FBI Director “At Odds” With Obama and Jarret


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

This piece says Obama stood over Comey who was seated and asked him, “Whose side are you on?” The directorship and agency is supposed to be independent and nonpolitical. And when Comey was going to say something Jarret didn'g like, “she sent the attorney general to the public briefing.”

If true, this article speaks not only of the White House mindset but just how much power Jarret has in the administration.

Read more @ BREAKING: Obama/Jarrett Warn FBI Director Over Anti-Muslim Tone (UPDATED) - DCWhispers.com and be thankful we have just a few more days of a year of this stuff.

My personal opinion – this split may just be the push the FBI needs to back off the continued investigation into Clinton. How can that be? Knowing the enmity between the Clintons and the Obamas, Comey may shut it down to let the Hildabeast continue on her coronation parade to the Democrat nomination. On the other hand, it may just do the opposite and we could see indictments coming down during the early stages of the primaries – in effect killing her run for the presidency. We will see soon enough.
As I said in a thread....

It's a major red flag when you see military officers, police officers, sheriffs, and now the big wigs of the FBI and CIA coming out publicly against Obama.
As I said in a thread....

It's a major red flag when you see military officers, police officers, sheriffs, and now the big wigs of the FBI and CIA coming out publicly against Obama.
Obama didn't exactly make friends with the CIA either when he openly attacked them and revealed classified information. He'll be lucky if he doesn't leave the White House to find a noose waiting for him.
Nothing against you Longknife

but what is it with this Jarrett person? We didn't ELECT her to anything why are we suppose to care what she has to say?? And where does she get off acting like some bigwig who is in OUR GOVERNMENT? She's just some lowly Obama assistant and that's where she should stay. bowing and keeping her mouth shut
Nothing against you Longknife

but what is it with this Jarrett person? We didn't ELECT her to anything why are we suppose to care what she has to say?? And where does she get off acting like some bigwig who is in OUR GOVERNMENT? She's just some lowly Obama assistant and that's where she should stay. bowing and keeping her mouth shut

Because, that's the point! We didn't elect her to anything but she is probably the most powerful person in American politics. She controls who gets in to see Obama, sets his schedules to include the amount of time he spends at each, and generally sets the agenda for the entire administration.

Who approves Obama's speeches before they go onto the teleprompter?

That's why we need to know who she is.
Nothing against you Longknife

but what is it with this Jarrett person? We didn't ELECT her to anything why are we suppose to care what she has to say?? And where does she get off acting like some bigwig who is in OUR GOVERNMENT? She's just some lowly Obama assistant and that's where she should stay. bowing and keeping her mouth shut
True. Except of course when she's sucking on little Barry.
I've been wondering for some time what the intelligence community has to say about threats at this point.

You know they've done assessments, had to have. If they haven't WTF not.

Instead of facts and numbers generated by these people who have the best information, what we're getting are platitudes and logical fallacies from our President.

Tell us the truth about what the analysts think, not 'this is not what America stands for' blah, blah, blah they're afraid of widows and orphans, blah, blah, blah..

that is bullshit. lay the cards on the table and let the American people know what the real picture looks like.
Nothing against you Longknife

but what is it with this Jarrett person? We didn't ELECT her to anything why are we suppose to care what she has to say?? And where does she get off acting like some bigwig who is in OUR GOVERNMENT? She's just some lowly Obama assistant and that's where she should stay. bowing and keeping her mouth shut

Because, that's the point! We didn't elect her to anything but she is probably the most powerful person in American politics. She controls who gets in to see Obama, sets his schedules to include the amount of time he spends at each, and generally sets the agenda for the entire administration.

Who approves Obama's speeches before they go onto the teleprompter?

That's why we need to know who she is.
No, the real reason is the Right are all Alinskyites.

RULE 13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.
Nothing against you Longknife

but what is it with this Jarrett person? We didn't ELECT her to anything why are we suppose to care what she has to say?? And where does she get off acting like some bigwig who is in OUR GOVERNMENT? She's just some lowly Obama assistant and that's where she should stay. bowing and keeping her mouth shut

Because, that's the point! We didn't elect her to anything but she is probably the most powerful person in American politics. She controls who gets in to see Obama, sets his schedules to include the amount of time he spends at each, and generally sets the agenda for the entire administration.

Who approves Obama's speeches before they go onto the teleprompter?

That's why we need to know who she is.

I see your point. but they are reporting her as if she is someone running Our Government. when all she runs is her puppet Obama and gawd knows who is backing her in the shadows. I say Iran myself. but we know they are Muslims.
Wasn't coming down on you she just grates on me acting like someone we are suppose to listen to her opinion. And I can't stand her beady little eyes.

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