Department IG pointed out, her IT tech had to shut her server down twice because it was being hacked. BY LAW she was required to report it - she didn't. By not doing so she broke the law.

Also, by doing so, at the least, she is guilty of 'gross negligence' under the Espionage Act, which does NOT require a 'willful' act!

Any way you cut, numerous times in numerous ways, this butch is GUILTY.
Because he feared it might be being hacked...there is no evidence it was, unlike the State Dept system, dupe.
WRONG. The IG specifically stated a hacker WAS IN HER SERVER when he shut it down, TWICE. And they were STILL REQUIRED BY LAW to report it, even if the hacker had not gotten all the way in. Again, they did not do so - they BROKE THE LAW.
And another lying scumbag becomes a hater dupe hero.

You keep calling lies and dupes yet never provide validation. You must be relying on what lies between your ears.
Outside the GOP propaganda bubble, the rest of the world is aghast.

You know nothing about Cybersecurity. You keep exposing yourself. Worse, you can't validate.
You go with the Rumanian HS grad.felon/con man/prisoner, I'll go with real news media and the US justice system.

You cannot define real news media....., or, you are afraid.
This threads still going on? You morons still believe you have to willfully commit espionage?


One has to actively engage in the activity for it to be espionage. It cannot be done passively. The intent is the crime.

The act of securing information of a military or political nature that a competing nation holds secret. It can involve the analysis of diplomatic reports, publications, statistics, and broadcasts, as well as spying, a clandestine activity carried out by an individual or individuals working under secret identity to gather classified information on behalf of another entity or nation. In the United States, the organization that heads most activities dedicated to espionage is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).


One could argue that she did willfully engage in 'espionage' because, as the State Department IG pointed out, her IT tech had to shut her server down twice because it was being hacked. BY LAW she was required to report it - she didn't. By not doing so she broke the law.

Also, by doing so, at the least, she is guilty of 'gross negligence' under the Espionage Act, which does NOT require a 'willful' act!

Any way you cut, numerous times in numerous ways, this butch is GUILTY.
Because he feared it might be being hacked...there is no evidence it was, unlike the State Dept system, dupe.
WRONG. The IG specifically stated a hacker WAS IN HER SERVER when he shut it down, TWICE. And they were STILL REQUIRED BY LAW to report it, even if the hacker had not gotten all the way in. Again, they did not do so - they BROKE THE LAW.
BS, dupe. Link?
The link of the IG report has already been posted...several times. Look for it.
And another lying scumbag becomes a hater dupe hero.

You keep calling lies and dupes yet never provide validation. You must be relying on what lies between your ears.
Outside the GOP propaganda bubble, the rest of the world is aghast.

You know nothing about Cybersecurity. You keep exposing yourself. Worse, you can't validate.
You go with the Rumanian HS grad.felon/con man/prisoner, I'll go with real news media and the US justice system.

You cannot define real news media....., or, you are afraid.
Any modern world news media not bankrolled by a-hole GOP billionaires. IE Fox, Examiner, Rush, Beck, Levin, Breitbart, Heritage, etc etc. Duh.
So many W/O clearance had access to that secret info on that un-controlled server/computer, that seems like massive violation? In addition she copied and had emails stored at her lawyer. Maybe before attempt to wipe server info. FBI may have been able to re-create the disk drive? Finally, her IT guy email back up file still "missing"? Funny that.....

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